Cross package maker. DEB/RPM generation or conversion. Derived from jordansissel/fpm.

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  cross package maker

Hex Artifact Content

Artifact 8299d26d8595965eee26c532b03fa4b0cf8204cb:

  • File templates/osxpkg.erb — part of check-in [a80b102103] at 2013-01-07 17:28:03 on branch trunk — Initial OS X package support, #317. Basic support for OS X flat packages (.pkg) - input/output - output supports scripts, postinstall actions (using --info option), ownership option and bundle-id-prefix option - requires pkgbuild (therefore OS X 10.7+ only), pkgutil for input - no tests yet ignore .DS_Store ignore .pkg identifier gets its own method first few osxpkg spec tests osxpkg: extract name and version from PackageInfo on input osxpkg: rename option bundle-id-prefix to identifier-prefix - 'bundle-id' is ambiguous, given the various 'bundle'-related logic possible with OS X packages osxpkg: fix old 'osx_' attribute prefix to 'osxpkg' in osxpkg.erb New option: --osxpkg-dont-obsolete, to add files to 'dont-obsolete' element in PackageInfo. osxpkg: Define public/private methods. osxpkg_spec: Tests for basic attributes through input/output (user: size: 376) [more...]

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