PoshCode Archive  All files named "get-SQLInstanceInfo.ps1"

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History for get-SQLInstanceInfo.ps1

R.Vantrease – Function to return the following; DisplayName, Name, Clustered, InstanceID, FileVersion, Version, VirtualName(If Clustered), Instance, Port, ServiceState, ServiceAccount, Edition, AuditLevel, LoginMode, PhysicalMemory, Processors, Product, ProductLevel, MajorVersion, MinorVersion, Build, Release, NamedPipesEnabled) file: [e90b292823] check-in: [217b4649d5] user: Rich Vantrease branch: trunk, size: 4760
Function to return the following; DisplayName, Name, Clustered, InstanceID, FileVersion, Version, VirtualName(If Clustered), Instance, Port, ServiceState, ServiceAccount, Edition, AuditLevel, LoginMode, PhysicalMemory, Processors, Product, ProductLevel, MajorVersion, MinorVersion, Build, Release, NamedPipesEnabled) file: [d51483df49] check-in: [e6aab04b2c] user: Rich Vantrease branch: trunk, size: 4744
Added: Function to retrieve selected information about all SQL Server Instances on a given server. Will work remotely if the Server supports integrated security and the user has rights on the SQL Instance. file: [f1fb457a1b] check-in: [d1e253e998] user: Richard Vantreas branch: trunk, size: 6060