Index: contrib/ ================================================================== --- contrib/ +++ contrib/ @@ -1,17 +1,18 @@ # api: streamtuner2 # title: File browser # description: Displays mp3/oggs or m3u/pls files from local media file directories. # type: channel # category: local -# version: 0.3.2 +# version: 0.4.5 # priority: optional # status: unsupported # depends: python:mutagen, python:id3 # config: # { name: file_browser_dir, type: text, value: "$XDG_MUSIC_DIR, ~/MP3", description: "List of directories to scan for audio files." }, # { name: file_browser_ext, type: text, value: "mp3,ogg, m3u,pls,xspf, avi,flv,mpg,mp4", description: "File type/extension filter." }, +# { name: file_browser_converttourl, type: bool, value: 1, description: "Convert file path to 'file:///' style URL" } }, # url: # png: # iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABQAAAAPCAYAAADkmO9VAAAABGdBTUEAALGPC/xhBQAAACBjSFJNAAB6JgAAgIQAAPoAAACA6AAAdTAAAOpgAAA6mAAAF3CculE8AAAABmJLR0QA/wD/AP+gvaeTAAAACXBIWXMAAAsTAAALEwEAmpwYAAAAB3RJTUUH3wUFDQsK23vYngAAA6lJREFUOMtFz8tu1FYAxvH/sc+xxx7bM8lkElAgISoV4qIgpEaomwg2bMqiQmo3lfowPElVVbQr3gBVqGJRGi6VEERFDROS0Ewmc/N47Bkf+7gLevke4Kfv # L374/vufxm/ffjnudJQoisoVonLDcN+sr39z7uXLXzfOn6cRhmSTCf3TUwa9HoN+H601ynXxwhA7ivhdCH48PkZOut0vdh48cKtej9C2iSyLsF7/xLpx4/5eu/1LZzSiaQx1z8O5cIHapUvVmpRkaUqcJMRpSjydmnEcP/2zKH6WOs/7mdZBVVXIqsKuKk4nE4qdnTueUncCpZh5HoHj4AqBVRQIrUFrLGPwlaLhOLiWtX93OPxKIuX+0HHWJ5ZF03VxpaRfFLRmM1rTKUGrRX1piUYQEIUhfhRRC0OqOMZxHIIwJIgiHFj77OnT+7KEd0Wt # tl0Kgev7NHyf5apCTSaoLEMlCZdu3uT85ib1hQWi1VWcMCTb3cXxPJxmExlF2LWaMFpvS4TYcx2nmpalsKoKJQSNMCQ6cwZPCMxgwKTbpfPoETWlWDx3jtblyyghEFpjSYmwbYQx6DyPJUJ0bKUKU5Yqn83QSqGVolQKGQSEGxssrK3RffyY6Zs3zK9epb6wgBWGCCFQjkOlFFVRoIfDkTRwYIRIDTR0nqPnc7RSFP/AhW2jfJ/WlSvQ7zPe3SU9OECdPYuwbUrXxSiFsW2KOB7IaZYdp3keV9DQ8znacSj+RaWkqtVACExR0NrcZPriBflw @@ -20,19 +21,25 @@ # png-orig: # # extraction-method: os # # Local file browser. Presents files from configured directories. -# This is not what streamtuner2 is meant for. Therefore this is +# This is not what Streamtuner2 is meant for. Therefore this is # an optional plugin, and not overly well integrated. # # Bugs: # Only loads directories on startup. Doesn't work when post-activated # per pluginmanager2 for instance. And LANG=C breaks it on startup, # if media directories contain anything but ASCII filenames. +# +# Currently does not play files with UTF characters on Windows. +# +# If your player doesn't play local files try unchecking "Convert file path to 'file:///' style URL". (Might happen on Windows when not using VLC.exe). +# When using VLC however it must be checked. +# +# After checking/unchecking restart Streamtuner2 for recollecting the local files. -#from __future__ import print_function # modules import os import re from channels import * @@ -159,10 +166,12 @@ # data dirs self.dir = [self.env_dir(s) for s in conf.file_browser_dir.split(",")] self.ext = [s.strip() for s in conf.file_browser_ext.split(",")] # first run + if not "file_browser_converttourl" in conf: + conf.file_browser_converttourl = 1 if not self.categories or not self.streams: self.scan_dirs() # draw gtk lists ChannelPlugin.__init__(self, parent) @@ -237,27 +246,31 @@ # extract meta data def file_entry(self, fn, dir): # basic data url = ("%s/%s" % (dir, fn)) url = url.replace("\\", "/") -# if # needed for VLC playback - url = url.replace(" ", "%20") + if conf.file_browser_converttourl: + url = url.replace(" ", "%20") + if url.startswith("/"): + url = "file://" + url + else: + url = "file:///" + url meta = { "title": "", "filename": fn, - "url": "file:///"+url, + "url": url, "genre": "", "album": "", "artist": "", "length": "n/a", "bitrate": 0, -# "format": mime_fmt(fn[-3:]), - "format": mime_fmt(fn[-(len(fn)-fn.rfind(".")-1):]), + "format": mime_fmt(self.fnext(fn)), "editable": False, } + # add ID3 tag infos try: - streaminfo =get_meta(dir + "/" + fn) + streaminfo = get_meta(dir + "/" + fn) # add streaminfo if # no, maybe ID3 available try: if not == 0: meta.update({"bitrate":}) @@ -266,19 +279,21 @@ if not == 0.0: #FLAC sometimes have it... meta.update({"length": ddhhmmss(int(}) # add ID3 meta.update(mutagen_postprocess(streaminfo) or {}) - except: # unsupported by Mutagen + except: # not supported by Mutagen pass return meta + # check fn for .ext def we_like_that_extension(self, fn): - # return fn[-3:] in self.ext - return fn[-(len(fn)-fn.rfind(".")-1):] in self.ext - + return self.fnext(fn) in self.ext + + def fnext(self, fn): + return os.path.splitext(fn)[1][1:] # same as init def update_categories(self): self.scan_dirs()