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91 check-ins using file get-windows-product-key.ps1 version 103a31261f

The Convert-MacAddress function takes a valid hex MAC address and converts it to another valid hex format. check-in: 971f341bc0 user: Rich Kusak tags: trunk
Get-ImageMetadata lets you access the EXIF, XMP and other metadata about image files … this should only be taken as an example and a reference, not for solid production work — in other words, I won’t take the blame if you zero out all your jpgs trying to modify this to ReadWrite instead of just Read :) check-in: 4ba9542161 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
How to add a SSL Certificate to IIS with Powershell as well as set the SSL Binding for the site that’s using the certificate. check-in: 896dff79e4 user: Brian H Madsen tags: trunk
The Get-Strings cmdlet returns strings (Ascii and/or Unicode) from a file. This cmdlet is useful for dumping strings from binary file and was designed to replicate the functionality of strings.exe from Sysinternals Suite. check-in: 5f8e7e31f2 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Read all group policies from the domain, read out individual settings, and make them filterable and sortable check-in: b65376391e user: Atamido tags: trunk
Script for total resize of all pictures in one or multiple directories. check-in: c3a2042924 user: Oleg Medvedev tags: trunk
Trying to decrypt files with the key, I need to know why I keep getting errors,If PowerShell gives me this error “WARNING: Exception calling “Close” with “0” argument(s): “Length of the data to decrypt is invalid” then the file wont decrypt no matter how many times I try. If it doesn’t give me the error then after 10 to 15 No’s if finally decrypts the file. Can someone please tell me what’s wrong with the script. check-in: 3984c68017 user: unknown tags: trunk
Creates a port monitor inside of Operations Manager 2007. Usage is SCOM-CreatePortMonitoring.ps1 -serverName:‘TargetServerName.contoso.com’ -portNumber:‘80’ -pollIntervalSeconds:‘120’ -watcherNodes:“watcher1.contoso.com”, “watcher2.contoso.com” -displayName:‘Test URL monitoring’ -targetMP:‘Port Monitoring MP’ check-in: 90eae585f2 user: Jeremy Pavleck tags: trunk
Revert to the last VMware snapshot with variables for Vvcenter and VM check-in: 306c0ee6b5 user: TXGUY tags: trunk
Enumerates all CPU related tasks (filters out null CPU times) with the following properties: check-in: aad46f5d90 user: internetrush1 tags: trunk
ISE-Lines module v 1.2 check-in: c6925e38d1 user: Scott Hardwick tags: trunk
This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: 92884fbcd8 user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk
This script is taking a file in .txt with the Hostnames or IPs and performs an update to the VM Tools Policy from manual to “Upgrade VMware Tools on Power cycle”. check-in: 6ad57b37ea user: anksoswordpress tags: trunk
A VI toolkit script to update all VM Guests on the selected hosts check-in: deb98dabee user: Brian English tags: trunk
This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: 0a4e8ac644 user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk
A script to do a query on a remote registry key or value (Fixed a bug in 2.0) check-in: 2a32305e85 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: f61f0d8a98 user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk
This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: 43a3d035ed user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk
This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: e93f579dd7 user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk
This is a module I create to make getting Office 365 account info a bit easier. check-in: 3f939d224c user: BoardWithLife tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: ed77278247 user: Ermias tags: trunk
Get a short url, using tiny-url api for shortening check-in: 2d5eb6e619 user: Alvaro Torres tags: trunk
A script to do a query on a remote registry key or value … check-in: 6b757ffc5a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Validates a username and password against Active Directory. Requires .NET 3.5 and PowerShell V2. check-in: efd0b16496 user: Mike Pfeiffer tags: trunk
All Group Policy Objects modified in the specified timespan are backup up to the specified backup path. check-in: 44ed6809be user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Found in my personal scripts archive (author: greg zakharov) check-in: 227603a829 user: Dana James tags: trunk
This script will help a user to batch connect multiple pst files in Microsoft Outlook (personal email archives). check-in: 0c24ff62f4 user: username tags: trunk
This script will help a user to batch connect multiple pst files in Microsoft Outlook (personal email archives). check-in: 4f69f84324 user: Jack Neff tags: trunk
Script for total resize of all pictures in one or multiple directories. check-in: 00eaa5fb3e user: Oleg Medvedev tags: trunk
