Powershell GUI fronted (WPF) to run categorized console scripts

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  ClickyColoury

Artifact [eaeaeb74b2]

Artifact eaeaeb74b2db2e9384d4f5ba93950cb8201beaac:

  • File tools/wmi/network.ps1 — part of check-in [06df8ad9bd] at 2017-09-22 23:34:42 on branch trunk — Derived from current base version 0.8.0; some sample and generic scripts added. (user: mario size: 600)

# api: multitool
# version: 0.4
# title: Network adapters
# description: Scans remote PC via WMI win32_networkadapters
# type: inline
# category: wmi
# tag: proxy
# hidden: 0
# key: w4|network|network-?adapters|ada?pt[ers]*|nwa
# config: {}
# Useful for detecting parallel LAN and WLAN connections.
#  → proxy issues

Param($machine = (Read-Host "Machine"));

$adapters = Get-WMIObject win32_networkadapter -filter "netconnectionstatus=2" -ComputerName $machine
Format-List -InputObject $adapters -Property NetConnectionID,Name,MACaddress,ServiceName,InterfaceIndex