# encoding: utf-8
# api: multitool
# category: bulk
# title: -Filter user search
# description: queries AD users by filter, generate list as table/csv
# version: 0.1
# vars:
# {
# name: filter,
# type: select,
# select: '(office -like "*Oxford*")|(l -like "*France*")|(division -eq 32156)|(description -like "*finance*")|(company -like "*Google") -and (department -like "Engineering*")'.
# description: "-Filter attributes or properties. Use -like and * for fuzzy search, or -eq for exact matches. Multiple attributes can be combined with -and / -or, or wrapped in parens."
# }
# { name: display, type: select, select: "Format-Table|ConvertTo-Html|Out-GridView|Format-List|Export-CSV", description: "How to output result list." }
# { name: export_fn, type: file, description: "Filename for Export-cSV" }
# {
# name: props,
# type: select,
# select: "SAMAccountName Name EmailAddress|SAMAccountName Name EmailAddress Manager EmployeeType Company Description L Enabled AccountExpirationDate",
# description: AD fields to list
# }
# icon: user
# type: inline
# depends: psm:ad
# priority: experimental
# Shortcut for Get-ADUSer -Filter
# A few sample filters in combobox prepared.
# Outputs either list, table, or saves to CSV file.
$filter = (Read-Host "filter"),
$display = (Read-Host "display"),
$export_fn = (Read-Host "export_fn"),
$props = (Read-Host "props")
#-- find
$results = Get-ADUser -Filter $filter -Prop * | Select ($props -split "\W+")
#-- output
Out-DisplayDispatch $result $display $export_fn