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200 most recent check-ins using file Write-Log.ps1 version f0a79614af

Script will help discover any service accounts that are currently being used. I have been using this script for about a month in production. While your mileage may vary this script is strictly read only, thus -confirm, and -whatif are not supported. check-in: 90ec2cce8b user: Glenn Sizemore gesize tags: trunk
This cmdlet retrieves weather forcasts from SMHI (Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) through their API. (See: http://www.smhi.se/klimatdata/Oppna-data for information in swedish). check-in: c8a6a243a6 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Function Add-Counter (adds Count NoteProperty to pipeline input to keep a running row count for display); sample usage: check-in: 84cbfb14a3 user: BillBarry tags: trunk
This is an updated version of the home automation module. The main difference is that some output is removed (no news is good news…) if “-Verbose” is not used and that it has a separate cmdlet for connecting to Telldus Live! (Connect-TelldusLive) which uses a PSCredential. check-in: d4bf2990e5 user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Why I did not use $env:windir\Assembly for accessing to GAC? Good question. I’m sure that the best way to get GAC path is extraction it from Evidence from some loaded assembly in current domain. check-in: 66da75a8cb user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
original filename: lib-authentication.ps1 check-in: b85029ba7c user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
Specify target host and root directory. The script will then recursively check for all folders and report on their NTFS permissions. check-in: c562659f99 user: vidrine tags: trunk
Sacamos informacin de los usuarios de la infraestructura. check-in: 5f0bfee4e7 user: Pedro Genil tags: trunk
This script will compare the names of the people you follow on Twitter and the people following you. It returns a comparison object consisting of the Twitter name of a subject and a side indicator – “<=” means that you are following a subject who is not following you, “=>” means that you are followed by someone who you are not following. check-in: c63024319e user: Steven Murawski tags: trunk
This demo shows how to highlight text in RichTextBox with Dictionary<string, color>. Tested on PowerShell v2 check-in: 66e25f4826 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 06a097b47f user: echosmith tags: trunk
This scConvertTo-Hex S-1-5-21-357043131-537017027-1947940980-1289ript will convert a security identifier (SID) in string format to its hexadecimal equivalent. e.g. check-in: c82f66638e user: S-1-5-21-2398571 tags: trunk
Checking file if it has been packed with something like UPX. check-in: d4a6da4fe0 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
The script below has 3 different components & was designed for use by our Service Desk. When a user is terminated, the script will remove them from Lync, remove all mailbox information (forwarding rules etc) in Exchange 2010, disable Ad object, remove group membership & move to “Disabled Users” OU. check-in: eb75d18dc4 user: David Woods tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: c3dc848103 user: echosmith tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=GLOBAL+20COMMUNICATION+20NETWORK_OU=LATAM+20-+20AG_cn=Recipients_cn=andrea02svlc@gcn.local check-in: 24df3e1189 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
COMMENT: check-in: e67b38545e user: Stephen Wheet tags: trunk
From my profile. Uploads given text to Pastebin, and either puts the URL of the new paste into the system clipboard, or (by passing a switch) opens the new paste in your default browser. Allows you to slect visibility, language, and expiration time (defaults to Unlisted, Nothing, and 1 Day). Requires you to provide a valid PasteBin Developer Key in a script variable. check-in: ea23651066 user: Matthew Sessions tags: trunk
This function retrieves the (Unicode) text from the clipboard. check-in: 7b273f8066 user: Matthew Sessions tags: trunk
Build a SQL Server connection string by specifying its parameters. check-in: 09f043eaf6 user: Paulo Morgado tags: trunk
Converts objects properties into key-value hashtable check-in: 9d83b3142b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout, and allows for paramaterized queries and more! check-in: a1ed699810 user: RCookieMonster tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 84eb110249 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
basic disk report tool that generates an excel report. check-in: 85f7165efe user: archpy tags: trunk
