PoshCode Archive  Artifact [bf2b21839d]

Artifact bf2b21839d45fe5f383d023c858b07885f5fff329a73e8818d5b9e623ce0a842:

  • File Get-HexDump.ps1 — part of check-in [684b38a12f] at 2018-06-10 13:43:22 on branch trunk — Creates hex dump of a file (user: greg zakharov size: 2333)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-HexDump
# description: Creates hex dump of a file
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: greg zakharov
# license: CC0
# function: Get-HexDump
# x-poshcode-id: 4583
# x-archived: 2013-11-06T02:15:08
# x-published: 2013-11-05T14:36:00
#requires -version 2.0
Set-Alias od Get-HexDump

function Get-HexDump {
        Get hex dump of a file.
        If only file name has been specified then Get-HexDump creates full
        dump of a file.
    .PARAMETER FileName
        A file name to process.
    .PARAMETER BytesToProcess
        Counter of firsts bytes to dump.
        Test of function without its execution.
        PS C:\> Get-HexDump foo 512
        Reads first 512 bytes of "foo" file.
        PS C:\> (gi \bar\foo).FullName | od
        Send file name to Get-HexDump with pipeline.
        System.String - FileName
        System.UInt16 - BytesToProcess
        You can report me about bugs and issues at gregzakh@gmail.com
    [ValidateRange(0, 65535)]
    [UInt16]$BytesToProcess = 0
  begin {
    [String]$ofs = ''
    [Int32]$line = 0
  process {
    if (Test-Path $FileName) {
      if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Dumps specified bytes of " + $FileName)) {
        gc -ea 0 -enc Byte $FileName -re 16 -to $BytesToProcess | % {
          '{0:X8} {1, -49} {2}' -f $line++, [String](
            $_ | % {' ' + ('{0:x}' -f $_).PadLeft(2, "0")}
          ), [String](
            $_ | % {
              if ([Char]::IsLetterOrDigit($_) -or [Char]::IsSymbol($_) `
                -or [Char]::IsPunctuation($_)) {[Char]$_}
              else {'.'}
    else {Write-Warning "file not found or does not exist."}
  end {}