PoshCode Archive  Artifact [4e97cda506]

Artifact 4e97cda506dc1b588ef23a9e11030f79f851c706f142ecba6f4b4b978d289b46:

  • File ConvertTo-MultiArray.ps1 — part of check-in [b7e0bf24f3] at 2018-06-10 13:08:59 on branch trunk — Converts a collection of PowerShell objects into a multi-dimensional array. The first row of the array contains the property names. Each additional row contains the values for each object. (user: Tome Tanasovski size: 3639)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: ConvertTo-MultiArray
# description: Converts a collection of PowerShell objects into a multi-dimensional array.  The first row of the array contains the property names.  Each additional row contains the values for each object.
# version: 1.0
# type: function
# author: Tome Tanasovski
# license: CC0
# function: ConvertTo-MultiArray
# x-poshcode-id: 2349
# x-archived: 2016-04-08T09:18:19
# x-published: 2011-11-05T14:18:00
# This cmdlet was created to act as an intermediary to importing PowerShell objects into a range of cells in Exchange.  By using a multi-dimensional array you can greatly speed up the process of adding data to Excel through the Excel COM objects.
function ConvertTo-MultiArray {
 NAME: ConvertTo-MultiArray
 AUTHOR: Tome Tanasovski
 Website: http://powertoe.wordpress.com
 Twitter: http://twitter.com/toenuff
 Version: 1.0
 CREATED: 11/5/2010
 11/5/2010 1.0
 Initial Release
 11/5/2010 1.1
 Removed array parameter and passes a reference to the multi-dimensional array as output to the cmdlet
 11/5/2010 1.2
 Modified all rows to ensure they are entered as string values including $null values as a blank ("") string.

 Converts a collection of PowerShell objects into a multi-dimensional array

 Converts a collection of PowerShell objects into a multi-dimensional array.  The first row of the array contains the property names.  Each additional row contains the values for each object.
 This cmdlet was created to act as an intermediary to importing PowerShell objects into a range of cells in Exchange.  By using a multi-dimensional array you can greatly speed up the process of adding data to Excel through the Excel COM objects.

 .Parameter InputObject
 Specifies the objects to export into the multi dimensional array.  Enter a variable that contains the objects or type a command or expression that gets the objects. You can also pipe objects to ConvertTo-MultiArray.

        You can pipe any .NET Framework object to ConvertTo-MultiArray

        The cmdlet will return a reference to the multi-dimensional array.  To access the array itself you will need to use the Value property of the reference

 $arrayref = get-process |Convertto-MultiArray

 $dir = Get-ChildItem c:\
 $arrayref = Convertto-MultiArray -InputObject $dir
 $range.value2 = (ConvertTo-MultiArray (get-process)).value


        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    BEGIN {
        $objects = @()
        [ref]$array = [ref]$null
    Process {
        $objects += $InputObject        
    END {
        $properties = $objects[0].psobject.properties |%{$_.name}
        $array.Value = New-Object 'object[,]' ($objects.Count+1),$properties.count
        # i = row and j = column
        $j = 0
        $properties |%{
            $array.Value[0,$j] = $_.tostring()
        $i = 1
        $objects |% {
            $item = $_
            $j = 0
            $properties | % {
                if ($item.($_) -eq $null) {
                    $array.value[$i,$j] = ""
                else {
                    $array.value[$i,$j] = $item.($_).tostring()