Internet radio browser GUI for music/video streams from various directory services.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  streamtuner2

Artifact [d247abf501]

Artifact d247abf50113682d7c3874e84f12eb45e4a21928:

  • File channels/ — part of check-in [ea628d6426] at 2015-04-08 17:59:53 on branch trunk — Remove extraneous class wrapper action.action. Start to regroup listformat mapping (pls-url → m3u-fn rewrites). Will need some heuristics, as depending just on the channel.listformat assumption won't work in practice (some .pls servers actually host direct server links, or occasionally .m3u references even). Currently does nothing, just returns the pls/etc URL. (user: mario, size: 5172) [annotate] [blame] [check-ins using]

# api: streamtunter2
# title: Live365
# description: Around 5000 categorized internet radio streams, some paid ad-free ones.
# version: 0.3
# type: channel
# category: radio
# url:
# config: -
# priority: optional
# png:
#   Z3POSc7//M/i/AT/ichrbUE1NyckfN5WV0kpUjpYS4s4sdhAZnOrP9jTv/jgvHiw+ftSb5f2UEGnfuQYCIG9fg8pJa5AIdJIEf9hhNTkze5gz9ddexrXXrE1+E2v7/TZl9lcx/hxBCu5DUikzCDTFjiSrMYnyGp8vPOuaR+quNTXDqACRLve7cp5suV1YaSwpyewYts4
#   dgbhcuGprkFoOnZ0BTM8j9A85J576sQr96Pik4Xfr6l/nj8b9D7yaJ8rz8/O2FWctEXGTKP6/eQ924ZeUY21sowViSDTaaylJbSKSrCsplfNnS9cMiNC3ppayEhyX2wHAdt9l8k+cx6h68SGhzCmJ9CP1hAIPYdjGGQ21lF82cSHR0MuxzBbFU0js7FOOhzGU1tL9ulm
#   3IUHAMhtbsFbc5yd2TsAJEavIC0b78k6sGWrohUfxJybJzE8gpoXAMBeWwPAWAqTvD6Ou6QULXgYgOwzzRi3bpMcv47n4WMo6B4yWzHM+TDGz7suyN2k5x9Er6zCSSSIDQ6x+tabKD4f7tIynHgcK3oPZf3mDfSqStSCQnZmf91V2hmiFy9iLixgLa+wMTmIOTeHq6gY
#   AOuvCHp1NcmFMK6ERx0wEvGmou5OtLJSrJUV7n/wEWY4TOLKCHsnlfV8hq+hgc3eL4l9O4y7sYGErgyIofqaYEHdqbvljzWx+v6HaI5ERSCE2Pen0pE4Wh22NUXxOx1Exq+yOTVRobRMzSxGZqa6zUI/3uefYcOrsq0JEqokhcRAkhSSuBti+gw5F9qxSw+wuRrpbp6e
#   XVQBLi+vXatfngseeuGlE/5TjUQX7pCSNoZbkNIUUrqCWRCg8u0OKC9h/L2Oz0OjP73xP5g+PXeyq+R4Q+eR5qfJ8maz/ds8AIGqoySNBMs3xvhjbKT7wvfT/8K0bwHAxy31QcWRIaA1v/ww3kA+0V8mAQb8+UX9bV99tw/nfwAe2WTAAcikxQAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==
# Live365 lists around 5000 radio stations. Some are paid
# entries and require a logon. This plugins tries to filter
# thoise out.

# streamtuner2 modules
from config import conf
from uikit import uikit
import ahttp as http
from channels import *
from config import __print__, dbg
import action

# python modules
import re
import xml.dom.minidom
from xml.sax.saxutils import unescape as entity_decode, escape as xmlentities
import gtk
import copy
import urllib
from itertools import groupby
from time import time
from xml.dom.minidom import parseString

# channel live365
# We're currently extracting from the JavaScript;
#    stn.set("param", "value");
# And using a HTML5 player direct URL now:
#    /cgi-bin/play.pls?stationid=%s&direct=1&file=%s.pls
class live365(ChannelPlugin):

    # desc
    module = "live365"
    title = "Live365"
    homepage = ""
    base_url = ""
    has_search = True
    listformat = "url/http"
    mediatype = "audio/mpeg"
    has_search = False

    # content
    categories = ['Alternative', 'Blues', 'Classical', 'Country', 'Easy Listening', 'Electronic/Dance', 'Folk', 'Freeform', 'Hip-Hop/Rap', 'Inspirational', 'International', 'Jazz', 'Latin', 'Metal', 'New Age', 'Oldies', 'Pop', 'R&B/Urban', 'Reggae', 'Rock', 'Seasonal/Holiday', 'Soundtracks', 'Talk']
    current = "Alternative"
    default = "Pop"
    empty = None
    # redefine
    streams = {}

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        # override datamap fields  //@todo: might need a cleaner method, also: do we really want the stream data in channels to be different/incompatible?
        self.datamap = copy.deepcopy(self.datamap)
        self.datamap[5][0] = "Rating"
        self.datamap[5][2][0] = "rating"
        # superclass
        ChannelPlugin.__init__(self, parent)

    # fixed for now
    def update_categories(self):

    # extract stream infos
    def update_streams(self, cat):

        # Retrieve genere index pages    
        html = ""
        for i in [1, 17, 33, 49]:
            url = "" % (i, cat.lower())
            html += http.get(url, feedback=self.parent.status)
        # Extract from JavaScript       
        rx = re.compile(r"""
                stn.set\(   " (\w+) ", \s+  " ((?:[^"\\]+|\\.)*) "\);  \s+
            """, re.X|re.I|re.S|re.M)

        # Group entries before adding them
        ls = []
        for i,row in groupby(rx.findall(html), self.group_by_station):
            row = dict(row)
                "status": (None if row["listenerAccess"] == "PUBLIC" else gtk.STOCK_STOP),
                "deleted": row["status"] != "OK",
                "name": row["stationName"],
                "title": row["title"],
                "playing": "n/a",
                "id": row["id"],
                "access": row["listenerAccess"],
                "status": row["status"],
                "mode": row["serverMode"],
                "rating": int(row["rating"]),
                #"rating": row["ratingCount"],
                "listeners": int(row["tlh"]),
                "location": row["location"],
                "favicon": row["imgUrl"],
                "format": self.mediatype,
                "url": "%scgi-bin/play.pls?stationid=%s&direct=1&file=%s.pls" % (self.base_url, row["id"], row["stationName"])
        return ls

    # itertools.groupby filter
    gi = 0
    def group_by_station(self, kv):
        if kv[0] == "stationName":
   += 1