Modeled after SQL Server 2008 Invoke-Sqlcmd, but fixes bug in QueryTimeout, and allows for paramaterized queries and more! check-in: 0bbc44a8ae user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
$check.installed not refreshed after feature instlled check-in: bec366f299 user: unknown tags: trunk
Convert and import from delimited text files. Includes two functions: Convert-Delimiter and Import-Delimited. check-in: c96dc15213 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The simplest logger. In your script just import-module Logger and debug, verbose, warnings and errors are logged to file. check-in: 920f3bb520 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Sets properties for a given user local username. check-in: a2ef3b9eaa user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
Powershell script to get Certificate information for all the AD, For this you need AD user list in TXT file and save them. check-in: 21d6030fd5 user: Ravig tags: trunk
Powershell script to get Certificate information for all the AD, For this you need AD user list in TXT file and save them. check-in: 0fc59c2b8c user: unknown tags: trunk
Powershell script to get Certificate information for all the AD, For this you need AD user list in TXT file and save them. check-in: 915d2f7226 user: unknown tags: trunk
CredSSP is a security provider to help delegate credentials from a client computer to a target computer. In PowerShell, we can use CredSSP to overcome the double-hop authentication problem. Getting the current CredSSP configuration settings for client and target computer is a bit of a pain, though. My function Get-WSManCredSSPConfiguration helps with gathering the current CredSSP configuration on both local and target computers. check-in: 2e297838ee user: Victor Vogelpoel tags: trunk
This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or ALT+R) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStar.99k.org) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script. check-in: cf8d187de9 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
This function should be included in the PowerShell ISE profile.ps1 and it will display the start and end times of any scripts started clicking ‘Run Script’ (or ALT+R) in the Add-ons Menu; additionally they will be logged to the Scripts Event Log (which needs creating first) and also to a text log file. This defaults to that created by the Windows Script Monitor Service (available from www.SeaStarDevelopment.Bravehost.com) which normally indicates the full command line used to start each script. check-in: 9b335a75e5 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
This script will trap events such as USB insertion, file changes, registry key check-in: 7ef9878999 user: Archdeacon tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 5a4f9cceb2 user: binauralz tags: trunk
This script performs OpenLdap query against specified Server. check-in: a77d94174a user: BSonPosh tags: trunk
another way to retrieve mime type check-in: 79170cebab user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 16e63c5b9e user: unknown tags: trunk
PowerShell script to installs Firefox add-ons (extensions) check-in: 46fb716614 user: Scott Copus tags: trunk
This function sets the access rights on properties of AD-groups. Used to delegate access on one group to another. In my case used to delegate the accessgroup of a shared mailbox in Office 365 to another group which contains the owners. This enables them to control the members of the access group through a powershell form. check-in: 529b62738e user: DollarUnderscore tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using CTP2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 99e7ce6f1d user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Basic script that gets mac addresses (NetBIOS table) from a list of remote hosts. check-in: cbd8a8d482 user: Qodosh tags: trunk
Basic script that gets mac addresses (NetBIOS table) from a list of remote hosts. check-in: bec0449e8f user: Qodosh tags: trunk
Quickly create a JPG barchart of VMware stats which can be adjusted in the variables, Office components will be needed. For more examples and comments please check http://teckinfo.blogspot.com check-in: 1854817900 user: alanrenouf tags: trunk
This code can be added to an AWS instance to set the default password of an EC2 instance. It stops the need for using keys to set the windows password. It needs to be set in the “User Data” section when building the Instance. check-in: c4035a952a user: AdrianWoodrup tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 6c9aa94814 user: unknown tags: trunk
