Powershell GUI fronted (WPF) to run categorized console scripts

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  ClickyColoury

Artifact [d6df773d25]

Artifact d6df773d25f951e7ff5d4de670e9a4a4b567c76a:

  • File NEWS — part of check-in [8ad68eaa09] at 2018-04-15 18:22:21 on branch trunk — Write-Splash fix for PS2. Release a 0.9.0 (user: mario size: 1643)

0.9.0 (2018-04-15)
 * Ported to Powershell 5.0
 * Toolblocks are just buttons again, in a TreeView;
   for performance reasons (became too slow with 200 scripts)
 * Output pane is a FlowDocument now, allows -XAML passing
 * Extra parameters now bring up a form box, new vars: meta field
 * New darker theme
 * Splash screen added
 * Introducing cross-runspace events now (albeit Cancel non-functional,
   simple $GUI.tasks queue still used)
 * Proper GUI output to HTML clipboard conversion

0.8.0 (2017-09-22)
 * First public (stripped down) release
 * Main code condensed into modules/ directory.
 * Global configuration hash is now populated in starter.ps1
 * Restructured tools/ again into category-nested subfolders.
 * Implemented HTML clipboard kludge (collect alongside Out-Gui).
 * Sigma version for init_intro.ps1 instead of main version.

0.7.x (unreleased)
 * Open-RemoteRegistry with generic path support
 * more Out-Gui and Start-Win type and error catching
 * globalized Out-Gui aliases for type:init scripts
 * funcs_json / Foreach-KV

0.6.x (unreleased)
 * Unicode toolbar block
 * condensed CLI output instead of submenus
 * unified $cfg. names

0.5.x (unreleased)
 * basic plugin system
 * funcs_* init plugins
 * Scripts held in tools.*/ folders
 * input+combobox support for param:
 * Ask-Gui/Get-Params name matching

0.4.x (unreleased)
 * reduced to single runspace just for GUI/WPF
 * toolblocks instead of just buttons
 * menu_editscripts
 * AD-Search alternatives

0.3.x (unreleased)
 * preliminary WPF mode without separate runspace

0.2.x (unreleased)
 * CMD scripts ported

0.1.x (unreleased)
 * CLI only version