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6 check-ins using file Saturated-arithmetic.ps1 version 5c2f9f5df6

This script refreshes a mirrored database. More details at http://sqldbawithabeard.com check-in: 2ba5bfd054 user: Rob Sewell http tags: trunk
Refreshes an Availability group database from a backup taken from a Load Server check-in: 8327949223 user: Rob Sewell http tags: trunk
A function to rename a computer check-in: 4b6f9b217e user: Gerald Klassen tags: trunk
Get-WifiNetwork – return the parsed output of netsh wlan show network mode=bssid in psobject form. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Requires Vista/2008 or higher, or XP SP3 with a hotfix (I can’t recall which one, sorry.) check-in: 3d5cbec8e7 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Get-WifiNetwork – return the parsed output of netsh wlan show network mode=bssid in psobject form. Does exactly what it says on the tin. Requires Vista/2008 or higher, or XP SP3 with a hotfix (I can’t recall which one, sorry.) check-in: debab2fd51 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Saturated addition and casting from numeric types to integer types using clamping to handle overflows. check-in: e0cb48c94a user: Public Domain tags: trunk