
Streamtuner2 is a simple browser for internet radios. It aquires its radio lists from various directory services. These are represented as "channel" tabs in the main window. Below are the category/genre lists (left) and the stations for a genre (right).

How to select and play a radio.

  1. Select a channel tab, like Shoutcast.

  2. Click one of the genres in the left pane. For example Classic.

  3. Now the right pane loads a radio list.

  4. Double click one of the radio streams or use the play toolbar button.

Note that some categories can and should be exanded. In a few plugins (modarchive), the expandable genre/category brings up no station list on its own, while in Shoutcast and most others it's a valid genre in itself.

Some radio stations cannot be played, because they just have a homepage. (That's the case for all listings in the Google Stations channel.)

What else can you do?

Double clicking an entry row in the radio list starts your audio player. But there are other functions available. Either go to the  ▸ Station menu, or access the context menu with a right click.

Play, Record and Homepage also have buttons in the toolbar.

Radio lists get stale

After some time, stream informations become obsolete. Therefore you should regularily refresh the lists. The Reload button in the toolbar (or F5) is your friend. You can also update the category lists with Channel ▸ Reload Category Tree and load favicons using Channel ▸ Update favicons...

You should only select radio stations and genres that you like.