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11 check-ins using file Get-NaNfsExport.ps1 version 931871a826

This is just a preview of what you can do with System.Windows.UIAutomation — Really you’re going to want to use the WASP module for stuff like this. check-in: e3c53922a5 user: unknown tags: trunk
A couple functions to aid in the discoverability of the OnTap SDK. Functions requires the NetApp OnTap SDK v3.5 which can be found http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1365. More information about the SDK and its use in PowerShell can be found here http://get-admin.com/blog/?tag=ontap-sdk check-in: 91725076d4 user: unknown tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: 3d861f80b7 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: e39457d87b user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: d710baaa7c user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: df193e4220 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: b1c6ff3fb0 user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Resolves aliases and parameter shortcuts in scripts to make them more portable. Now resolves parameter aliases, and resolves ‘?’ to Where-Object correctly. check-in: 393856dbed user: Joel Bennett tags: trunk
Ported TabExpansion from V2CTP2 to V2CTP3 and extended. Please dot souce this script file to use. check-in: c0b9442171 user: foobar tags: trunk
#Twitbrain Cheat PowerShell script check-in: e390225981 user: Stefan Stranger tags: trunk
Function that will retrieve all the NFS Exports from a NetApp SAN. Example usage of thee Ontap SDK 3.5 avaliable here http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1365…. check-in: 2f16d22899 user: glnsize tags: trunk