#!/usr/bin/env python3
# description: transform repos to UI json
# Compact github.json to UI data set
import re, requests, json, time, pprint
from traceback import format_exc
def write(results):
with open("uidata.json", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(results, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False))
def read():
with open("github.json", "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
return json.load(f)
def tree2dir(tree, filter):
convert dir/file/struct into ├── └── lists
@todo: retain path names in ordered dict even?
tree = [p["path"] for p in tree]
tree = [re.sub("\{\{\s*cookiecutter\.(\w+)\s*\}\}", "{{$\\1}}", p) for p in tree]
ls = []
pfx = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "]
for p in tree.reverse() or tree:
if filter:
if p.find("/") < 0:
pass # if dir filter, only skip other subdirs/, but not root files
elif p.find(filter.strip("/")) < 0:
p = p.split("/")
ind = len(p)
p = p[-1]
# same level entry
if ind == len(pfx):
pfx[-1] = "├── "
ls.append("".join(pfx) + p)
# traversing upwards
elif ind < len(pfx):
pfx = pfx[0:ind]
if pfx[-1] == " ": # first ever uplevel traversal in list
pfx[-1] = "└── "
pfx[-1] = "├── "
ls.append("".join(pfx) + p)
pfx[-1] = "├── "
# one level deeper into tree
elif ind > len(pfx):
pfx[-1] = "│  "
pfx.append("└── ")
ls.append("".join(pfx) + p)
pfx[-1] = "├── "
r = "\n".join(ls.reverse() or ls)
return r
# extract from tables like """ | `project_slug` | Description of flag... | """
def readme2cfgdesc(readme):
return dict(re.findall("^\s*\|\s* `?(\w+)`? \s*\|\s* (\w.+) \s*\|$", readme, re.M|re.X))
def ccjson2cfg(kv, desc):
transform key:value dict into pluginconf options structure,
so we can differentiate types and add descriptions
# invalid ex: souravsingh/cookiecutter-bear
_special = ["_extensions", "_copy_without_render"]
c = []
for k,v in kv.items():
_class, _type = "cookiecutter", "str"
# class
if k.startswith("__"):
_class = "private"
elif k.startswith("_"):
_class = "control"
# types
if isinstance(v, list):
"name": k,
"type": "select",
"select": v,
"value": v[0] if len(v) else "",
"class": _class,
"description": desc.get(k, ""),
elif isinstance(v, dict):
_type = "dict"
elif v == None:
_type = "str"
v = ""
elif isinstance(v, int):
_type = "int"
"name": k,
"type": _type,
"value": v,
"class": _class,
"description": desc.get(k, ""),
return c
def lang2api(lang, name, ccjson_text):
""" extract lang or api name from vnd/pkg name """
if not lang:
lang = "other"
api = re.sub("\s+", "-", lang.lower())
if m := re.search("(django|flask|node|wordpress|mediawiki)", api):
api = m[1]
if m := re.search('"_api":\s*"([\w\-]+)"', ccjson_text):
api = m[1]
return api
def short(name):
#name = name.lower()
return re.sub("[_.-]?cookiecutters?[_.-]?", "", name) or name
results = {}
for full_name,d in read().items():
if not "is_template" in d or not d["is_template"]:
d["_disabled"] = False
config = []
ccjson = {}
for dir, cc in d["cc"].items():
dir_sfx = f":{dir}" if dir else ""
dir_url = f"?d={dir}" if dir else ""
# convert config list
ccjson = json.loads(cc["json"])
config = ccjson2cfg(
kv = ccjson,
desc = readme2cfgdesc(d.get("readme", ""))
keywords = ccjson.get("_keywords", "") or ccjson.get("_features", "") or ccjson.get("_tags", "")
# add
results[d["full_name"] + dir_url] = {
"name": d["full_name"] + dir_url,
"short": short(d["name"]) + dir_sfx,
"description": d["description"],
"url": d["html_url"],
"repo": d["clone_url"] + dir_url,
"homepage": d["homepage"],
"created_at": d["created_at"],
"updated_at": d["updated_at"],
"size": d["size"],
"stars": d["stargazers_count"] + d["watchers_count"],
"api": lang2api(d["language"], d["name"], cc["json"]),
"has_wiki": d["has_wiki"],
"forks": d["forks_count"],
"license": d["license"]["spdx_id"] if isinstance(d["license"], dict) else "./.",
"tickets": d["open_issues"],
"default_branch": d["default_branch"],
"_disabled": d["disabled"] or d["archived"],
"keywords": keywords,
"dir": tree2dir(d["tree"], dir),
"readme": d.get("readme", ""),
"cookiecutterjson_url": cc["url"],
"config": config,
except Exception as e:
d["_disabled"] = True