PHP userland backwards compatibility layer that emulates PHP 5.5+ core functions.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  upgrade.php

Artifact [65c2146488]

Artifact 65c21464881bbd6f2baa2d5421a9a4f2ccb31e62:

  • File ext/unfinished/mime.php — part of check-in [c912a27a31] at 2012-01-09 15:37:40 on branch trunk — moved as it lacks mutli-line comparisons (user: mario size: 11347)

   Simulates the mime_magic extension. Was originally implemented for
   [], but that mime magic data reading was
   reinjected for this version (more unclean, though).

   It uses the system-wide "mime_magic" file to do this. See file(1).
   On Windows you might need to install it first.
   Also simulates the image type/mime/ext functions.

#-- mime-magic, type will be detected by analyzing the content
if (!function_exists("mime_content_type")) {
   function mime_content_type($fn) {

      static $mime_magic_data;

      #-- fallback
      $type = false;

      #-- read in first 3K of given file
      if (is_dir($fn)) {
      elseif (is_resource($fn) || ($fn = @fopen($fn, "rb"))) {
         $bin = fread($fn, $maxlen=3072);
      elseif (!file_exists($fn)) {
         return false;
      else {
         return("application/octet-stream");   // give up
      #-- use the appropriate external tool
      if (function_exists("exec") && !ini_get("safe_mode")) {     
         $type = exec("file -iL " . escapeshellcmd($fn) . " 2>/dev/null");
         if ($type = trim(strtok(substr(strrchr($type, ":"), 1), ";"))) {
             return $type;

      #-- use PECL::fileinfo when available
      if (function_exists("finfo_buffer")) {
         $fi = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
         $type = $fi->buffer($bin);
      #-- read in magic data, when called for the very first time
      if (!isset($mime_content_type)) {
         if ((file_exists($fn = ini_get("mime_magic.magicfile")))
          or (file_exists($fn = "/usr/share/misc/magic.mime"))
          or (file_exists($fn = "/etc/mime-magic"))   )
            $mime_magic_data = array();

            #-- read in file
            $f = fopen($fn, "r");
            $fd = fread($f, 1<<20);
            $fd = str_replace("       ", "\t", $fd);

            #-- look at each entry
            foreach (explode("\n", $fd) as $line) {

               #-- skip empty lines
               if (!strlen($line) or ($line[0] == "#") or ($line[0] == "\n")) {

               #-- break into four fields at tabs
               $l = preg_split("/\t+/", $line);
               @list($pos, $typestr, $magic, $ct) = $l;

               #-- ignore >continuing lines
               if ($pos[0] == ">") {
               #-- real mime type string?
               $ct = strtok($ct, " ");
               if (!strpos($ct, "/")) {

               #-- mask given?
               $mask = 0;
               if (strpos($typestr, "&")) {
                  $typestr = strtok($typestr, "&");
                  $mask = strtok(" ");
                  if ($mask[0] == "0") {
                     $mask = ($mask[1] == "x") ? hexdec(substr($mask, 2)) : octdec($mask);
                  else {
                     $mask = (int)$mask;

               #-- strip prefixes
               if ($magic[0] == "=") {
                  $magic = substr($magic, 1);

               #-- convert type
               if ($typestr == "string") {
                  $magic = stripcslashes($magic);
                  $len = strlen($magic);
                  if ($mask) { 
               #-- numeric values
               else {
                  $mask or $mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;

                  if ((ord($magic[0]) < 48) or (ord($magic[0]) > 57)) {
#echo "\nmagicnumspec=$line\n";
                     continue;  #-- skip specials like  >, x, <, ^, &

                  #-- convert string representation into int
                  if ((strlen($magic) >= 4) && ($magic[1] == "x")) {
                     $magic = hexdec(substr($magic, 2));
                  elseif ($magic[0]) {
                     $magic = octdec($magic);
                  else {
                     $magic = (int) $magic;
                     if (!$magic) { continue; }   // zero is not a good magic value anyhow

                  #-- different types               
                  switch ($typestr) {

                     case "byte":
                        $len = 1;
                     case "beshort":
                        $magic = ($magic >> 8) | (($magic & 0xFF) << 8);
                     case "leshort":
                     case "short":
                        $len = 2;
                     case "belong":
                        $magic = (($magic >> 24) & 0xFF)
                               | (($magic >> 8) & 0xFF00)
                               | (($magic & 0xFF00) << 8)
                               | (($magic & 0xFF) << 24);
                     case "lelong":
                     case "long":
                        $len = 4;

                        // date, ldate, ledate, leldate, beldate, lebelbe...
               #-- add to list
               $mime_magic_data[] = array($pos, $len, $mask, $magic, trim($ct));
      #-- compare against each entry from the mime magic database
      foreach ($mime_magic_data as $def) {

         #-- entries are organized as follows
         list($pos, $len, $mask, $magic, $ct) = $def;
         #-- ignored entries (we only read first 3K of file for opt. speed)
         if ($pos >= $maxlen) {

