PoshCode Archive  Artifact [ef4b65e724]

Artifact ef4b65e724515db2390881ed9a50044772d1fd481d008e9fa1be714b9d5b32ee:

  • File Get-DomainPasswordPolicy.ps1 — part of check-in [26f3a9f194] at 2018-06-10 14:20:48 on branch trunk — This is a function that queries the domain for the password policies that are set via Group Policy. Output objects include Min Password Length, Min Password Age, Max Password Age, number of passwords remembered (for password history restrictions), Lockout Threshold, Lockout Duration, and the Lockout Counter Reset time. (user: AlphaSun size: 1790)

# encoding: ascii
# api: powershell
# title: Get-DomainPasswordPolicy
# description: This is a function that queries the domain for the password policies that are set via Group Policy. Output objects include Min Password Length, Min Password Age, Max Password Age, number of passwords remembered (for password history restrictions), Lockout Threshold, Lockout Duration, and the Lockout Counter Reset time.
# version: 0.1
# type: function
# author: AlphaSun
# license: CC0
# function: Get-DomainPasswordPolicy
# x-poshcode-id: 6777
# x-archived: 2017-03-16T01:20:03
# x-published: 2017-03-08T13:32:00
function Get-DomainPasswordPolicy  

	$domain = [ADSI]"WinNT://$env:userdomain"
	$Name = @{Name="DomainName";Expression={$_.Name}}
	$MinPassLen = @{Name="Minimum Password Length (Chars)";Expression={$_.MinPasswordLength}}
	$MinPassAge = @{Name="Minimum Password Age (Days)";Expression={$_.MinPasswordAge.value/86400}}
	$MaxPassAge = @{Name="Maximum Password Age (Days)";Expression={$_.MaxPasswordAge.value/86400}}
	$PassHistory = @{Name="Enforce Password History (Passwords remembered)";Expression={$_.PasswordHistoryLength}}
	$AcctLockoutThreshold = @{Name="Account Lockout Threshold (Invalid logon attempts)";Expression={$_.MaxBadPasswordsAllowed}}
	$AcctLockoutDuration =  @{Name="Account Lockout Duration (Minutes)";Expression={if ($_.AutoUnlockInterval.value -eq -1) {'Account is locked out until administrator unlocks it.'} else {$_.AutoUnlockInterval.value/60}}}
	$ResetAcctLockoutCounter = @{Name="Reset Account Lockout Counter After (Minutes)";Expression={$_.LockoutObservationInterval.value/60}}
	$domain | Select-Object $Name,$MinPassLen,$MinPassAge,$MaxPassAge,$PassHistory,$AcctLockoutThreshold,$AcctLockoutDuration,$ResetAcctLockoutCounter