PoshCode Archive  Artifact [5a6d2ca259]

Artifact 5a6d2ca259978dd48a961831aca134b0271b108c66d6047ad88a44c9de5dce97:

  • File CSV-Validator-Framework.ps1 — part of check-in [78a92ba546] at 2018-06-10 12:59:46 on branch trunk — A simple CSV validator framework supporting external rulesets. Run: .\test-csv.ps1 my.csv .\myruleset.ps1 (user: Oisin Grehan size: 5146)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: CSV Validator Framework
# description: A simple CSV validator framework supporting external rulesets. Run: .\test-csv.ps1 my.csv .\myruleset.ps1
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Oisin Grehan
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 1665
# x-archived: 2012-12-29T04:22:48
# x-published: 2012-02-25T14:04:00
# The rulset script should return a hashtable with two keys: FirstRow and AllRows. These keys point at hashtables containing rules. The key is the rulename, the value is a scriptblock that will be passed the current row and will return true if passes validation, and false if not. FirstRow rules only run on the first row, so it  should contain rules that validate structure like column count, name etc. AllRows rules run on ever row, so validate content.
# update: removed v2 block comment
# --- begin test-csv.ps1 ---
    [string]$Path = $(throw "require CSV path!"),
    [string]$RulesetPath = $(throw "require Ruleset path!")

$csvFiles = Resolve-Path -Path $Path

# load rules
if ((Test-Path (Resolve-Path $RulesetPath))) {
    # ruleset is found, execute and assign result to variable (should be hashtable)
    $ruleset = (& $RulesetPath)
    write-host "Ruleset has $($ruleset.firstrow.keys.count) first row rule(s)"
    write-host "Ruleset has $($ruleset.allrows.keys.count) all rows rule(s)"

    if (-not ($ruleset.firstrow)) {
        write-warning "ruleset $rulesetpath has no rules for first row (list/table validation)"
    if (-not ($ruleset.allrows)) {
        throw "ruleset $rulesetpath has no rules for allrows (row validation)"
} else {
    throw "Could not find ruleset $rulesetpath"

write-verbose "Found $($csvfiles.length) file(s)"

$csvFiles | where-object {
    # only pass on CSV files
    [io.path]::GetExtension( $_.providerpath ) -eq ".csv"
    } | foreach-object { 
        write-host "processing CSV $_"
        # import csv files        
        $firstRow = $true
        $rowcount = 0
        import-csv $_.path | foreach-object {
            write-host "row $rowcount"
            $currentRow = $_
            # process "first row only" rules, only on first row            
            if ($firstRow) {
                $ruleset.FirstRow.Keys | % {
                    write-host -nonewline "Processing rule $_ ... "
                    # execute the scriptblock with the current row as an argument
                    # the scriptblock is the value of the imported hashtable
                    if ((& $ruleset.firstrow[$_] $currentRow)) {
                        write-host -fore green "passed"
                    } else {
                        # displays green in ISE (lol)
                        write-host -fore red "failed"
                $firstRow = $false
            # process "all rows" rules                
            $ruleset.AllRows.Keys | % {
                write-host -nonewline "Processing rule $_ ... "

                # execute the scriptblock with the current row as an argument
                # the scriptblock is the value of the imported hashtable                                
                if ((& $ruleset.AllRows[$_] $currentRow)) {
                    write-host -fore green "passed"
                } else {
                    # displays green in ISE (lol)
                    write-host -fore red "failed"                
# --- end test-csv.ps1 ---

# --- begin ruleset-sample.ps1 ---
    FirstRow = @{
            ruleVerifyColumns = {
                $columns = @("u_logon_name",
                $count = 0
                $columns | ForEach-Object <# alias = % #> {
                    if ($row.psobject.members.Match($_)) { $count++ }
            $count -eq $columns.length
    AllRows = @{
        ruleLogonNameLengthGreaterThan8 = {
            $row.u_logon_name -gt 8
        ruleChangedByIsValidGuid = {

            try {
                # try cast to guid and swallow result if successful
               [guid]$row.g_user_id_changed_by > $null
            } catch { $false }

# --- end ruleset-sample.ps1 ---