Get’s FC adapter WWN’s listed per vendor of ESXi hosts per Cluster check-in: 3a49199eba user: Leon Scheltema tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 49dc55e312 user: 1231507051321 tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 6f65cc172d user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=FIRSTCAPITALREALTY_OU=First+20Administrative+20Group_cn=Recipients_cn=nancy+2Ebrooks@FirstCapitalRealty.ca check-in: b08a59222d user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
This doesn’t work any longer – Twitter has retired the v1 API. check-in: 8aa599e229 user: ReviewNursing tags: trunk
Wait function to pause a script loop until the number of sVmotions is below the specified number. For VMware, but easy to convert I would think. check-in: 703bfba685 user: monahancj tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper, requires PInvoke and I wrote it using CTP2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: e7a5f102cb user: unknown tags: trunk
This function will return all the parameters defined in a param() portion of a script as well as any default values, variable type information, HelpMessage text, ValidateSet items, and mandatory settings if present. check-in: 0e71e8f5b7 user: Zachary Loeber tags: trunk
Tested on Exchange 2010 check-in: a3d9157c6a user: themoblin tags: trunk
From gregs repository on github. Plugin for wmiexplorer (copy this file into “Plugins” folder in $PSScriptRoot directory) check-in: 7d0bbaa04c user: Janny tags: trunk
From gregs repository on github. check-in: 3a949b9c5a user: Janny tags: trunk
I found it [here](https://github.com/gregzakharov/X/blob/master/ProductKey/source.cpp) and it works. check-in: d36f194d3e user: bO_obleak tags: trunk
quick hard coded script for uploading a file to an ftp server. check-in: ebb80f67d4 user: cofgis tags: trunk
Enables SNMP via Add-WindowsFeature (If not already enabled) check-in: 21ab60b14d user: St3v3o tags: trunk
This is a simple script to get the number of physical drive, their type and Storage on remoter computers check-in: 71a357d938 user: Ravig tags: trunk
This is a simple script to get the number of physical drive, their type and Storage on remoter computers check-in: 77bc4303a2 user: unknown tags: trunk
Download all images from privately shared Google Picasa web album in full resolution Version 1.1 check-in: 7b44139642 user: Parul Jain paruljain tags: trunk
From gregs repository on github. check-in: 8252bddeb0 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
From gregs repository on github. check-in: 0016326332 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
From gregs repository on github. check-in: a97e59fc07 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
From gregs repository on github. check-in: 06dbbffe33 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
From greg’s repository on github. check-in: 38412d73b8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
retrieves local administrators of a maschine using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement via Well-known security identifiers check-in: 8295bbfaef user: Carsten Kr tags: trunk
retrieves local administrators of a maschine using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement via Well-known security identifiers check-in: c1f98d8cf4 user: Carsten Kr tags: trunk
From SAPIEN blog post by Jeff Hicks: http://blog.sapien.com/index.php/2008/07/28/searching-word/ check-in: d69d0d4338 user: halr9000 tags: trunk
retrieves local administrators of a maschine using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement via Well-known security identifiers check-in: 7cc2e15824 user: Carsten Kr tags: trunk
retrieves local administrators of a maschine using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement via Well-known security identifiers check-in: 9464f1fe34 user: unknown tags: trunk
retrieves local administrators of a maschine using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement via Well-known security identifiers check-in: 8a4f9ad633 user: unknown tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 6431f24a16 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
Download all images from privately shared Google Picasa web album in full resolution check-in: 9d30d109f6 user: Parul Jain paruljain tags: trunk
retrieves local administrators of a maschine using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement via Well-known security identifiers check-in: 928491e144 user: unknown tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: f2ac0bdcc5 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
IMCEAEX-_O=SGMDC08_OU=EXCHANGE+20ADMINISTRATIVE+20GROUP+20+28FYDIBOHF23SPDLT+29_CN=RECIPIENTS_CN=User5bc47bfd@sigma.net.tr check-in: acc549ad07 user: IMMTZ tags: trunk
Pseudocode solution suggestion on sqlsetup parameter automation check-in: e334f8b9cd user: Daniel Sorlov tags: trunk
A simplistic way to parse an HTML table into objects check-in: 1a8d70a38a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This is not my script, author is greg zakharov. I found this script very useful for me. check-in: 659d0c5131 user: kakto_Oz tags: trunk
