PoshCode Archive  Artifact [8532de942e]

Artifact 8532de942eb2b432d30212816132b38343f5e484eb796f00864828a691f1f6a0:

  • File Add-Voice-to-Powershell.ps1 — part of check-in [b7119f7750] at 2018-06-10 14:19:16 on branch trunk — Add voice to your Powershell script (user: Mike Hays size: 1673)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Add Voice to Powershell
# description: Add voice to your Powershell script
# version: 1.1
# type: script
# author: Mike Hays
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 667
# x-archived: 2017-03-18T15:34:54
# x-published: 2009-11-11T12:23:00
# Description: Add Voice to Powershell
# Version: 1.1 (11 Nov 2008)
# Mike Hays / www.mike-hays.net / blog.mike-hays.net
# Virtualization, Powershell, and more...

# This is the actual speaking part.  I cheat by adding spaces
# (This makes the word sound right).
$spokenText = "Super ca li fragilistic expi alidocious"

# Create an object that represents the COM SAPI.SpVoice
$voice = New-Object -com SAPI.SpVoice

# Get the list of available voices
$voiceList = $voice.GetVoices()

# This script prefers using LH Michelle as a stand-in for Mary Poppins,
# but I can't be sure that she exists on all computers, so I check for that.
# She comes with some installations of Microsoft Word 2003.
$voiceDescList = @()
for ($i=0; $i -lt $voiceList.Count; $i++)
    $voiceDescList += $voiceList.Item($i).GetDescription()

if ($voiceDescList -contains "LH Michelle")
    $voiceMember = "Name=LH Michelle"
    # This is the default voice if LH Michelle doesn't exist.
    # This will probably be Microsoft Sam
    $voiceMember = "Name=" + $voiceDescList[0]
$voiceToUse = $voice.GetVoices($voiceMember)

# This sets the voice property on the COM object
$voice.Voice = $voiceToUse.Item(0)

# This actually does the speaking.
[void] $voice.Speak($spokenText)

# She's no Julie Andrews, but she'll say what you want.