         $slice = substr($bin, $pos, $len);
         #-- integer comparison value
         if ($mask) {
            $value = hexdec(bin2hex($slice));
            if (($value & $mask) == $magic) {
               $type = $ct;
         #-- string comparison
         else {
            if ($slice == $magic) {
               $type = $ct;
      }// foreach
      #-- built-in defaults
      if (!$type) {
         #-- some form of xml
         if (strpos($bin, "<"."?xml ") !== false) {
         #-- html
         elseif ((strpos($bin, "<html>") !== false) || (strpos($bin, "<HTML>") !== false)
         || strpos($bin, "<title>") || strpos($bin, "<TITLE>")
         || (strpos($bin, "<!--") !== false) || (strpos($bin, "<!DOCTYPE HTML ") !== false)) {
            $type = "text/html";
         #-- mail msg
         elseif ((strpos($bin, "\nReceived: ") !== false) || strpos($bin, "\nSubject: ")
         || strpos($bin, "\nCc: ") || strpos($bin, "\nDate: ")) {
            $type = "message/rfc822";
         #-- php scripts
         elseif (strpos($bin, "<"."?php") !== false) {
         #-- plain text, C source or so
         elseif (strpos($bin, "function ") || strpos($bin, " and ")
         || strpos($bin, " the ") || strpos($bin, "The ")
         || (strpos($bin, "/*") !== false) || strpos($bin, "#include ")) {

         #-- final fallback
         else {
            $type = "application/octet-stream";

      #-- done
      return $type;

#-- gives Media Type for the index numbers getimagesize() returned
if (!function_exists("image_type_to_mime_type")) {
   define("IMAGETYPE_GIF", 1);
   define("IMAGETYPE_JPEG", 2);
   define("IMAGETYPE_PNG", 3);
   define("IMAGETYPE_SWF", 4);
   define("IMAGETYPE_PSD", 5);  // post-4.3 from here ...
   define("IMAGETYPE_BMP", 6);
   define("IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II", 7);
   define("IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM", 8);
   define("IMAGETYPE_JPC", 9);
   define("IMAGETYPE_JP2", 10);
   define("IMAGETYPE_JPX", 11);
   define("IMAGETYPE_JB2", 12);
   define("IMAGETYPE_SWC", 13);
   define("IMAGETYPE_IFF", 14);
   define("IMAGETYPE_WBMP", 15);
   define("IMAGETYPE_XBM", 16);
   define("IMAGETYPE_MNG", 77);
   define("IMAGETYPE_XPM", 88);
   define("IMAGETYPE_ZIF", 90);
   define("IMAGETYPE_PBM", 80);
   define("IMAGETYPE_PGM", 81);
   define("IMAGETYPE_PPM", 82);
   function image_type_to_mime_type($id) {
      static $mime = array(
         IMAGETYPE_GIF => "gif",
         IMAGETYPE_JPEG => "jpeg",
         IMAGETYPE_PNG => "png",
         IMAGETYPE_SWF => "application/x-shockwave-flash",
         IMAGETYPE_BMP => "bmp",
         IMAGETYPE_JP2 => "jp2",
         IMAGETYPE_WBMP => "vnd.wap.wbmp",
         IMAGETYPE_XBM => "xbm",
         IMAGETYPE_PSD => "x-photoshop",
         IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II => "tiff",
         IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM => "tiff",
         IMAGETYPE_JPC => "application/octet-stream",
         IMAGETYPE_JP2 => "jp2",
//         IMAGETYPE_JPX => "",
//         IMAGETYPE_JB2 => "",
         IMAGETYPE_SWC => "application/x-shockwave-flash",
         IMAGETYPE_IFF => "iff",
         IMAGETYPE_XPM => "x-xpm",
         IMAGETYPE_ZIF => "unknown",
         IMAGETYPE_MNG => "video/mng",
         IMAGETYPE_PBM => "x-portable-bitmap",
         IMAGETYPE_PGM => "x-portable-greymap",
         IMAGETYPE_PPM => "x-portable-pixmap",
      if (isset($mime[$id])) {
         $m = $mime[$id];
         strpos($m, "/") || ($m = "image/$m");
      else {
         $m = "image/unknown";

#-- still in CVS
if (!function_exists("image_type_to_extension")) {
   function image_type_to_extension($id, $dot=true) {
      static $ext = array(
         1=>"gif", 2=>"jpeg", 3=>"png",
         "swf", "psd", "bmp",
         "tiff", "tiff",
         "jpc", "jp2", "jpx", "jb2",
         "swc", "wbmp", "xbm",
         77=>"mng", 88=>"xpm", 90=>"zif",
         80=>"pbm", 81=>"pgm", 82=>"ppm",
      $m = $ext[$id];
      if ($m && $dot) {
         $m = ".$m";

#-- we need this then, too
if (!function_exists("exif_imagetype")) {
   function exif_imagetype($fn) {
      $magic = array(
         "\211PNG" => IMAGETYPE_PNG,
         "\377\330" => IMAGETYPE_JPEG,
         "GIF89a" => IMAGETYPE_GIF,
         "GIF94z" => IMAGETYPE_ZIF,
         "FWS" => IMAGETYPE_SWF,
         "II" => IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II,
         "MM" => IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM,
         "/* XPM" => IMAGETYPE_XPM,
         "BM" => IMAGETYPE_BMP,  // also for OS/2
         "\212MNG" => IMAGETYPE_MNG,
         "P1" => IMAGETYPE_PBM,
         "P4" => IMAGETYPE_PBM,
         "P2" => IMAGETYPE_PGM,
         "P5" => IMAGETYPE_PGM,
         "P3" => IMAGETYPE_PPM,
         "P6" => IMAGETYPE_PPM,
      if ($f = fopen($fn, "rb")) {
         $bin = fread($f, 8);
         foreach ($magic as $scn=>$id) {
            if (!strncmp($bin, $scn, strlen($scn))) {
               return $id;
