Powershell GUI fronted (WPF) to run categorized console scripts

โŒˆโŒ‹ โŽ‡ branch:  ClickyColoury

New menu/plugin which adds dummy entries for unclassified scripts.
mario authored 2165 days ago last checkin 168d091f8
๐Ÿ“„ config_gridview.ps1 Incomplete; there should have been a Out-GridView hook/alias. But thiโ€นโ€บ 2404 days ago
๐Ÿ“„ configdialog.ps1 New config editor (reusing Read-GuiExtraParams dialog)โ€นโ€บ 2204 days ago
๐Ÿ“„ configedit.ps1 Add some depends: (e.g. funcs_base or wpf, but no e.g. bin:netsh yet)โ€นโ€บ 2403 days ago
๐Ÿ“„ funcs_base.ps1 add Out-DisplayDispatch for bulk plugins. add Create-RegPathโ€นโ€บ 2168 days ago
๐Ÿ“„ funcs_json.ps1 Derived from current base version 0.8.0; some sample and generic scriโ€นโ€บ 2404 days ago
๐Ÿ“„ funcs_remoting.ps1 Derived from current base version 0.8.0; some sample and generic scriโ€นโ€บ 2404 days ago
๐Ÿ“„ init_env.ps1 Derived from current base version 0.8.0; some sample and generic scriโ€นโ€บ 2404 days ago
๐Ÿ“„ init_intro.ps1 Support for RTF and XAML news files.โ€นโ€บ 2168 days ago
๐Ÿ“„ menu_editscripts.ps1 Add some depends: (e.g. funcs_base or wpf, but no e.g. bin:netsh yet)โ€นโ€บ 2403 days ago
๐Ÿ“„ menu_filter.ps1 Shorten starter.ps1 with `Is-PluginCompatible` function, scanning useโ€นโ€บ 2165 days ago
๐Ÿ“„ menu_usertools.ps1 Made Usertools base dir configurableโ€นโ€บ 2403 days ago
๐Ÿ“„ plugin_before_confirm.ps1 Sample plugin, warning message for `# confirm: 1` meta flag. (Used foโ€นโ€บ 2192 days ago
๐Ÿ“„ plugin_manager.ps1 Add online repo shortcut, disable config option (not going to use pluโ€นโ€บ 2166 days ago
๐Ÿ“„ update_cache_adsearch.ps1 Derived from current base version 0.8.0; some sample and generic scriโ€นโ€บ 2404 days ago


The tools/plugins/ directory encompasses different parts:

  • Most interestingly the funcs_* predefine utility code for other scripts. (Convenient shortcuts like Open-RemoteRegistry e.g.) -- They run as type:init plugins once in the main thread.

  • config_* scripts are pertained with runtime or startup configuration; they're defined as regular type:inline plugins usually

  • init_* scripts may predefine some settings, mostly run as type:init scripts

  • menu_* scripts run once as type:init-gui to augment the WPF menu

  • update_* tools are regular scripts for the Config>Update menu, meant to work on data/ files