Powershell GUI fronted (WPF) to run categorized console scripts

⌈⌋ branch:  ClickyColoury

Artifact [a8bb2b542d]

Artifact a8bb2b542df339a219ceac24d3551c0505029ab3:

  • File tools/powershell/log_application.ps1 — part of check-in [cd996a8738] at 2018-04-10 15:28:06 on branch trunk — Move to new vars: support (user: mario size: 718)

# api: multitool
# version: 0.1
# title: EventLog
# description: Get-EventLog $logname
# type: inline
# category: powershell
# icon: events
# vars:
#    { name: machine, description: computer to query eventlog on }
#    { name: logname, type: select, select: Application|System|Security, value: Application, description: event log name }
# key: i22|eventlog
# hidden: 0
# Get-EventLog -computer $machine
#  ❏ prints -Newest 20 entres
#  ❏ use [LogName] combobox to switch to Security or System logs

    $machine = (Read-Host "Computer"),
    $logname = (Read-Host "LogName")

Get-EventLog -Computer $machine -Newest 20 -LogName $logname | FT Index,Time,Message -Auto -Wrap