Uses QAD cmdlets to retrieve distribution list restriction attributes and then provides a list of users which can send email messages to the group. check-in: f385a01ad8 user: Dmitry Sotnikov tags: trunk
ethicshotline@navarre.com,ethicshotline@speedcommerce.com check-in: 13d3c56436 user: Ermias tags: trunk
New-ZipFile and Expand-ZipFile — two functions for zipping and unzipping the way I like doing it… check-in: 1bda0cea17 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
since this post i’m out on github :) check-in: 5f0313b434 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This file was uploaded by a PowerGUI Script Editor Add-on. check-in: 5d5b2262d6 user: Kirk Munro tags: trunk
WMIExplorer screenshots (launched on WinXP – http://savepic.org/4970354.jpg and http://savepic.org/4957042.jpg) check-in: 43addfdc9a user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This will send an SNMP trap to the specified manager (hostname). The script isn’t very flexible, but it’s a good example of how to build traps using SharpSNMPLib. External requirementss: check-in: 70a2ccfd4b user: halr9000 tags: trunk
This is the PowerShell 2.0 -only continuation of my Growl module — redesigned as a proper “module” that can be used by (many) other scripts. check-in: 8a3b6976e4 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Dynamically creates a return of whatever type of file / directory is given. Covers CSV’s txt, log, or other Get-Content related files. check-in: a563549641 user: internetrush tags: trunk
Just a simple function to show how to query Office 365 via powershell check-in: cf0bf71c7e user: Jeremy D Pavleck tags: trunk
shows results of a command in different command shell window check-in: 9c90e85bc4 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Prints full path for each file in a directory check-in: fd195d3e59 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Just an idea for how to handle web requests in PowerShell check-in: 89d0871466 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Put and get large files to and from a Hadoop cluster check-in: 9690d13436 user: Parul Jain tags: trunk
This is the PowerShell 2.0 -only continuation of my Growl module — redesigned as a proper “module” that can be used by (many) other scripts. check-in: e24309a007 user: Franck tags: trunk
A simple datastorage module for the #PowerShell IRC bot which serves as a simple example of how to use Beefarino’s SQLite Provider check-in: 190ba8c6e9 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
GPO replication status across Domain Controller. check-in: a8bd44247c user: Manuel TOUSSAINT tags: trunk
Simple function that executes a command (stored procedure) against an SQL database. check-in: ed59b3fe3c user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
A function to return the Abuse Email address from arin.net with IPv6 support. check-in: 2c9d196090 user: Josh Wortz tags: trunk
A function to return the Abuse Email address from arin.net. check-in: be25e9a74b user: Josh Wortz tags: trunk
something like sigcheck check-in: dd05f111e1 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This is a very meaningless demo showing how to get and work with a html document in parsed form. The actual script gets a html-table from www.apk.se (listing cheap alcohol in sweden) and parses and converts that to a object and hands that of to the pipe. check-in: 5878202585 user: Daniel Srlv tags: trunk
A simple example of how to use Beefarino’s SQLite Provider check-in: 73561999ea user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
incompleted check-in: 7e53d2874c user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
hey guys. why you duplicate ugly code for retrieving product key? everything can be done much easier. check-in: d977d38fd2 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
imitates sysinternals sdelete tool check-in: a79390c17a user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Simple function that executes a command (stored procedure) against an SQL database. check-in: 2da2a60210 user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
A function to return the Abuse Email address from arin.net. check-in: d1df1b98c0 user: unknown tags: trunk
I initially wrote this ASCII art character script to be used with a modified version of PowerBot 2.0 (ID 2510 on poshcode). It outputs ASCII art letters from what you supply as a parameter (if the characters are supported). Either to STDOUT with Write-Host (colors are supported) or to the pipeline. It’s useless without the XML that’s found at powershelladmin.com. The full article is in my wiki: http://www.powershelladmin.com/wiki/Ascii_art_characters_powershell_script check-in: e1eec057e8 user: Joakim Svendsen, Svendsen Tech tags: trunk
