PoshCode Archive  Artifact [9cf45647a9]

Artifact 9cf45647a9cfd633522bd210ace5739dc65b445837cad46c4f648c3a9e0f45e8:

  • File ESXiMgmt-module-sample-5.ps1 — part of check-in [dd8c388ab9] at 2018-06-10 13:16:50 on branch trunk — This sample register all the virtual machines laying as folders on a ESXi host. (user: Alexander Petrovskiy size: 3200)

# encoding: utf-8
# api: powershell
# title: ESXiMgmt module sample 5
# description: This sample register all the virtual machines laying as folders on a ESXi host.
# version: 4.1
# type: module
# author: Alexander Petrovskiy                                                                              
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 2914
# x-archived: 2011-08-25T00:25:36
# x-published: 2011-08-14T08:37:00
# The real business case is as the following: servers I have for tests configured with RAID0 array. After the drive space is over I decided to rebuild disks to RAID1. For this purpose I began copying all the VMs to a Windows host at Friday evening, on saturday I logged into iDRAC, rebuilt the array, reinstalled OS and began copying all the VMs back to now expanded drive space.
# After the copuing finished, I refused to register VMs manually preferring to write a script. That is what I posted today.
# File:             ESXiMgmt_register_all_virtual_machines_sample.ps1                                                 #
# Author:           Alexander Petrovskiy                                                                              #
# Publisher:        Alexander Petrovskiy, SoftwareTestingUsingPowerShell.WordPress.Com                                #
# Copyright:        © 2011 Alexander Petrovskiy, SoftwareTestingUsingPowerShell.WordPress.Com. All rights reserved.   #
# Prerequisites:    The module was tested with Vmware ESXi 4.1 U1 on the server side and                              #
#                       Vmware PowerCLI 4.1 U1                                                                        #
#                       plink.exe                                                                            #
# Usage:            To load this module run the following instruction:                                                #
#                       Import-Module -Name ESXiMgmt -Force                                                           #
#                   Please provide feedback in the SoftwareTestingUsingPowerShell.WordPress.Com blog.                 #
# USAGE: .\ESXiMgmt_register_all_virtual_machines_sample.ps1 root 123 datastore3 host1ds3

Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
Import-Module ESXiMgmt -Force;

Connect-ESXi -Server $Server -Port 443 `
	-Protocol HTTPS -User $User -Password $Password `
	-DatastoreName $DatastoreName -Drive $Drive;

dir "$($Drive):" | %{ `
		# supposedly, all the *.vmx files have
		# the same names as their folders
		# like VMName\VMName.vmx
		if (Test-Path "$($_.FullName)\$($_.Name).vmx")
			Register-ESXiVM  -Server $Server `
				-User $User -Password $Password `
				-Path "/vmfs/volumes/$($DatastoreName)/$($_.Name)/$($_.Name).vmx" `
				-OperationTImeout 5;