Original post found at http://www.cyberforum.ru/post8436749.html check-in: f6a0f5492c user: govnyakha tags: trunk
Original post found at http://www.cyberforum.ru/post8436749.html check-in: 1f9105a56b user: govnyakha tags: trunk
Two functions, one that emulates the pause functionality from cmd.exe, and one that gives similar functionality to more.com. Out-More is especially useful if you’re doing something like “gc somefile.txt | Out-More” because it starts outputting text to the screen immediately instead of waiting for the entire file to be read, which is what happens if you do “gc somefile.txt | more”. Out-More can also be used for other objects besides. check-in: 6779b37977 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script is a simple one that is meant to be scheduled on a periodic basis (we do it weekly). It looks inthe OU where we put our disabled AD users and removes users that have not logged in (inactive) for 400 days. This allows us to keep terminated employees disabled users for over a year for auditing purposes, but automatically cleans them out once the annual scope has passed. check-in: 1b809d098b user: DrDrewl tags: trunk
Original post at http://www.cyberforum.ru/post8426907.html check-in: 4e16a2f366 user: govnyakha tags: trunk
Use this script to create Scrum issue labels for a GitHub repo. check-in: 433a432664 user: Ian Philpot tags: trunk
Use this script to create Scrum issue labels for a GitHub repo. check-in: 48bc477564 user: Ian Philpot tags: trunk
Example of elementary keylogger. check-in: f9ff234e5f user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_o=MHGRP_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=72cb2d01-aa16a82b-c1257648-2bcaae@MH.GRP check-in: b6e417f135 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Validates a username and password against Active Directory. Requires .NET 3.5 and PowerShell V2. check-in: 2cd9279fbd user: Mike Pfeiffer tags: trunk
The function hex2sid will convert HEX-represented SID string like 010500000000000515000000358A021A75B9755407E53B2B1EF10108 to SID string (also known as SSDL) check-in: fc0aecc32b user: Dormidont tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: 9bd637a0f2 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: 01e92f7fb0 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: 5eed33e685 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: c1ba3a1f4b user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: d6bb9ebd7d user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: b332d45dd8 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: 62e0a0023d user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: bc5a5bbd6a user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: ebfdee3271 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_o=MHGRP_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=f6feb9b4-e2216015-c12574e3-4f0fcd@MH.GRP check-in: 56aa08723e user: baraaa tags: trunk
Function to find organizational units linked to a given GPO check-in: fb98665a74 user: unknown tags: trunk
Makes use of Sysinternal’s psexec to get session data from qwinsta for both local and remote computers. check-in: 3882bf0153 user: hotsnoj tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_o=MHGRP_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=43e41419-4647a201-c1257e7e-63bb3e@MH.GRP check-in: 6f76242ab8 user: exchange tags: trunk
S:(ML;;NW;;;LW)D:(A;;0×120083;;;WD)(A;;0×120083;;;AC) check-in: 0c834df3aa user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
An update to the orignal Get-FileTail that replaces a specific int with a long to accommodate particularly large files. Original text: A PowerShell 2.0 function to do the equivalent of the ‘nix tail, including the continuous feature (tail -f). Notice this does not try to emulate the ‘nix command parameters, which never made sense to me. I’ll leave that to someone else. check-in: 6d7b9fa9ef user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
adapted from code by Kiron news://msnews.microsoft.com:119/FAEC38D1-62A8-47B1-A94E-A29A2CA4FE29microsoft.com check-in: 5507e982c1 user: unknown tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 584f30bc23 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
Invoke-RestMethod example check-in: afac8c43bf user: unknown tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=CONTOSO_OU=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=john+5Fjacob+2Esmith@contoso.com check-in: a21925203c user: Test1 tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 7b0bc8ab17 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Generic wrapper for the While statement that will execute a condition a given number of max tries, waiting a given number of seconds in between. check-in: 572b4af9bd user: unknown tags: trunk
More malware from http://undoacne(dot)xyz/dl.php check-in: 2d9bf3cccb user: madtomvane tags: trunk
I just want to rename the folder names in particular path where folder name starts with keep all characters by dropping if “12_” before the file name. I am able to rename it but not able to get log file for the following script. check-in: 909ba69e57 user: Srinu tags: trunk