This script takes the output from the “ls vdisk full xml > vdisks.xml” HP EVA/P6000 and parses it into a form that can be imported into XML for reporting purposes. check-in: 1747c8d7ad user: jgrote tags: trunk
Simple function that executes a command (stored procedure) against an SQL database. check-in: 84bea84b6c user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
Measure-ScriptCode calculates some code metrics like the number of lines-of-code, comments, functions from script or module files it is fed. The script is PowerShell 3 or later only because of use of AST (Abstract Syntax Tree). check-in: f69f9e2c20 user: Victor Vogelpoel tags: trunk
A simple function for connecting a UNC path to a specified Windows drive letter. Some other things I’d like to see added: check-in: 51ade8f40e user: mtown_nerd tags: trunk
A couple of helper functions to make comparing things easier… check-in: 2f63b3d0f5 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Made some improvements check-in: 2bf9f18b5d user: tysonkopczynski tags: trunk
Get-PEManifest and Get-PEHeader some fixes check-in: b1690196bf user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
This PowerShell Script will compare all of the files in the same directory on two or more different computers. It will compute the MD5 hash of a file and use that to compare check-in: 375b250ede user: Brian tags: trunk
Simple function that returns the UNC path (administrative share) of a local path. check-in: 9eef76be4b user: dragonmc77 tags: trunk
This is script will first ask for a computername and then will scan the Win32_UserProfile WMI class and present the user with all of the possible user profiles to remove. After the profile has been deleted, the user has a choice to continue to remove another profile or quit. This script will only work against Vista and above client OS’s and Window 2008 and above server OS’s, but can be ran from any OS that has PowerShell installed. check-in: 4de0ca1967 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This is script will first ask for a computername and then will scan the Win32_UserProfile WMI class and present the user with all of the possible user profiles to remove. After the profile has been deleted, the user has a choice to continue to remove another profile or quit. This script will only work against Vista and above client OS’s and Window 2008 and above server OS’s, but can be ran from any OS that has PowerShell installed. check-in: ec2d00a07c user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
This is script will first ask for a computername and then will scan the Win32_UserProfile WMI class and present the user with all of the possible user profiles to remove. After the profile has been deleted, the user has a choice to continue to remove another profile or quit. This script will only work against Vista and above client OS’s and Window 2008 and above server OS’s, but can be ran from any OS that has PowerShell installed. check-in: a719ef66a6 user: Boe Prox tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 0a23b15d50 user: Lee Holmes tags: trunk
The infamous ellipsis function lets you pick out a single property, rather like using Select -Expand … except it runs in about 2/3 the time. check-in: 022e2706c2 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Returns the corresponding device path for each drive letter check-in: 3dff6bd2a6 user: Matthew Graeber tags: trunk
first fix for Expand-PEInfo (http://poshcode.org/4764) check-in: 6fe1874394 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
this is just a preliminary version check-in: 142817f06e user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Inspired from http://www.vtesseract.com/post/16203019395/more-powershell-fun-star-wars check-in: f82436d310 user: James Vahanian tags: trunk
this is simplest (and correct) way to dump mainifest of PE check-in: 79103eabd4 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
i’m continuing to experiment with powershell :) check-in: 71f0009e5e user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
New-TypeAlias, Get-TypeAlias functions for adding and querying type accelerators. Compatible with powershell 3.0, 4.0 check-in: dea9c45290 user: Oisin Grehan tags: trunk
Set applications/windows on hide of TeamViewer windows check-in: 68b76c4cc8 user: quay776 tags: trunk
This script will take a Twitter User’s Screen name and get their RSS feed of posts check-in: 09243643ea user: CrazyDave tags: trunk
- NOTES check-in: f98a699723 user: ChristopheCREMON tags: trunk
I use this script to delete shadow copies older than 30 days from our file and print servers. I have it installed on Server 2012 Core Servers. check-in: a09f029b70 user: Wayne Johnson tags: trunk
