PHP userland backwards compatibility layer that emulates PHP 5.5+ core functions.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  upgrade.php

Artifact [de88e21623]

Artifact de88e2162378f40f2f419fc2972a9c96d6624b37:

  • File ext/nonstandard/base16.php — part of check-in [02e65f8aad] at 2010-06-22 17:03:43 on branch trunk — upgradephp-16 (user: mario size: 854)
  • File ext/nonstandard/base64.php — part of check-in [51e3884900] at 2010-06-22 17:03:27 on branch trunk — upgradephp-15 (user: mario size: 854)

 * This script implements the base64-encoding functions and base32 and
 * base16 as described in RFC3548.
 * @since never
 * @nonstandard
if (!function_exists("base16_encode")) {

   #-- URL and filename safe variants of base64-encoding
   function base64_encode_safe($str) {
      return strtr(base64_encode($str), "+/", "-_");
   function base64_decode_safe($b64) {
      return base64_decode(strtr($str, "-_", "+/"));

   #-- base16
   function base16_encode($str) {
      $str = unpack("H".(2*strlen($str)), $str);
      $str = chunk_split($str[1]);
   function base16_decode($b16) {
      $b16 = preg_replace("/\s+/", '', $b16);
      $b16 = pack("H*", $b16);

   #-- base32
   function base32_encode() {
      # strtoupper()
      # "A-Z,0-7,="
