Command line tool to duplicate/modify version number strings across source code and distribution files according to syntax context.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  version numbers get/write

Artifact [e0cf9bd379]

Artifact e0cf9bd3791270dda1521c4dc43601b67551cfc0:

  • Executable file mk — part of check-in [4191d9fe50] at 2014-02-07 19:42:57 on branch trunk — manpage and build script (for local deb/ template) (user: mario size: 274)


gzip -c9 < 1.1 > deb/usr/share/man/man1/version.1.gz
VERSION=$(version --read version.php --bump --show --write::2 version.php --write deb/DEBIAN/control)

fakeroot dpkg-deb -b deb/ version_$VERSION.deb
dpkg-sig -s builder -k include-once -v version_$VERSION.deb