PoshCode Archive  All files named "Stop-ServiceandProcess.ps1"

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History for Stop-ServiceandProcess.ps1

Stop service and associated Pid. Sometimes homegrown win32 services has its Pid still terminating gracefully in the background for quite a while. This function allows to wait indefinitely, or after some time, kill the associated Pid. file: [e2474cc988] check-in: [3fc0cbc394] user: Daniel Cheng branch: trunk, size: 7649
Added: Stop service and associated Pid. Sometimes homegrown win32 services has its Pid still terminating gracefully in the background for quite a while. This function allows to wait indefinitely, or after some time, kill the associated Pid. file: [2fcfb3c06f] check-in: [cd1effcb8f] user: Daniel Cheng branch: trunk, size: 5519