

Radionomy is an internet radio streaming provider, orginally founded in Belgium. It commands a pretty big slice of the worldwide internet radio stuff these days. - It took over for instance.

Their primary directory on lists only stations that radionomy itself hosts streaming servers for. It's over 6000 already. Both listening and station hosting are free (given agreement to autoplay advertisements, and a minimum quota of daily listeners). Radionomy is therefore pretty popular and growing.

The extraction method in streamtuner2 uses a mix of RegExp, DOM traversal, and JSON extraction, with some AJAX updating spiced in. (It closely follows the website scheme to fetch station lists.)

config options

You can configure the number of pages it'll try (3 by default) to influence the length of station lists.

And the song title updating ("OnAir Updates") can be disabled. Future versions of this channel plugin might poll it automatically, and keep the station list auto-updated.