PoshCode Archive  Artifact [2c1e85fbba]

Artifact 2c1e85fbbaab526790a4bde2e99d5b78ad7e354b1b5eb4ced51cfd4851a6e55d:

  • File Findup.ps1 — part of check-in [b7a2f410d8] at 2018-06-10 13:24:28 on branch trunk — Findup – Find duplicates C# version. Compares files sizes and SHA512 hashes to identify duplicates. New regex Include/Exclude feature. Should be compiled with Visual Studio 11 (beta as of now), as older Visual Studio C# compilers seem to have a bug that causes crashes on long file names. (user: James Gentile size: 19290)

# encoding: ascii
# api: csharp
# title: Findup
# description: Findup – Find duplicates C# version. Compares files sizes and SHA512 hashes to identify duplicates. New regex Include/Exclude feature. Should be compiled with Visual Studio 11 (beta as of now), as older Visual Studio C# compilers seem to have a bug that causes crashes on long file names.
# version: 2.0
# type: class
# author: James Gentile
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3370
# x-derived-from-id: 3377
# x-archived: 2016-03-17T14:34:49
# x-published: 2013-04-18T12:58:00
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using Microsoft.Win32;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace Findup
    public class FileLengthComparer : IComparer<FileInfo>
        public int Compare(FileInfo x, FileInfo y)
            return (x.Length.CompareTo(y.Length));
    class Findup
        public static Dictionary<string, List<string>> optionspaths = new Dictionary<string, List<string>>
            { {"/x", new List<string>()},{"/i",new List<string>()},{"/xf",new List<string>()},{"/if",new List<string>()},
            {"/xd",new List<string>()},{"/id",new List<string>()},{"/paths",new List<string>()} };
        public static Dictionary<string, List<Regex>> optionsregex = new Dictionary<string, List<Regex>>
            { {"/xr", new List<Regex>()},{"/ir",new List<Regex>()},{"/xfr",new List<Regex>()},{"/ifr",new List<Regex>()},
            {"/xdr",new List<Regex>()},{"/idr",new List<Regex>()} };        
        public static Dictionary<string, Boolean> optionsbools = new Dictionary<string, bool> { { "/recurse", false }, { "/noerr", false }, {"/delete",false}, {"/xj", false}};
        public static long numOfDupes, dupeBytes, bytesrecovered, deletedfiles = 0;  // number of duplicate files found, bytes in duplicates, bytes recovered from deleting dupes, number of deleted dupes.
        public static long errors = 0;
        public static string delconfirm;        

        public static void Main(string[] args)
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("Findup.exe v2.0 - By James Gentile - JamesRaymondGentile@gmail.com - 2012.");
            Console.WriteLine("Findup.exe matches sizes, then SHA512 hashes to identify duplicate files.");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");                        
            string optionskey = "/paths";        
            List<FileInfo> files = new List<FileInfo>();            
            int i = 0;            

            for (i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                string argitem = args[i].ToLower();

                if ((System.String.Compare(argitem, "/help", true) == 0) || (System.String.Compare(argitem, "/h", true) == 0))
                    Console.WriteLine("Usage:    findup.exe <file/directory #1..#N> [/recurse] [/noerr] [/x /i /xd /id /xf /if + [r]] <files/directories/regex> [/delete]");
                    Console.WriteLine(" ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Options:  /help     - displays this help message.");
                    Console.WriteLine("          /recurse  - recurses through subdirectories when directories or file specifications (e.g. *.txt) are specified.");                    
                    Console.WriteLine("          /noerr    - discards error messages.");
                    Console.WriteLine("          /delete   - delete each duplicate file with confirmation.");                    
                    Console.WriteLine("          /x        - eXcludes if full file path starts with (or RegEx matches if /xr) one of the items following this switch until another switch is used.");
                    Console.WriteLine("          /i        - include if full file path starts with (or Regex matches if /ir) one of the items following this switch until another switch is used.");
                    Console.WriteLine("          /xd       - eXcludes all directories - minus drive/files - (using RegEx if /xdr) including subdirs following this switch until another switch is used.");
                    Console.WriteLine("          /id       - Include only directories - minus drive/files - (using RegEx if /idr) including subdirs following this switch until another switch is used.");
                    Console.WriteLine("          /xf       - eXcludes all files - minus drive/directories - (using RegEx if /xfr) following this switch until another switch is used.");
                    Console.WriteLine("          /if       - Include only files - minus drive/directories - (using RegEx if /ifr) following this switch until another switch is used.");
                    Console.WriteLine("          [r]       - Use regex for include/exclude by appending an 'r' to the option, e.g. -ir, -ifr, -idr, -xr, -xfr, -xdr.");
                    Console.WriteLine("          /paths    - not needed unless you want to specify files/dirs after an include/exclude without using another non-exclude/non-include option.");
                    Console.WriteLine("          /xj       - Exclude File and Directory Junctions.");
                    Console.WriteLine(" ");
                    Console.WriteLine("Examples: findup.exe c:\\finances /recurse /noerr /delete");
                    Console.WriteLine("                     - Find dupes in c:\\finance.");
                    Console.WriteLine("                     - recurse all subdirs of c:\\finance.");
                    Console.WriteLine("                     - suppress error messages.");
                    Console.WriteLine("                     - deletes duplicates after consent is given.");                    
                    Console.WriteLine("          findup.exe c:\\users\\alice\\plan.txt d:\\data /recurse /x d:\\data\\webpics");
                    Console.WriteLine("                     - Find dupes in c:\\users\\alice\\plan.txt, d:\\data");
                    Console.WriteLine("                     - recurse subdirs in d:\\data.");
                    Console.WriteLine("                     - exclude any files in d:\\data\\webpics and subdirs.");
                    Console.WriteLine("          findup.exe c:\\data *.txt c:\\reports\\quarter.doc /xfr \"(jim)\"");
                    Console.WriteLine("                     - Find dupes in c:\\data, *.txt in current directory and c:\\reports\\quarter.doc");
                    Console.WriteLine("                     - exclude any file with 'jim' in the name as specified by the Regex item \"(jim)\"");
                    Console.WriteLine("          findup.exe c:\\data *.txt c:\\reports\\*quarter.doc /xr \"[bf]\" /ir \"(smith)\"");
                    Console.WriteLine("                     - Find dupes in c:\\data, *.txt in current directory and c:\\reports\\*quarter.doc");
                    Console.WriteLine("                     - Include only files with 'smith' and exclude any file with letters b or f in the path name as specified by the Regex items \"[bf]\",\"(smith)\"");
                    Console.WriteLine("Note:     Exclude takes precedence over Include.");
                if (optionsbools.ContainsKey(argitem))
                    optionsbools[argitem] = true;
                    optionskey = "/paths";
                if (optionspaths.ContainsKey(argitem) || optionsregex.ContainsKey(argitem))
                    optionskey = argitem;
                if (optionspaths.ContainsKey(optionskey))                
                    try {
                        Regex rgx = new Regex(args[i], RegexOptions.Compiled);
                    catch (Exception e) {WriteErr("Regex compilation failed: " + e.Message);}
            if (optionspaths["/paths"].Count == 0)
                WriteErr("No files, file specifications, or directories specified. Try findup.exe -help. Assuming current directory.");
            Console.Write("Getting file info and sorting file list...");
            getFiles(optionspaths["/paths"], "*.*", files, optionsbools["/recurse"], optionsbools["/xj"]);
            if (files.Count < 2)
                WriteErr("\nFindup.exe needs at least 2 files to compare. Try findup.exe -help");

            files.Sort(new FileLengthComparer());
            Console.WriteLine("Building dictionary of file sizes, SHA512 hashes and full paths...");

            var SizeHashFile = new Dictionary<long, Dictionary<string,List<FileInfo>>>();

            long filesize = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < (files.Count - 1); i++)
                if (files[i].Length != files[i + 1].Length) continue;
                var breakout = false;

                while (true)
                    filesize = (files[i].Length);
                        var _SHA512 = SHA512.Create();
                        using (var fstream = File.OpenRead(files[i].FullName))
                        string SHA512string = Hash2String(_SHA512.Hash);

                        if (!SizeHashFile.ContainsKey(filesize))                        
                            SizeHashFile.Add(filesize, new Dictionary<string,List<FileInfo>>());                                             
                        if (!SizeHashFile[filesize].ContainsKey(SHA512string))                            
                            SizeHashFile[filesize][SHA512string] = new List<FileInfo>() {};
                    catch (Exception e) { WriteErr("Hash error: " + e.Message); }
                    if (breakout == true) {break;}
                    if (i == (files.Count - 1)) { breakout = true; continue; }
                    breakout = (files[i].Length != files[i + 1].Length);

                if (SizeHashFile.ContainsKey(filesize))
                    foreach (var HG in SizeHashFile[filesize])
                        if (HG.Value.Count > 1)
                            Console.WriteLine("{0:N0} Duplicate files. {1:N0} Bytes each. {2:N0} Bytes total : ", HG.Value.Count, filesize, filesize * HG.Value.Count);
                            foreach (var finfo in HG.Value)
                                dupeBytes += finfo.Length;
                                if (optionsbools["/delete"])
                                    if (DeleteDupe(finfo)) { bytesrecovered += finfo.Length; deletedfiles++; }

