Artifact [c022778f99]
Artifact c022778f99efe3b0fc24efc340543828ef4a26e2:
- File tools/info/printserver.ps1 — part of check-in [06df8ad9bd] at 2017-09-22 23:34:42 on branch trunk — Derived from current base version 0.8.0; some sample and generic scripts added. (user: mario size: 443)
# api: multitool # version: 1.1 # title: Printservers # description: scans AD for print servers # type: inline # category: info # hidden: 0 # key: i7|print|print-?se?rve?r? # config: {} # # scans AD for print servers $ls = Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(&(&(&(uncName=*)(objectCategory=printQueue))))" -Prop * | Sort-Object -Unique -Property servername | Select servername $ls | Format-Table -Auto -Wrap