PoshCode Archive  Artifact [aeb81b919e]

Artifact aeb81b919e747b7617a0c0d291e0a89e78d7bf3af9683fe1f89f2fdecc502b34:

  • File Appscanner.ps1 — part of check-in [9a333dc626] at 2018-06-10 13:20:26 on branch trunk — File Access scanner for ACL and Applocker policy. Scan a particular file/folder for write/execute access for ACL and Applocker based on the rights of a supplied user. Can be used to test the success of an applocker policy. Or to simulate what access a particular user would have. Scripts will also show direct membership and inherited membership for a user. Output is a table formatted in html. The following user types can be used; domain,local and domain cached. The domain cached can only be used when you are logged in as the cached user. Access Denied Exception errors may be produced when attempting to scan a folder that the particular user doesnt have access to( Errors are not fatal and will not effect the script outcome). (user: Adam liquorish size: 22757)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Appscanner
# description: File Access scanner for ACL and Applocker policy.  Scan a particular file/folder for write/execute access for ACL and Applocker based on the rights of a supplied user.  Can be used to test the success of an applocker policy.  Or to simulate what access a particular user would have. Scripts will also show direct membership and inherited membership for a user.  Output is a table formatted in html.  The following user types can be used; domain,local and domain cached.  The domain cached can only be used when you are logged in as the cached user.  Access Denied Exception errors may be produced when attempting to scan a folder that the particular user doesnt have access to(  Errors are not fatal and will not effect the script outcome).
# version: 0.10
# type: script
# author: Adam liquorish
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 3102
# x-archived: 2012-01-14T07:04:49
# x-published: 2012-12-15T20:32:00

#Appscanner V0.10
#Author Adam Liquorish

#Creation Date 08/11/11

#Change log:

#    14/11/11 Removed unrequired step

#    02/12/11 Created input choice for domain.local,cached rather than auto determine

#    02/12/11 Added all supported filetypes for applockers ".bat",".cmd",".dll",".exe",".js",".msi",".msp","ocx",".psq",".vbs"

#    09/12/11 Implemented try/catch to capture file not found or access denied errors for outputting files



#appscanner -path <path> -user <user> -applockerpolicy <local/path> -outputpath <path> -userstatus <domain,local,cached> -logdirectory <path>



#appscanner -path "C:\Program Files" -user "adam" -applockerpolicy "local" -outputpath "c:\temp\output.html" -userstatus "local" -logdirectory "c:\temp\"



######Define Parameters



    HelpMessage="Enter Path to be processed.")]




    HelpMessage="Enter User to be processed, as either builtin\<user> or <domain>\<user>.")]


    [string]$user=$(Read-Host -prompt "User"),

#Uncomment when in production version.


    HelpMessage="Enter Applocker XML to be utilised ie c:\applocker.xml, or type local to use effective policy for workstation")]


    [string]$applockerpolicy=$(Read-Host -prompt "Path to applocker policy xml file, or type local to use effective policy for workstation"),


    HelpMessage="Enter Path for ouput ie c:\Temp\output.html.")]


    [string]$outputpath=$(Read-Host -prompt "Path for Output"),


    HelpMessage="Is the user a Domain/Local/Cached User.[Domain,Local,Cached]")]



    [string]$UserStatus=$(Read-Host -prompt "Is the user a Domain/Local/Cached User.[Domain,Local,Cached]"),


    HelpMessage="Enter Log Directory for ouput ie c:\Temp\")]


    [string]$logdirectory=$(Read-Host -prompt "Log Directory")



######Define Logger

$logfilename="$(get-date -format yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss).txt" 


if ($host.name -match 'ise')


    write-host "Warning: Running in Windows Powershell ISE, Transcript logging will not be running" -foregroundcolor red





    write-host "Running in Powershell Console, Transcript logging will now start" -foregroundcolor blue


        start-transcript -path $logfile


    #catch for if path not found

    catch [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException]{

        write-host "Critical: Parent Path to save $logfile not found." -foregroundcolor red

        read-host "Press enter to exit"


    #catch for path access denied

    catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]{

        write-host "Critical: Write access to $logfile is denied unable to save log file." -foregroundcolor red

        read-host "Press enter key to exit"



###### END Logger

######Define Variables








$Pathvalid=test-path $path

$Pathvalidpolicy=test-path $applockerpolicy




######Define HTML Output


$a=$a +"TABLE{border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;}"

