Powershell GUI fronted (WPF) to run categorized console scripts

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  ClickyColoury

Update of "tools"

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Artifact ID: 9f4c9aba494b46fb7f0122ce60ae1a6e2c0608f4
Page Name:tools
Date: 2017-09-23 00:57:44
Original User: mario
Next 05d109833a266a0d070fb90c4a51789ce670c797

tools/ is the default location for actual scripts and plugins.

* It's structured by category per default

* Albeit you can set up different structures using `$cfg.tool_dirs` in `starter.ps1`

`tools/plugins/` contains a few UI hooks as well as base functions for the main thread.