Globalscape EFT Powershell module check-in: 19c9e827ba user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
This code makes a tiny game; You must dodge all digits that will go appearing in the Screen. Use the Left-Right Keys to move yourself. When the game starts and asks you to press Intro to start you can put some commands; check-in: 7c3a434bc3 user: JohnSinnes tags: trunk
This code makes a tiny game; You must dodge all digits that will go appearing in the Screen. Use the Left-Right Keys to move yourself. When the game starts and asks you to press Intro to start you can put some commands; check-in: 010fbedbca user: JohnSinnes tags: trunk
A couple of functions to suspend and resume applications (like what you do with Resource Monitor). check-in: 90eca69b61 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Rebuilds Windows Indexing on a remote PC check-in: 3f3670abbd user: Aphexenator tags: trunk
Test the Prompt features check-in: e4bbde3848 user: Anonymous tags: trunk
This script will remove all versions of java run-time, both 32-bit and 64-bit if the uninstall files in the bin folder of each version are present. If they are not then a version(s) could be left behind. We use this when a users system has it’s Java Run-time. When you have multiple versions of Java JRE installed in static mode and need to clear them up to level set and reinstall the new versions. No system restarts or log offs required. check-in: 9cf757209c user: John Delise tags: trunk
This function converts FSP’s to sAMAccountName’s check-in: e0fd8bf413 user: Jeff Patton tags: trunk
Sets the system primary DNS suffix by p-invoking the Win32 API. Returns true for success, false for failure. check-in: 8b044f1517 user: deepwaterdiver tags: trunk
This will recursively remove non-alphanumeric\decimal (via regex) characters from all folder and filenames. The decimals are left in tact for file extensions. check-in: 1368613a2d user: mjohnson tags: trunk
This will recursively remove non-alphanumeric\decimal (via regex) characters from all folder and filenames. The decimals are left in tact for file extensions. check-in: 5490060956 user: mjohnson tags: trunk
This will recursively remove non-alphanumeric\decimal (via regex) characters from all folder and filenames. The decimals are left in tact for file extensions. check-in: fdfaa15afb user: mjohnson tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 73b8b2efd9 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 340fdd8287 user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
This script uses /n Software’s NetCmdlets, specifically the cmdlet “send-ping”, to continually ping a host, and log to a file whenever connectivity is lost. check-in: 7f777d28b7 user: Jacob Saaby Nielsen tags: trunk
Script for checking servers current free disk space and highlighting drives with low free space check-in: cbaf7edbd1 user: Don Schaffrick tags: trunk
Used for migrating a users network printer connections from one server to another. Useful when migrating your printers to a new print server and need don’t want to make your users remap their printers manually. If deployed with SCCM make sure to set the package to run as the user and not SYSTEM. check-in: 3000a54c10 user: Tony Sathre tags: trunk
Convert and import from delimited text files. Includes two functions: Convert-Delimiter and Import-Delimited. check-in: 0002c48ded user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is my latest profile script … it contains many things specific to my setup, but they should all be available here on PoshCode.org check-in: 3f92a6f09d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Set environment variables stickily. check-in: 26a1fe0f1f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Turns on Maintenance Mode for a specific computer monitored by SCOM (System Center Operations Manager). Ensure that the OperationsManager module is available on the computer from which this script is executed. check-in: 0d49b6ccf3 user: Austin Greca tags: trunk
a proof in concept as to why posh rocks check-in: 1b9ed1923f user: unknown tags: trunk
I tweaked Greg Zakharov’s script to remove the flicker (don’t redraw the background between bars), and then optimized it to only draw what’s necessary… check-in: 6b4049168e user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Change the inheritance from parent with PowerShell check-in: 9adacce70a user: Vern Anderson tags: trunk
In order to use this module, you need the winscp .net framework: http://winscp.net/eng/docs/library check-in: e2d5b4356b user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
WinSCP wrapper module I created out of necessity that I put together through my own exploration of the objects and the WinSCP documentation/examples. check-in: 765373c654 user: BattleChicken tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 7a32cf2673 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: dbab564bc6 user: jirka tags: trunk