PoshCode Archive  Artifact [ca6763683b]

Artifact ca6763683b570c27a55ab3c1a748182980392e2fa31dcf0d3a0c3d4387e5d228:

  • File Get-ChilditemsRecursive.ps1 — part of check-in [d8577740bc] at 2018-06-10 14:28:03 on branch trunk — When you wish to compare to directory trees, you need the relative pathes of the files with respect to root of the directory tree, so that you can match them. (user: Bernd Kriszio size: 2988)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-ChilditemsRecursive
# description: When you wish to compare to directory trees, you need the relative pathes of the files with respect to root of the directory tree, so that you can match them.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: Bernd Kriszio
# license: CC0
# function: Get-ChildItem2
# x-poshcode-id: 999
# x-archived: 2015-05-11T20:44:11
# x-published: 2009-04-05T02:04:00
# This is my private start to work with offline files
# Bernd Kriszio http://pauerschell.blogspot.com/
function Get-ChildItem2 ($path)
    # path can either be absolut or relative, I only tried filesystem
    # perhaps to named Get-ChildItemsRecursive
    $root = gi $path
    $PathLength = $root.FullName.length
    # it would be nice if Split-Path could do the trick, I didn't grok it 
    gci $path -rec | % {
    Add-Member -InputObject $_ -MemberType NoteProperty -Name RelativePath -Value $_.FullName.substring($PathLength+1)

# Try for example:
# Get-ChildItem2 $pshome | % {$_.RelativePath }
# Now generate demo data

cd f:
md tmp
md tmp\gcir\dir1
md tmp\gcir\dir2
"file1" > tmp\gcir\dir1\file1.txt
"file2" > tmp\gcir\dir1\file2.txt
copy-Item tmp\gcir\dir1\file1.txt tmp\gcir\dir2\file1.txt # both file1 have same length and LastWriteTime 
"file2changed" > tmp\gcir\dir2\file2.txt  # different length forced by different contents

# now we get pathnames relative to the starting path
Get-ChildItem2 tmp | % {$_.RelativePath }

# and it is easy to compare two trees of files
Compare-Object (Get-ChildItem2 tmp\gcir\dir1) (Get-ChildItem2 tmp\gcir\dir2) -prop RelativePath, LastWriteTime, Length -includeEqual
RelativePath        LastWriteTime                    Length SideIndicator      
------------        -------------                    ------ -------------      
file1.txt           05.04.2009 10:45:03                  16 ==                 
file2.txt           05.04.2009 10:45:03                  30 =>                 
file2.txt           05.04.2009 10:45:03                  16 <=                 

# well we look only for the different files
Compare-Object (Get-ChildItem2 tmp\gcir\dir1) (Get-ChildItem2 tmp\gcir\dir2) -prop RelativePath, LastWriteTime, Length

# add some fiddeling to the newest file only
$last = $null
Compare-Object (Get-ChildItem2 tmp\gcir\dir1) (Get-ChildItem2 tmp\gcir\dir2) -prop RelativePath, LastWriteTime, Length |
Sort RelativePath, LastWriteTime -desc | % {
if ($last -ne $_.RelativePath)
{ $_ }
$last = $_.RelativePath
} | sort RelativePath

RelativePath        LastWriteTime                    Length SideIndicator      
------------        -------------                    ------ -------------      
file2.txt           05.04.2009 10:45:03                  30 =>                 