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12 check-ins using file Set-Computername.ps1 version 3b2837db89

PowerShell module that allows scripters to define argument transformation attributes in simple PowerShell syntax. This is an extension developed by beefarino of my ScriptTransform example at http://huddledmasses.org/more-custom-attributes-for-powershell-parameters/ and now supports re-defining transforms without restarting PowerShell. check-in: a861201ac2 user: beefarino tags: trunk
PowerShell module that allows scripters to define argument transformation attributes in simple PowerShell syntax. This is an extension of Joel’s ScriptTransform example at http://huddledmasses.org/more-custom-attributes-for-powershell-parameters/ check-in: 758cc56a5e user: beefarino tags: trunk
Based on functions in SQLPSX. SqlProxy.psm1 module is used for administering SQL Server logins, users, and roles. Designed to be used with PS Remoting. All actions audited to a custom Eventlog. See Write-SqlProxyLog for log setup details check-in: c4f4b42006 user: Chad Miller tags: trunk
Advanced function used to test UDP or TCP port/s on one or more systems to determine if it is open or not. check-in: f1dd34567e user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This is an overhaul of Jeffrey Snover’s original Start-Demo script … I’ve switched it to use ReadKey, which saves you some typing and makes the whole thing seem more natural when you’re demoing, (at least to me). I’ve also added a bunch of command-line options and a couple of features in the process (see the Revision History in the script). check-in: 4d71ed7ebb user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Because people keep asking questions on IRC where the answer seems obvious… check-in: a4eb383a85 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This will pull a list of computers from AD and copy a folder to that system. check-in: e11c820729 user: HughS tags: trunk
This is a sample script to read emails from an Inbox using Exchange Web Services. The code is a basic port of the C# found here: http://omegacoder.com/?p=454. The EWS SDK is a dependency: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=c3342fb3-fbcc-4127-becf-872c746840e1 check-in: bf393d68fc user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Adapted from New-LinkedClone.ps1 from Hal Rottenberg. This version takes a third parameter called SnapName that allows a user to statically assign the snapshot that the clone should be built from. check-in: 6b163ec490 user: Cameron Smith tags: trunk
Posting on behalf of James Brundage of http://blog.start-automating.com/. Here’s his quote from email: check-in: f12809edd9 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Deploys a file to a list of computers pulled from AD and creates a shortcut on each users desktop. check-in: 8b2f7e69c3 user: HughS tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 32f2181385 user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk