PoshCode Archive  Artifact [3003eea92e]

Artifact 3003eea92ee7ec2a75afc46eb2eebc4859dc37de0862aeea53048251a1b72811:

  • File Add-To-Start-Of-File.ps1 — part of check-in [cc47d4c2ea] at 2018-06-10 13:53:26 on branch trunk — This script recurses through the directory in the $path variable checks which files (user: DBAWithABeard size: 2891)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Add To Start Of File
# description: This script recurses through the directory in the $path variable checks which files 
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: DBAWithABeard
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 5323
# x-archived: 2015-01-31T20:16:43
# x-published: 2015-07-23T20:56:00
# have the required patterns defined by the select-strings, adds the value in
# $Header Variable and opens the file for checking before pausing
# NAME: Add-BeginningContent.ps1
# AUTHOR: Rob Sewell http://sqldbawithabeard.com
# DATE:21/07/2014
# COMMENTS: This script recurses through the directory in the $path variable checks which files 
#           have the required patterns defined by the select-strings, adds the value in
#           $Header Variable and opens the file for checking before pausing
# USAGE: Define the Path variable for the directory of your files
#        Define the Select-string to help define the searches. If you wish to use all files
#        delete or comment out lines 25 to 31 and alter line 22 to $Diffs = $Names
#        Define the Header variable to include the string you wish to add at the top 
#        If you wish to remove the user interaction delete or comment Line 62

# Set variable for directory
$path = 'E:\SkyDrive\Documents\Scripts\Powershell Scripts\Functions\'
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $path -Recurse

$Names = $Files|select name, FullName

# Search for multiple entries in the files this can be commented out
$Matchs = $files |
  where { $_ | Select-String -Pattern "###"  } |
  where { $_ | Select-String -Pattern "# NAME:" } |
   where { $_ | Select-String -Pattern "# AUTHOR:" } |
    where { $_ | Select-String -Pattern "# DATE:" } |
     where { $_ | Select-String -Pattern "# COMMENTS:" } |
      where { $_ | Select-String -Pattern "# USAGE:" } |select name,FullName

      #Choose the files which do not have all of the search terms

      $Diffs = $Names  | Where-Object {$Matchs.Name -notcontains  $_.Name}

      foreach($Diff in $Diffs)
      $ScriptName = $Diff.Name
      # read the file into a variable
      $Old = Get-Content $Diff.FullName
      # Set the Header
      $Header = "#############################################################################################
# NAME: " + $ScriptName + "
# AUTHOR: Rob Sewell http://sqldbawithabeard.com
# DATE:21/07/2014
      #Add Header
      Set-Content -Path $FileName -Value $Header
      #Add Original File contents
      Add-Content -Path $FileName -Value $Old 
      # Open File for checking/completing
      Invoke-Item $FileName
      # wait for user input this can be commented out