$a=$a +"TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 0px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:thistle}"

$a=$a +"TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 0px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;}"

$a=$a +"</style>"

$header= "<h1>List of Processed Files</h1>"


######Testing Privileges

#$currentprincipal=new-object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())

#& {

#    if ($currentprincipal.isinrole( [Security.principal.windowsbuiltinrole]::Administrator))

#    {

#        write-host "$ticksymbol Running with administrative privilages" -foregroundcolor blue

#    }

#    else

#    {

#        write-host "$errorsymbol Script is currently not running with administrative privileges, please run as admin" -foregroundcolor red

#        read-host "Press enter to exit" -foregroundcolor red

#        exit

#    }

#  }


######Importing Required Modules



    if((get-wmiobject -cl win32_operatingsystem).version -gt "6")


        write-host "$ticksymbol Win Vista or higher detected, Importing Applocker Module" -foregroundcolor blue

        if((get-module -listavailable|foreach-object {$_.name}) -contains "applocker")


            import-module applocker

            write-host "Successfully imported applocker module" -foregroundcolor blue




            write-host "Critical: Applocker module cannot be found try logging in as administrator" -foregroundcolor red

            read-host "Press enter to quit"






        "Critical: $errorsymbol Exiting....An operating system lower that Windows Vista has been detected.  Script can only be run on Vista or higher."

        read-host "Press Enter key to exit"






    write-host "Critical: Error encountered loading applocker module" -foregroundcolor red

    read-host "Press Enter key to exit"





if ($Pathvalid -eq "True")

#If Path Valid


    if ($applockerpolicy -eq "local")

    #Output effective local applied applocker policy


        #Determine whether an applocker policy is in effect on workstation

        if((get-applockerpolicy -effective -xml ) -like "*Rule*")


            write-host "$ticksymbol A valid Applocker Policy is currently applied to this workstation" -foregroundcolor blue

            write-host "Warning: A path is required to save local applied applocker policy for usage" -foregroundcolor red

            $applockerpolicy=read-host "Enter path, ie c:\temp\applockerpolicy.xml" 

            write-host "$asterisksymbol Effective applied Applocker Policy for this workstation has been selected, policy will be output to $applockerpolicy" -foregroundcolor blue

            #Effective Applocker policy output


                get-applockerpolicy -effective -xml >$applockerpolicy


            #catch for if path not found

            catch [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException]{

                write-host "Critical: Parent Path to save $applockerpolicy not found." -foregroundcolor red

                read-host "Press enter to exit"


            #catch for path access denied

            catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]{

                write-host "Critical: Write access to $applockerpolicy is denied unable to export policy." -foregroundcolor red

                read-host "Press enter key to exit"





            write-host "Critical: $errorsymbol Exiting....An applocker policy has not been applied to this workstation" -foregroundcolor red

            read-host "Press Enter key to exit"





    elseif ($Pathvalidpolicy -eq "True")


         write-host "$ticksymbol Valid XML file supplied for Applocker Policy" -foregroundcolor blue




        write-host "Critical: $errorsymbol Exiting....Invalid path for applocker policy xml file, File Doesn't exist!" -foreground red

        read-host "Press Enter key to exit"



    #Stage 1 Find group membership for user


    "Stage 1 of 7, Enumerating Groups User is a member of, including inherited groups"

    #Load .Net Assembler

    add-type -AssemblyName System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement

    $domain = (Get-wmiobject Win32_ComputerSystem).Domain

    $ping=new-object system.net.networkinformation.ping


    #Function for finding group membership for only local or domain not a cached user!!! 

    function groupfind  


        #Create objects to filter based on group name and ContextType--Domain or Machine

        $principal = new-object System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext $ctype,$domain

        $idtype = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.IdentityType]::SamAccountName

        $groupPrincipal = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.UserPrincipal]::FindByIdentity($principal, $idtype, $user)

        #Recursively find what groups the user is a member of

        #Also assigns groups found to a global variable called groupout

        set-variable -name groupout -value $groupprincipal.GetAuthorizationGroups() -scope global




    #Determine if workstation is part of a domain or just local.

