PoshCode Archive  Artifact [153942d22c]

Artifact 153942d22c017a324f4ee5eee861a13ee81686c550a9472150f14e4b9a7c9850:

  • File Edit-File-in-Notepad.ps1 — part of check-in [1fd6d1c380] at 2018-06-10 12:58:16 on branch trunk — Fixed a script to open files for editing in Notepad++ — you may need to edit the $npp variable in the BEGIN block to put the full path in, if you didn’t run the Notepad++ installer. (user: Joel Bennett size: 3947)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Edit-File in Notepad++
# description: Fixed a script to open files for editing in Notepad++ — you may need to edit the $npp variable in the BEGIN block to put the full path in, if you didn’t run the Notepad++ installer.
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Joel Bennett
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 1541
# x-archived: 2017-05-22T04:23:50
# x-published: 2010-12-17T11:58:00
   Open a file for editing in notepad++
   Opens one or more files in Notepad++, passing all the switches each time.  Accepts filenames on the pipeline
   I took the "no" off the parameters, because in PowerShell you only need to enter just enough of the parameter name to differentiate ... this way each one is differentiatable by the first letter.
   Edit-File $Profile -MultiInstance -SessionOff -TabBarOff -PluginsOff
   Open your Profile in a new Notepad++ window in a "notepad" like mode: multi-session, no tab bars, no previous files, no plugins.
   ls *.ps1 | Edit-File -SessionOff
   Open all the ps1 scripts in Notepad++ without restoring previous files.
   Edit-File -language xml ~\Projects\Project1\Project1.csproj

   Open the file Project1.csproj as a xml file, even though its extension is not recognized as xml...
.Parameter File
   The absolute or relative path of file(s) you want to open, accepts wildcards
.Parameter MultiInstance
   Notepad++ is unique instance by default. This option allows you to launch several instances of Notepad++.
.Parameter PluginsOff
   Use this parameter to launch Notepad++ without loading the plugins. This parameter is useful when you want to determinate where the bad behaviour or crash come from (from the plugins or from Notepad++ itself).
.Parameter Language
   This option applies the specified Language to the filesToOpen to open, allowing you to specify XML for csproj files, for example.
   Valid Languages are : c, cpp, java, cs, objc, rc, html, javascript, php, vb, sql, xml, asp, perl, pascal, python, css, lua, batch, ini, nfo, tex, fortran, bash, actionscript and nsis.
.Parameter Number
   Cause Notepad++ to go to the LineNumber you want after opening the file
.Parameter SessionOff
   Launch Notepad++ without loading the previous session (the files opened in Notepad++ last time).
.Parameter ReadOnly
   Open files in read only mode. (Alias: RO)
.Parameter TabBarOff
   Turn off the tab interface. Useful if you want a minimalist session ...
   $npp = "C:\Programs\DevTools\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"
   $param = @( 
      if($MultiInstance) { "-multiInst" }
      if($PluginsOff)    { "-noPlugin" }
      if($Language)      { "-l$Language" }
      if($Number)        { "-n$Number" }
      if($SessionOff)    { "-nosession" }
      if($ReadOnly)      { "-ro" }
      if($TabBarOff)     { "-notabbar" }
      " "
   ) -join " "
   foreach($path in $File) { 
      foreach($f in Convert-Path (Resolve-Path $path)) {
         $parameters = $param + """" + $f + """"
         write-verbose "$npp $parameters"