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29 check-ins using file Scratchfolder-creation.ps1 version b4ffdf7c42

Get-GitInfoForDirectory Function – Git repo folder info gather function to Display Git Repo Status and Branch in the PowerShell Prompt. – Add Function to your Profile Script, and call from within the Prompt Function – Must have Git For Windows installed and its install directory added to the PATH check-in: 560d212c57 user: JayDeuce tags: trunk
Publish a module to a local folder to get the .nupkg check-in: 6886848554 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
test66 check-in: f951cdb645 user: jeffry tags: trunk
JEFFTEST check-in: bad0f5ec41 user: jeff3 tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_o=First+20Organization_ou=Exchange+20Administrative+20Group+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_cn=Recipients_cn=user09045337@glueck.local check-in: 7232bb385f user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Guesses the gender of a first name. Uses BabyNameAddicts.com, and works with most common names (not just anglo) ... check-in: e9eb1c0788 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Logoff all disconnected local users, inspired by this: http://poshcode.org/3285 check-in: 3837384533 user: LogOffUsers tags: trunk
Logoff all disconnected local users, inspired by this: http://poshcode.org/3285 check-in: b4d9f6178a user: unknown tags: trunk
kills trustedinstaller check-in: 1c498e0039 user: LunaHex tags: trunk
Using netsh.exe to loop through each WLAN on the system and export the settings to the user-provided output-file. check-in: b96c400154 user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
The script is intended for process end on any computer in a local area network. Class WMI is used. The rights of the manager to the local area network computer are necessary. check-in: 43812e20dc user: Angel-Keeper tags: trunk
I found this PowerShell Form Builder at TechNet (author: Z.Alex.) I made some very minor changes/modifications to suit my own personal preferences and to clean up some annoying output. It is sparse (an advantage in my view) and should take less than 10 minutes to learn the usage. check-in: 5f14ab77de user: Vince Ypma tags: trunk
I found this PowerShell Form Builder at TechNet (author: Z.Alex.) I made some very minor changes/modifications to suit my own personal preferences and to clean up some annoying output. It is sparse (an advantage in my view) and should take less than 10 minutes to learn the usage. check-in: 56fcc8ea60 user: Vince Ypma tags: trunk
Will alert on failed pings and again when recovered. check-in: 1b22b5ff3b user: themoblin tags: trunk
This script will list all User objects in the current Active Directory domain. The data gathered includes Display Name, Username, Last Logon Date, and Disabled Status. All data is exported to a CSV file. check-in: 0e64006993 user: AlphaSun tags: trunk
We have multiple domains. I added this function to my profile for each of our domains to easily connect to them using Quest ActiveRoles Management Shell for Active Directory. The function kicks you into a nested prompt to work in the domain that you connect to and lets you exit back out. It also modifies your foregroundcolor so you remember that you’re in a nested prompt. check-in: a4093c7f0f user: unknown tags: trunk
Function that return the console output of all running amazon instances check-in: d1658007cf user: unknown tags: trunk
Enables BitLocker on the OS drive. If BitLocker has already been enabled, extracts the recovery key if there is one present. check-in: 06050e32a2 user: Colin Squier tags: trunk
I initially wrote this ASCII art character script to be used with a modified version of PowerBot 2.0 (ID 2510 on poshcode). It outputs ASCII art letters from what you supply as a parameter (if the characters are supported). Either to STDOUT with Write-Host (colors are supported) or to the pipeline. It’s useless without the XML that’s found at powershelladmin.com. The full article is in my wiki: http://www.powershelladmin.com/wiki/Ascii_art_characters_powershell_script check-in: 5bc4ce7f2e user: Joakim Svendsen, Svendsen Tech tags: trunk
My first contribution. I am crazily thinking of doing a “Powershell Only” day. The first task is to figure out how to manipulate Outlook through PowerShell. The submitted script hits my Outlook inbox and goes through the inbox and each subfolder and retrieves the unread emails from it. It then goes through my task list and gets all the incomplete tasks. This was my first time using a status bar and definitely the first for making anything outside the scripting games public. I’d hate to get finished with the Outlook “module” and find out I could have saved myself a lot of time, so I through the script as it is now on the mercy of the court. Proceed with your red pens… check-in: 502ef1c4d6 user: support tags: trunk
My first contribution. I am crazily thinking of doing a “Powershell Only” day. The first task is to figure out how to manipulate Outlook through PowerShell. The submitted script hits my Outlook inbox and goes through the inbox and each subfolder and retrieves the unread emails from it. It then goes through my task list and gets all the incomplete tasks. This was my first time using a status bar and definitely the first for making anything outside the scripting games public. I’d hate to get finished with the Outlook “module” and find out I could have saved myself a lot of time, so I through the script as it is now on the mercy of the court. Proceed with your red pens… check-in: e5c0d022b7 user: chris seiter tags: trunk
This is a very meaningless demo showing how to get and work with a html document in parsed form. The actual script gets a html-table from www.apk.se (listing cheap alcohol in sweden) and parses and converts that to a object and hands that of to the pipe. check-in: c141a9dc00 user: Daniel Srlv tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using CTP2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: d9a613f091 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: 60aee5b2e1 user: tst-wms-print-00 tags: trunk
Print the hostname of the system. Complete with v2 comment-based help, but works fine on v1. check-in: 98e454c027 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
Script for total resize of all pictures in one or multiple directories. check-in: 53d24716b3 user: Oleg Medvedev tags: trunk
Check and md5 or sha1 hash in a “single line” of PowerShell. check-in: 3fa7cc4ca6 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Connect to an exchange mailbox and get your latest emails. check-in: d4b07d72b1 user: George Mauer tags: trunk
Script creates unique scratch folders on the provided datastore for all ESXi hosts in csv file and sets the advanced host settings to correspond to this location. check-in: 4c999c28b3 user: Kimberly Anne A tags: trunk