PoshCode Archive  Artifact [956be54b6b]

Artifact 956be54b6ba59494435acc121e3b3ea8d6d0011af63a48f645f6952e19e4d2b3:

  • File Copy-GroupMembership.ps1 — part of check-in [cc2aa13ae3] at 2018-06-10 13:17:48 on branch trunk — This script will copy the group membership from an existing user account to a new user account. This script relies on functions that I source in, so you’ll need to grab my code from http://scripts.patton-tech.com/browser/powershell/production/includes/ActiveDirectoryManagement.ps1 (user: Jeff Patton size: 6505)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Copy-GroupMembership.ps1
# description: This script will copy the group membership from an existing user account to a new user account. This script relies on functions that I source in, so you’ll need to grab my code from http://scripts.patton-tech.com/browser/powershell/production/includes/ActiveDirectoryManagement.ps1
# version: 0.1
# type: script
# author: Jeff Patton
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 2964
# x-archived: 2013-05-20T04:47:11
# x-published: 2013-09-23T08:47:00
        Copy group membership between two accounts.
        This script will copy the group membership from an existing user
        account to a new user account.
        This is the LDAP URL to where your user accounts are stored
    .PARAMETER NewUser
        The username of the new user account
    .PARAMETER SearchFilter
        The searchFilter to pass on to AD, I'm using FSPs so it defaults
        to foreignSecurityPrincipal, but it could be Person if you're
        working with user accounts all within the same ActiveDirectory domain.
    .PARAMETER ExistingUser
        The username of the existing user account
    .PARAMETER Verbose
        Enable the debugging statements
        .\New-StudentWorker.ps1 -NewUser 'Newton' -ExistingUser 'Oldson' -ADSPath 'CN=ForeignSecurityPrincipals,DC=company,DC=com'

        GroupDN                           UserDN                           Added
        -------                           ------                           -----
        LDAP://CN=IGroup,OU=Profile,OU... LDAP://CN=S-1-5-21-57989841-1... The object already exists. (E...
        LDAP://CN=ECSStaffProfessional... LDAP://CN=S-1-5-21-57989841-1... True
        This sample shows the syntax and working against FSPs, as well as a potential error you might encounter.
        .\New-StudentWorker.ps1 -NewUser 'Guest' -ExistingUser 'krbtgt' -ADSPath 'DC=company,DC=com' -SearchFilter '(objectCategory=Person)'

        GroupDN                           UserDN                                                      Added
        -------                           ------                                                      -----
        LDAP://CN=Denied RODC Password... LDAP://CN=Guest,CN=Users,DC=c...                             True

        This example shows the syntax for copying group membership between accounts in the same domain.
        ScriptName : Copy-GroupMembership
        Created By : jspatton
        Date Coded : 09/22/2011 10:17:53
        ScriptName is used to register events for this script
        LogName is used to determine which classic log to write to
            100 = Success
            101 = Error
            102 = Warning
            104 = Information
    $SearchFilter = '(objectCategory=foreignSecurityPrincipal)',
        $ScriptName = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ToString()
        $LogName = "Application"
        $ScriptPath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
        $Username = $env:USERDOMAIN + "\" + $env:USERNAME
        New-EventLog -Source $ScriptName -LogName $LogName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $Message = "Script: " + $ScriptPath + "`nScript User: " + $Username + "`nStarted: " + (Get-Date).toString()
        Write-EventLog -LogName $LogName -Source $ScriptName -EventID "104" -EntryType "Information" -Message $Message
        if ($Verbose)
            $DebugPreference = "Continue"
            $VerbosePreference = $DebugPreference
        #	Dotsource in the functions you need.
        . .\includes\ActiveDirectoryManagement.ps1
        if ($SearchFilter -like "*foreignSecurityPrincipal*")
            Write-Verbose "Need to get a list of FSP objects and convert them to sAMAccountNames"
            $Users = Get-ADObjects -ADSPath $ADSPath -SearchFilter $SearchFilter |foreach {$_.Properties.name |Convert-FspToUsername}
            $NewUser = $Users |Where-Object {$_.sAMAccountName -like "*$($NewUser)"}
            $ExistingUser = $Users |Where-Object {$_.sAMAccountName -like "*$($ExistingUser)"}
            Write-Verbose "Found $($NewUser.sAMAccountName)"
            Write-Verbose "Found $($ExistingUser.sAMAccountName)"

            Write-Verbose "Get the group membership for CN=$($ExistingUser.Sid),$($ADSPath)"
            $UserGroups = Get-UserGroupMembership -UserDN "CN=$($ExistingUser.Sid),$($ADSPath)"
            foreach ($UserGroup in $UserGroups)
                Write-Verbose "Try adding $($NewUser.sAMAccountName) to $UserGroup.GroupDN"
                Add-UserToGroup -GroupDN $UserGroup.GroupDN -UserDN "LDAP://CN=$($NewUser.Sid),$($ADSPath)"
            Write-Verbose "Get a list of user objects"
            $Users = Get-ADObjects -ADSPath $ADSPath -SearchFilter $SearchFilter
            $NewUser = $Users |Where-Object {$_.Properties.name -like "*$($NewUser)"}
            $ExistingUser = $Users |Where-Object {$_.Properties.name -like "*$($ExistingUser)"}
            Write-Verbose "Found $($NewUser.Properties.name)"
            Write-Verbose "Found $($ExistingUser.Properties.name)"
            Write-Verbose "Get the group membership for $($ExistingUser.Path)"
            $UserGroups = Get-UserGroupMembership -UserDN $ExistingUser.Path
            foreach ($UserGroup in $UserGroups)
                Write-Verbose "Try adding $($NewUser.Properties.name) to $UserGroup.GroupDN"
                Add-UserToGroup -GroupDN $UserGroup.GroupDN -UserDN $NewUser.Path
        $Message = "Script: " + $ScriptPath + "`nScript User: " + $Username + "`nFinished: " + (Get-Date).toString()
        Write-EventLog -LogName $LogName -Source $ScriptName -EventID "104" -EntryType "Information" -Message $Message
        if ($Verbose)
            $DebugPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
            $VerbosePreference = $DebugPreference