    If($userstatus -eq "Domain")


        try {

            $domainName = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetComputerDomain() | select -ExpandProperty Name

            $isDomain = $domainName -match $domain

            $domain =$domainname

            write-host "Workstation is part of a domain" -foregroundcolor blue

            #Determine if domain controller is contactable if not contactable treat workstation as local and use local account information

            if ($ping.send(([System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetComputerDomain()).pdcroleowner.name).status -eq "Success")


                $ctype = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Domain

                write-host "Successfully contacted Domain controller, using Domain account information." -foregroundcolor blue

                #calls function groupfind





                write-host "Critical: Domain Controller not contactable!" -foregroundcolor red

                read-host "Press Enter key to exit"




        catch {

            write-host "Critical: Computer is not part of a domain" -foregroundcolor red

            read-host "Press Enter key to exit"




    elseif($userstatus -eq "Local")


    #Build list of local users



    $localuserlist=$computer.psbase.children|where-object {$_.psbase.schemaclassname -eq 'user'}

    $localuserlistfilt=foreach($useritem in $localuserlist){$useritem.name}

        #Check queried user against list to see whether user is local

        if($localuserlistfilt -contains $user)


            write-host "Verified user is a part of local SAM database" -foregroundcolor blue

            $domain=(Get-wmiobject Win32_ComputerSystem).Name

            $ctype = [System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Machine

            #Calls function groupfind





            write-host "Critical: User is not a local user" -foregroundcolor red

            read-host "Press Enter key to exit"




    elseif($userstatus -eq "Cached")


        try {

        #Build list of local users



        $localuserlist=$computer.psbase.children|where-object {$_.psbase.schemaclassname -eq 'user'}

        $localuserlistfilt=foreach($useritem in $localuserlist){$useritem.name}

            #Check queried user against list to see whether user is local

            if($localuserlistfilt -contains $user)


                write-host "Critical: User is a part of local SAM database, therefore user is not cached." -foregroundcolor red

                read-host "Press Enter key to exit"





                #Check queried user matches logged on user"

               if((gwmi win32_computersystem).username -like "*$user")


                    write-host "Verified user is a cached user" -foregroundcolor blue

                    $groupout=[system.security.principal.windowsidentity]::getcurrent().groups|foreach-object {$_.translate([system.security.principal.ntaccount])}




                    write-host "Critical: Logged on user doesn't match queried user, therefore User is not a cached user" -foregroundcolor red

                    read-host "Press Enter key to exit"





        catch {

            write-host "Critical: User is not cached" -foregroundcolor red

            read-host "Press Enter key to exit"






        write-host "Critical: Please use Local,Domain or Cached" -foregroundcolor red

        read-host "Press Enter key to exit"





    "Stage 1 of 7, Finished Scanning Group Membership"

    "Stage 1 of 7, Outputting Group Membership hierarchy"

    #Add user to variable


    #Filter group properties down to name string

    $groupfilter+=foreach($groupname in $groupout){$groupname.name}

    #Determine direct membership

    $domaincut=$domain -match "\w+[A-Za-z0-9-]+"


    $query="ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_Account.Name='$user',Domain='$domaincutvalue'} WHERE ResultRole=GroupComponent ResultClass=Win32_Account"

    $directmembership=get-wmiobject -query $query

    $directmembershipresults=foreach($directmember in $directmembership){$directmember.name}

    $directmembershipresultsfiltered=$directmembershipresults|select-object -unique



    write-host "#Green is for the username," -foregroundcolor darkgreen -nonewline; write-host "Red is for direct group membership," -foregroundcolor red -nonewline; write-host "Blue is for the inherited group membership" -foregroundcolor blue

    "#User $user group structure looks like the following;"

    foreach ($group in $groupfilter){

        if($directmembershipresultsfiltered -contains $group){


        elseif($group -eq $user){




    #Display user

    write-host "-$user" -foregroundcolor darkgreen

    #Display direct membership

    foreach($member in $direct){

        write-host "->$member" -foregroundcolor red


    foreach($member in $inherited){

        write-host "-->$member" -foregroundcolor blue



    "Stage 1 of 7 Complete"

    #End Stage 1


    #Stage 2 Recurse found items to variable


    "Stage 2 of 7 $path is populating a variable "

    Get-Childitem $path -recurse -outvariable objects|where-object{write-progress "Stage 2 of 7 Recursing items to variable, Examining $($_.fullname)...." "Found  $count items";"$($_.fullname)"}|foreach-object {$count++}

    "Stage 2 of 7 $path has been populated into a variable"

    #End Stage 2


    #Stage 3 FILTERACL

    "Stage 3 of 7 Processing ACL on files to index"


