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5 check-ins using file Get-Twitter-RSS-Feed.ps1 version 0f45d3bfb9

A script for ShowUI 1.0 — using Quest’s active directory cmdlets to retrieve user information and allow you to select one of the groups they’re a member of. Could be extended to populate a bunch of form fields from active directory and even allow updating them… check-in: e7bd27003a user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
This function is an attempt to duplicate the Quest Get-QADUser cmdlet without using any third party snap-ins. If you want to run it against a Global Catalog you simply need to replace LDAP: with GC: and you will want to comment out the lines that pull the password last set and last logon timestamp unless you happen to be replicating those to your GC. check-in: 54dbd0b3fe user: Jonathan Walz tags: trunk
Mounts a NFS datastore to several vSphere 4.X hosts with PowerCLI. The script assumes you are already connected to a VI server. check-in: 1d2ebcd501 user: eprich tags: trunk
Get-Path converts relative paths to drive or PSProvider -qualified paths. check-in: ad529fefa0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
kyletboat3 check-in: 4c0a2d1cfc user: kyletboat3 tags: trunk