Cross package maker. DEB/RPM generation or conversion. Derived from jordansissel/fpm.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  cross package maker

Artifact [cfa039cf87]

Artifact cfa039cf87b82b2af1c16a489c03847d9220bac2:

  • File templates/deb.erb — part of check-in [174e99a253] at 2015-04-14 01:05:07 on branch trunk — Add `Source:` control field (because: "mandatory"). (user: mario size: 2169)

Package: <%= name %>
Source: <%= name %>
Version: <%= "#{epoch}:" if epoch %><%= version %><%= "-" + iteration.to_s if iteration %>
License: <%= license %>
<% if !vendor.nil? and !vendor.empty? -%>
Vendor: <%= vendor %>
<% end -%>
Architecture: <%= architecture %>
Maintainer: <%= maintainer  %>
Installed-Size: <%= attributes[:deb_installed_size] %>
<% if !dependencies.empty? and !attributes[:no_depends?] -%>
Depends: <%= dependencies.collect { |d| fix_dependency(d) }.flatten.join(", ") %>
<% end -%>
<% if !conflicts.empty? -%>
Conflicts: <%= conflicts.collect { |d| fix_dependency(d) }.flatten.join(", ") %>
<% end -%>
<% if attributes[:deb_breaks] -%>
Breaks: <%= attributes[:deb_breaks].collect { |d| fix_dependency(d) }.flatten.join(", ") %>
<% end -%>
<% if attributes[:deb_pre_depends_given?] -%>
Pre-Depends: <%= attributes[:deb_pre_depends].collect { |d| fix_dependency(d) }.flatten.join(", ") %>
<% end -%>
<% if attributes[:deb_build_depends_given?] -%>
Build-Depends: <%= attributes[:deb_build_depends].collect { |d| fix_dependency(d) }.flatten.join(", ") %>
<% end -%>
<% if !provides.empty? -%>
<%# Turn each provides from 'foo = 123' to simply 'foo' because Debian :\ -%>
<%# -%>
Provides: <%= {|p| p.split(" ").first}.join ", " %>
<% end -%>
<% if !replaces.empty? -%>
Replaces: <%= replaces.join(", ") %>
<% end -%>
<% if attributes[:deb_recommends_given?] -%>
Recommends: <%= attributes[:deb_recommends].collect { |d| fix_dependency(d) }.flatten.join(", ") %>
<% end -%>
<% if attributes[:deb_suggests_given?] -%>
Suggests: <%= attributes[:deb_suggests].collect { |d| fix_dependency(d) }.flatten.join(", ") %>
<% end -%>
Section: <%= category %>
Priority: <%= attributes[:deb_priority] %>
Homepage: <%= url or "" %>
<% lines = (description or "no description given").split("\n") -%>
<% firstline, *remainder = lines -%>
Description: <%= firstline %>
<% if remainder.any? -%>
<%= remainder.collect { |l| l =~ /^\s*$/ ? " ." : " #{l}" }.join("\n") %>
<% end -%>
<% extra_fields.each do |field, value| -%>
<%= field %>: <%= value %>
<% end -%>