Actually, this is only an idea and I’m not sure that it’ll be useful because I usually use Sysinternals ProcDump tool (hello, Mark!) check-in: 20e676ff03 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
original filename: lib-authentication.ps1 check-in: e2023ec2ed user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
Demo of different ways to split a text into lines. Sorry I have not yet another nice way to post code in my blog. http://pauerschell.blogspot.com/. Understanding TextToLines splitting is basic to ISE-Extensions. check-in: e1bb6f2efe user: Bernd Kriszio tags: trunk
Set applications/windows on hide of TeamViewer windows check-in: d0b8dd1621 user: Shay Levy tags: trunk
This script will create an inventory of all guests in the target Virtual Center and then create a csv check-in: 5b98ab38ae user: Omarr tags: trunk
This script will create an inventory of all guests in the target Virtual Center and then create a csv check-in: ae42e0d0ab user: Omarr tags: trunk
previous version of this script just builds a graph of processor utilization into powershell host, but how about something more dynamic and customizable, mmm? so i rewrote my Get-ProcessorGraph function. check-in: d6d609b625 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
original filename: lib-authentication.ps1 check-in: c89bc58cea user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
Updates group policy on remote domain computer,(Can be modified easily to include all computers or a list.). I wrote this for our field techs, simple but useful. check-in: 792893327c user: Johnny Reel tags: trunk
This script uses the Cisco IPSEC VPN client to connect to a VPN gateway and immediately RDP to a device. check-in: 303d53c441 user: Adam Bertram tags: trunk
Get and Set-WriteFilter to manage embedded write filters remotely check-in: 744eca7b5c user: Adam Bertram tags: trunk
original filename: lib-authentication.ps1 check-in: e821cc786e user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
how can we zip and upload a file to a FTP cloud through powershell? check-in: 720525cacb user: Stephen Price tags: trunk
original filename: lib-authentication.ps1 check-in: 46afe2a334 user: Hal Rottenberg tags: trunk
Example of elementary keylogger. check-in: c36d8b80b9 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
My command prompt, as always. I leave this in a separate script file and invoke it from my profile. That way I can RE-invoke it to reset my prompt if I have to mess with it for some reason. check-in: 416de07688 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
The Division check-in: eb540d6a78 user: 098Hill tags: trunk
Basic streaming binary hex dump viewer in powershell. check-in: e8f287e367 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Screenshot at http://savepic.org/4840591.jpg check-in: 0293dbd688 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Script to put several machines into maintenance mode on your OpsMgr2012 instance. check-in: 6330b2c6f7 user: NinjaTechie tags: trunk
Powershell really needs lexical variables and automatic lexical closures. ScriptBlock.GetNewClosure is a heavyweight hack (it captures the entire scope chain every time you call it) around lexical variable capture so here is a lighter weight hack. check-in: c44c0c23f6 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
Shows CPU utilization till $host height size check-in: bd961cb63f user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Retrives USB devices from HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USBSTOR check-in: 8ef0b0553a user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
retrieve the windows product key of a specified machine using WMI check-in: b32e99f0e1 user: karl prosser tags: trunk
Creates copy of existing group in Active Direcory domain with members and other properties. check-in: faabff79f3 user: Dalibor Zacek tags: trunk
This script queries WMI to find basic monitor size information. It then performs some math on these attributes to come up with the size of all monitors attached to a local or remote device. check-in: a213a38bcb user: Adam Bertram tags: trunk
If you’re a developer, installation packager or a ConfigMgr admin this script can be used to convert a product code to a GUID. This comes in handy when reverse engineering product installations. check-in: 42f135c149 user: Adam Bertram tags: trunk
Quickly pull files copied and size from robocopy log summary check-in: b4f2b15414 user: Steele Stenger tags: trunk
Automatically refreshes a webpage. Only works in Internet Explorer…sorry. check-in: bd21468b86 user: Jack Neff tags: trunk
A simple function that returns where a remote Windows device is a thin client or a desktop. check-in: 99f4d20439 user: Adam Bertram tags: trunk
