PoshCode Archive  All files named "VM-Disk-Report.ps1"

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History for VM-Disk-Report.ps1

Gets all Virtual Machines, and exports a CSV that shows their virtual disk capacities and type. Used in this case for sizing a VCB temp disk. file: [802e56798b] check-in: [aebe59f3aa] user: jgrote branch: trunk, size: 1105
APCOBO016 file: [9fac77ff19] check-in: [c44bb2fa45] user: jgrote branch: trunk, size: 1714
Gets all Virtual Machines, and exports a CSV that shows their virtual disk capacities and type. Used in this case for sizing a VCB temp disk. file: [d9102c9218] check-in: [6b9bd5ea5a] user: jgrote branch: trunk, size: 1069
Added: Gets all Virtual Machines, and exports a CSV that shows their virtual disk capacities and type. Used in this case for sizing a VCB temp disk. file: [b916e3ae3d] check-in: [307cdfb3b7] user: unknown branch: trunk, size: 1080