            Console.WriteLine("\n ");
            Console.WriteLine("Files checked      : {0:N0}", files.Count);              // display statistics and return to OS.
            Console.WriteLine("Duplicate files    : {0:N0}", numOfDupes);
            Console.WriteLine("Duplicate bytes    : {0:N0}", dupeBytes);
            Console.WriteLine("Deleted duplicates : {0:N0}", deletedfiles);
            Console.WriteLine("Bytes recovered    : {0:N0}", bytesrecovered);
            Console.WriteLine("Errors             : {0:N0}", errors);
            Console.WriteLine("Execution time     : " + (DateTime.Now - startTime));

        private static void WriteErr(string Str)
            if (!optionsbools["/noerr"])
        private static string Hash2String(Byte[] hasharray)
            string SHA512string = "";
            foreach (var c in hasharray)
                SHA512string += String.Format("{0:x2}", c);
            return SHA512string;

        private static Boolean DeleteDupe(FileInfo Filenfo)
            Console.Write("Delete this file <y/N> <ENTER>?");
            delconfirm = Console.ReadLine();
            if ((delconfirm[0] == 'Y') || (delconfirm[0] == 'y'))
                    Console.WriteLine("File Successfully deleted.");                                        
                    return true;
                catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("File could not be deleted: " + e.Message); }
            return false;

        private static Boolean CheckNames(string fullname)
            var filePart = Path.GetFileName(fullname);                                                              // get file name only (e.g. "d:\temp\data.txt" -> "data.txt")
            var dirPart = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullname).Substring(fullname.IndexOf(Path.VolumeSeparatorChar)+2);  // remove drive & file  (e.g. "d:\temp\data.txt" -> "temp")

            if (CheckNamesWorker(fullname, "/x", "/xr", true))
                return false;
            if (CheckNamesWorker(filePart, "/xf", "/xfr", true))           
                return false;
            if (CheckNamesWorker(dirPart, "/xd", "/xdr", true))            
                return false;            
            if (CheckNamesWorker(fullname, "/i", "/ir", false))
                return false;
            if (CheckNamesWorker(filePart, "/if", "/ifr", false))
                return false;
            if (CheckNamesWorker(dirPart, "/id", "/idr", false))
                return false;
            return true;
        private static Boolean CheckNamesWorker(string filestr, string pathskey, string rgxkey, Boolean CheckType)
            foreach (var filepath in optionspaths[pathskey])
                if (filestr.ToLower().StartsWith(filepath.ToLower()) == CheckType)
                    return true;                    
            foreach (var rgx in optionsregex[rgxkey])
                if (rgx.IsMatch(filestr) == CheckType)
                    return true;
            return false;
        private static void getFiles(List<string> pathRec, string searchPattern, List<FileInfo> returnList, Boolean recursiveFlag = true, Boolean xj = true)
            foreach (string d in pathRec) { getFiles(d, searchPattern, returnList, recursiveFlag, xj); }         

        private static void getFiles(string[] pathRec, string searchPattern, List<FileInfo> returnList, Boolean recursiveFlag = true, Boolean xj = true)
            foreach (string d in pathRec) { getFiles(d, searchPattern, returnList, recursiveFlag, xj); }            

        private static void getFiles(string pathRec, string searchPattern, List<FileInfo> returnList, Boolean recursiveFlag = true, Boolean xj = true)

            string dirPart;
            string filePart;

            if (File.Exists(pathRec))
                    FileInfo addf = (new FileInfo(pathRec));
                    if (((addf.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) == 0) || !xj)
                        if (CheckNames(addf.FullName))                        
                catch (Exception e) { WriteErr("Add file error: " + e.Message); }                
            else if (Directory.Exists(pathRec))
                    DirectoryInfo Dir = new DirectoryInfo(pathRec);
                    if (((Dir.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) == 0) || !xj)
                        foreach (FileInfo addf in (Dir.GetFiles(searchPattern)))
                            if (((addf.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReparsePoint) == 0) || !xj)
                                if (CheckNames(addf.FullName))                        
                catch (Exception e) { WriteErr("Add files from Directory error: " + e.Message); }

                if (recursiveFlag)
                    try { getFiles((Directory.GetDirectories(pathRec)), searchPattern, returnList, recursiveFlag, xj); }
                    catch (Exception e) { WriteErr("Add Directory error: " + e.Message); }
                    filePart = Path.GetFileName(pathRec);
                    dirPart = Path.GetDirectoryName(pathRec);
                catch (Exception e)
                    WriteErr("Parse error on: " + pathRec);
                    WriteErr(@"Make sure you don't end a directory with a \ when using quotes. The console arg parser doesn't accept that.");
                    WriteErr("Exception: " + e.Message);

                if (filePart.IndexOfAny(new char[] {'?','*'}) >= 0)
                    if ((dirPart == null) || (dirPart == ""))
                        dirPart = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
                    if (Directory.Exists(dirPart))
                        getFiles(dirPart, filePart, returnList, recursiveFlag, xj);
                WriteErr("Invalid file path, directory path, file specification, or program option specified: " + pathRec);                                                        