PoshCode Archive  Artifact [e794c48d45]

Artifact e794c48d45be50a4cf9a0ccc22c8dd1e80facfd493cdb1730a5fa4ab1ad2ed8d:

  • File Get-ActivesyncUsers.ps1 — part of check-in [8bfe186d38] at 2018-06-10 14:22:45 on branch trunk — Script to retreive all users with an active sync device partnership (user: unknown size: 7811)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-ActivesyncUsers
# description: Script to retreive all users with an active sync device partnership
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# license: CC0
# x-poshcode-id: 698
# x-archived: 2009-01-06T13:44:44
#Get all mailboxes that have an active sync partnership:
$Mailboxes = Get-CASMailbox -Filter{HasActiveSyncDevicePartnership -eq $true}| select name, servername, DistinguisheDName, ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy

$NumberWiped = 0
$NumberSent =0
$TotalCount = 0
Foreach ($mailbox in $Mailboxes)
$Name = $mailbox.Name
$DName= $mailbox.distinguisheDName
$Stats = Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics -mailbox $DName
if ($Stats -ne $null)
$bodySummary = $bodySummary + "<br />User "+ $mailbox.Name +" is on " +$mailbox.ServerName + " using the " +$mailbox.ActiveSyncMailboxPolicy + " policy"
$TotalCount ++
$body = "<font color=blue>Executive Summary:<br /><br />There are " + $TotalCount +" mailboxes that have a current Active Sync partnership:<br />"
$body =	$body + $bodySummary
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<br /><br />Device Information:" 
Foreach ($mailbox in $Mailboxes)
$Name = $mailbox.Name
$DName= $mailbox.distinguisheDName
$Stats = Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics -mailbox $DName
if ($Stats.count -gt 1)
$bodydetail = $bodydetail +"<br /><br />User "+ $mailbox.Name + " has the following " + $Stats.Count + " devices:<br />"
elseif($Stats.count -lt 2 -and $Stats -ne $null)
$bodydetail = $bodydetail +"<br /><br />User "+ $mailbox.Name + " has the following device:<br />"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + $Stats.count
if ($Stats.count -lt 2 -and $Stats -ne $null)
if ($Stats.DeviceWipeRequestTime -ne $null)
if ($Stats.DeviceWipeAckTime -ne $null)
$NumberWiped ++
$bodydetail = $bodydetail +"<br /><br />This device was wiped on " + $Stats.DeviceWipeAckTime.ToString()
$bodydetail = $bodydetail +"<br />Click here to remove this active sync partnership:<a href= https://webmail.mt.gov/ExchActiveSync/RemoveActiveSyncConfirm.aspx?strIdentity=" + $Stats.Identity +"Remove Partnership>"
$NumberSent ++
$bodydetail = $bodydetail +"><br /><font color=red><strong>This device was sent the wipe command on " + $Stats.DeviceWipeRequestTime.ToString() +"</strong></font color>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail +"<br />Click here to remove this active sync partnership:<a href= https://webmail.mt.gov/ExchActiveSync/RemoveActiveSyncConfirm.aspx?strIdentity=" + $Stats.Identity +">Remove Partnership"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<table><TR><TD>FirstSyncTime  </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.FirstSyncTime +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>LastPolicyUpdateTime  </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.LastPolicyUpdateTime +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>LastSyncAttemptTime   </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.LastSyncAttemptTime +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>LastSuccessSync       </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.LastSuccessSync +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceType            </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.DeviceType +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceID              </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.DeviceID +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceUserAgent       </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.DeviceUserAgent +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceWipeSentTime    </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.DeviceWipeSentTime +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceWipeRequestTime </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.DeviceWipeRequestTime +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceWipeAckTime     </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.DeviceWipeAckTime +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceModel           </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.DeviceModel +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceFriendlyName    </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.DeviceFriendlyName +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceOS              </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.DeviceOS +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceOSLanguage      </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.DeviceOSLanguage +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DevicePhoneNumber     </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.DevicePhoneNumber +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>Identity              </TD><TD>: " + $Stats.Identity +"</TD></TR></table><BR />"
elseif ($Stats.Count -gt 1)
foreach ($Stat in $Stats)
if ($Stat.DeviceWipeRequestTime -ne $null)
if ($Stat.DeviceWipeAckTime -ne $null)
$Wiped= ""
$NumberWiped ++
$bodydetail = $bodydetail +"<br /><br />This device was wiped on " + $Stat.DeviceWipeAckTime.ToString()
$NumberSent ++
$bodydetail = $bodydetail +"<br /><STRONG><font color=red>This device was sent the wipe command on " + $Stat.DeviceWipeRequestTime.ToString()+"</STRONG></font color>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail +"<br />Click here to remove this active sync partnership:<a href= https://webmail.mt.gov/ExchActiveSync/RemoveActiveSyncConfirm.aspx?strIdentity=" + $Stats.Identity +">Remove Partnership"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<table><TR><TD>FirstSyncTime  </TD><TD>: " + $stat.FirstSyncTime +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>LastPolicyUpdateTime  </TD><TD>: " + $stat.LastPolicyUpdateTime +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>LastSyncAttemptTime   </TD><TD>: " + $stat.LastSyncAttemptTime +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>LastSuccessSync       </TD><TD>: " + $stat.LastSuccessSync +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceType            </TD><TD>: " + $stat.DeviceType +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceID              </TD><TD>: " + $stat.DeviceID +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceUserAgent       </TD><TD>: " + $stat.DeviceUserAgent +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceWipeSentTime    </TD><TD>: " + $stat.DeviceWipeSentTime +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceWipeRequestTime </TD><TD>: " + $stat.DeviceWipeRequestTime +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceWipeAckTime     </TD><TD>: " + $stat.DeviceWipeAckTime +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>LastPingHeartbeat     </TD><TD>: " + $stat.LastPingHeartbeat +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceModel           </TD><TD>: " + $stat.DeviceModel +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceIMEI            </TD><TD>: " + $stat.DeviceIMEI +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceFriendlyName    </TD><TD>: " + $stat.DeviceFriendlyName +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceOS              </TD><TD>: " + $stat.DeviceOS +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DeviceOSLanguage      </TD><TD>: " + $stat.DeviceOSLanguage +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>DevicePhoneNumber     </TD><TD>: " + $stat.DevicePhoneNumber +"</TD></TR>"
$bodydetail = $bodydetail + "<TR><TD>Identity              </TD><TD>: " + $stat.Identity +"</TD></TR></table><BR />"
function sendmail([string] $body)
$SmtpClient = new-object system.net.mail.smtpClient 
$MailMessage = New-Object system.net.mail.mailmessage 
$SmtpClient.Host = "smtp.host" 
$mailmessage.from = "From.Address@from.com" 
$mailmessage.Subject = "Mailboxes that have an Active Sync Device Partnership" 
$MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = $False
$mailmessage.Body = $body
$MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = $TRUE
$body = $body + "<br /><br />There are $NumberWiped devices that have been wiped."
$body = $body + "<br />There are $NumberSent devices that have a pending wipe command.</font color>"
$Body = $Body + $BodyDetail
$bodydetail = ""
$Name = ""
$bodySummary = ""