     #filter variable

     $filteracl ={$groupfilter -like $_.IdentityReference.value.split("\")[1] -and ($_.FileSystemRights -band 131241 -or $_.FileSystemRights -band 278)}

     #Filter and add to new property

     foreach ($i in $objects)




            $i.GetAccessControl().Access |Where $filteracl|foreach {$dict.($i.Fullname).User+=($_.IdentityReference,",");$dict.($i.Fullname).Permission=$_.FileSystemRights} 

            Write-Progress -activity "Stage 3 of 7 Processing File Permissions to index" -status "$t of $max" -PercentComplete (($t/$objects.count)*100) -CurrentOperation $i.fullname 



    "Stage 3 of 7 Complete"

    #END STAGE 3


    #Stage 4 Remove Duplicate identities

    "Stage 4 of 7 Removing duplicate identities"

    #Zeroise write-progress counter


    #Remove duplicate identities due to listing of inherited groups in ACL

      foreach ($i in $objects)



        $identarray=$dict[$i.fullname].user;$dict[$i.fullname].user=$null;$splitidentarray=$identarray -split ",";$uniqueidentarray=$splitidentarray|sort-object -unique;$uniqueidentarray -join ","|foreach {$dict.($i.fullname).User+=($_)}

        Write-Progress -activity "Stage 4 of 7 Removing Username/Group Duplicates" -status "$t of $max" -PercentComplete (($t/$objects.count)*100) -CurrentOperation $i.fullname 


    "Stage 4 of 7 Complete"

    #END STAGE 4

    #Stage 5 APPLOCKER

    "Stage 5 of 7 Processing Applocker policy on files"

    #Applocker file extensions list


    $userpol=$objects|where {$Applockerfileextlist -contains $_.Extension}|convert-path|test-applockerpolicy $applockerpolicy -User $user

    $userobjpol = $userpol|select-object PolicyDecision,FilePath,MatchingRule


    $userobjpol|foreach {


        $dict[$_.FilePath] += @{ PolicyDecision = $_.PolicyDecision;MatchingRule= $_.MatchingRule}

        Write-progress -activity "Stage 5 of 7 Processing AppLockers results:" -status "$userobjpolcount of $($userobjpol.count)" -PercentComplete (($userobjpolcount/$userobjpol.count)*100) -CurrentOperation $_


    "Stage 5 of 7 Complete"

    #END STAGE 5

    #Stage 6

    "Stage 6 0f 7 Preparing format of results for html Report"


    $hashtable=foreach($j in $dict.keys){


        New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{Path=$j






    Write-Progress -activity "Stage 6 of 7 Processing Dictionary to properties" -status "$u of $max2" -PercentComplete (($u/$max2)*100) -CurrentOperation $_}

    "Stage 6 of 7 Complete, $u files scanned of $max for Applocker scan"

    #END STAGE 6

    #####END MAIN 



    "Stage 7 of 7 Outputting to file $outputpath"


        $hashtable|sort-object Path|ConvertTo-Html -head $header -title "ACL List" -body $a|Set-Content $outputpath


    #catch for if path not found

    catch [System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException]{

        write-host "Critical: Parent Path to save $outputpath not found." -foregroundcolor red

        read-host "Press enter to exit"


    #catch for path access denied

    catch [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeException]{

        write-host "Critical: Write access to $outputpath is denied unable to export results." -foregroundcolor red

        read-host "Press enter key to exit"


    #Display results





    $outputsize=get-item "$outputpath"|foreach {echo($_.length/1mb).tostring("0.00 MB")}

    "Stage 7 of 7, Scanned $max files of $path is complete in $totaltimehours hours and $totaltimeminutes minutes, $outputpath is $outputsize."

    #####END RESULTS

    #####Zeroise variables and unrequired files

    #Stop Logging

    if ($host.name -match 'ise')






        "Running Log output to $logfile"

        stop-transcript >$null


    #Prompt delete applocker policy

    $delete=read-host -prompt "Would you like the Applocker policy file $applockerpolicy deleted,YES/NO"

    if($delete -eq "yes")


        del $applockerpolicy




        write-host "Warning: $asterisksymbol You chose not to delete file $applockerpolicy, Application will now exit....." -foregroundcolor red

        read-host "Press Enter key to exit"




#If Path invalid



    write-host "Critical: $errorsymbol Exiting...Invalid path supplied for processing" -foregroundcolor red

    read-host "Press Enter key to exit"