The following changes were made: check-in: 9561578689 user: Peter Kriegel tags: trunk
This script queries the entire forest and a) dumps all GPO names with last modified and GUID to \All_GPOs and b) Compares the current run check-in: 9090946b30 user: Agnostracised tags: trunk
Enumerates mailbox folder permissions for all folders in all mailboxes check-in: 538d7fa8b9 user: themoblin tags: trunk
Output text to a new PowerPoint slide check-in: 9433b3cb08 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Port of Chris Veness’ JavaScript AES CTR (AES Counter Mode) Aes.Ctr.decrypt to PowerShell. It will decrypt text encrypted with the Aes.Ctr.encrypt function from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/aes.html which is used by many websites. .NET doesn’t support AES CTR mode natively so you have to do it manually with a little fudging. check-in: 269f2a17e3 user: Public Domain tags: trunk
A concept for testing PowerShell’s regular expressions. See http://forum.script-coding.com/viewtopic.php?id=8973 for details. check-in: 34455db61c user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Add new smtp address from csv and set new address primary check-in: b7276b7b77 user: unknown tags: trunk
script to wrap arround mstsc.exe and start multiple rdp sesions in one command check-in: 40444098bc user: AllanData tags: trunk
Sets properties for a given user local username. check-in: a0772d30e5 user: Andy Arismendi tags: trunk
From Windows PowerShell Cookbook (O’Reilly) by Lee Holmes check-in: 3ee41d4542 user: xxxxxx tags: trunk
Added “lazy” filter – Ctrl+F (just input one char at a time) and query tool (experimental feature)/See screenshots for the details http://savepic.org/4767656.jpg and http://savepic.org/4755368.jpg check-in: fff3e2e5c8 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Simple one liner that emails the status of a service(s) to a recipient. check-in: 8ab9f5ab7e user: Johnny Reel tags: trunk
Migrates users settings roaming profiles and home directories to another server. check-in: 3d9f9f72a7 user: themoblin tags: trunk
forthebetterr check-in: fe70f4e236 user: forthebetterr tags: trunk
The Division check-in: cee47d7aef user: 098Hill tags: trunk
When moving very large mailboxes, the connection can time out. check-in: 4c76fa95f3 user: dethompson71 tags: trunk
VERSION 1.4 — The default cert setting must be put in an external .PSD1 file! check-in: cc78b0b6b8 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Fixed issues with namespaces/Methods and properties of classes now are placed at one ListView for quick navigation/Now it do not use Get-WmiObject cmdlet to access wmi objects/See screenshot at http://savepic.org/4765709.jpg check-in: 900fbb670b user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Invoke generic method definitions (including static methods) from PowerShell. check-in: 9e80060b0f user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Using netsh.exe to loop through each WLAN on the system and export the settings to the user-provided output-file. check-in: e8f7eda4be user: Jan Egil Ring tags: trunk
Show weather information in the lower right corner of the desktop. check-in: bcefda9bdb user: Mosser Lee tags: trunk
Sends an email on event trigger ID 21 and 23 (logon and logoff). Useful for auditing access to a server. check-in: 8faee206e4 user: Justin Grote tags: trunk
Creates ramdom file with null length. Just for fun. check-in: 1a759dd176 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Now it looks like http://savepic.org/4783435.jpg check-in: 951eee5b95 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Copies shared folders from one server to another. Run on the new server (as administrator). check-in: 40018f1020 user: themoblin tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: 365c614111 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Function to update a property value within a Java properties file check-in: c11aab4b3e user: Michael Craig tags: trunk
Make a phone call from Powershell and pass TextToSpeech variables like ComputerName, DiskFreeSpace. check-in: ac5a8cd4a1 user: Sunny Chakrabort tags: trunk
Search Exchange tracking logs using jobs and remoting. check-in: 355adc2e9d user: evetsleep tags: trunk
All bugs are mine. check-in: 145794bd44 user: greg zakharov tags: trunk
Set-Wallpaper lets you set your windows desktop wallpaper. It requires PInvoke and I wrote it using PowerShell 2’s Add-Type, although it could be done in v1 using the JIT code generation tricks Lee Holmes has mentioned in the past … check-in: 1473535daa user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Creates random file with extension which has assosiation (just for fun). check-in: 163693626f user: greg zakharov tags: trunk