#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8
# fmt: off
# api: python
# type: gui
# title: cookiedough
# description: browser and install GUI for cookiecutter templates
# category: viewer
# version: 0.3.0
# state: beta
# license: proprietary
# config:
# { name: colorize, type: bool, value: 1, description: Colorize the README preview, help: Basically just highlighting of headlines and code blocks. Display is marginally faster if disabled. }
# { name: sort, type: select, value: all, select: all|size|stars|forks|name|short|vars|files|updated_at, description: Primary sorting property, help: Uses internal scores, or properties like the »short« name. }
# { name: show_counts, type: bool, value: 1, description: Show number of entries per language/api category, help: Else just the names. }
# { name: search_keypress, type: bool, value: 0, description: Search on any keypress - instead of just Enter., help: Requires restarting cookiedough. }
# { name: editor, type: str, value: "mousepad", description: Text editor }
# priority: core
# depends: python >= 3.8, python:PySimpleGUI >= 4.37, python:cookiecutter >= 1.7,
# python:pluginconf, python:appdirs, python:requests
# architecture: all
# classifiers: x11, code generators
# keywords: cookiecutter, browser, templates
# url: https://fossil.include-once.org/cookiedough/
# freshcode: https://freshcode.club/projects/cookiedough
# A browser for cookiecutter project templates. Still very basic / alpha quality.
# 🞂 Browse existing cookiecutter templates in the left pane.
# 🞂 Or use the search bar to find them by filenames or supported features.
# 🞂 Inspect the README preview or file list, or open the URL to view its repo.
# 🞂 And finally install the template via cookiecutter(1) per →[Roll out] button.
# 🞂 A popup window will appear to edit and confirm placeholder variables.
# 🞂 Files will be extracted below the current working directory.
# There's a few settings in the →File→Settings menu. You can also inspect
# template meta data in the →Template→Details view. Or just copy the repository
# URL per →Template→Copy repo url.
# For documentation see →Help→Help (using mallard/yelp). There's also a man page.
# Note that you might see cookiecutter prompts or output/tracebacks in the terminal
# where you started cookiedough from.
# Comes with a precompiled list of templates from GitHub. See dev/ for aquisition
# tools. (Probably not doing that again. Project certainly requires contributors to
# be sustainable. Or a submission API and storage in e.g. a fossil/sqlite table.)
import sys, os, re, json, subprocess, warnings
import tkinter as tk, PySimpleGUI as sg, ttkthemes # âš install python3-tk / tkinter in your distro package manager
import pluginconf, pluginconf.gui, appdirs, requests
from operator import itemgetter
from traceback import format_exc
from cookiedough import icons, rollout, update
#-- init
__dir__ = re.sub("[\w.-]+$", "", __file__)
__meta__ = pluginconf.plugin_meta(fn=__file__)
conf = {
# main
"colorize": True,
"sort": "all",
"show_counts": True,
"search_keypress": False,
"editor": "mousepad",
# rollout
"use_defaults": False,
"replay": True,
"update_ccjson": True,
"hook_prompt": True,
"no_params": False,
"verbose": False,
# internal
"theme": "DarkBlue2",
"conf_file": appdirs.user_config_dir("cookiedough", "io") + "/settings.json",
"plugins": { "__init__": 1, "rollout": 1, "icons": 1 }
conf.update(json.load(open(conf['conf_file'], "r", encoding="utf-8")))
conf["debug"] = "--debug" in sys.argv
rollout.conf = conf
#-- JSON blob of templates
class repos():
def __init__(self):
# load data file
fn = re.sub("[\w.]+$", "uidata.json", __file__)
self.ls = json.load(open(fn, "r", encoding="utf-8"))
# prepare sorting
[update.score(d) for d in self.ls.values()]
def tree(self, ls=None):
""" Convert to tree list """
if not ls:
ls = self.ls
if isinstance(ls, dict):
ls = ls.values()
# should be an elif on ls==None check, or only run whenever the sorting flag changes
if conf["sort"]:
ls = self.sort(ls, prop=conf["sort"])
t = sg.TreeData()
self.add_counted_titles(t, ls)
for d in ls:
t.insert(parent=d["api"], key=d["name"], text=d["short"], values=[""])
return t
# sorts d[api] categories/titles by number of entries, and prepopulates tree
def add_counted_titles(self, t, ls):
ls = [d["api"] for d in ls]
counts = { k: ls.count(k) for k in set(ls) }
counts = sorted(counts.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
#print(counts) → oh, it's really ~2300 entries (did look off in the list)
for api, n in counts:
t.insert(parent="", key=api, text=api.title(), values=[n if conf["show_counts"] else ""])
# filter .ls by given list of strings
def search(self, keywords):
new = {}
for k,d in self.ls.items():
text = "\n".join([ d["name"], d["readme"], d["dir"], d["keywords"], repr(d["config"]) ])
if all(re.search(m, text) for m in keywords):
new[k] = d
return new
# arrange repo list by [score][…] field, or standard properties (name,short)
def sort(self, ls, prop="all", reverse=True):
if prop in ("short","name",):
reverse, f = False, lambda d: d[prop].lower()
elif prop in ("size","stars","forks"):
f = itemgetter(prop)
f = lambda d: d["score"][prop]
return sorted(ls, key=f, reverse=reverse)
repos = repos()
#-- widget structure
menu = [
["File", ["Working directory", "Settings", "Cookiecutter", ["cookiecutter config", "defaults", "patch for xdg compliance"], "---", "About", "Exit"]],
["Template", ["Install", "URL", "Copy Repo URL", "Details", "Development", ["Report", "Update", "Stats"]]],
["Help", ["Help", "Wiki", "About"]],
layout = [[
sg.Menu(menu, key="menu", font="Sans 11"),
# left pane: blue/gray
sg.Column(size=(320,725), background_color="#343131", pad=(0,0), layout=[
[sg.Column( background_color="#2980b9", size=(320,105), pad=(0,0), element_justification="center", layout=[
[ sg.T("â–™ cookiedough", text_color="#fff", pad=[(20,0),(10,0)], background_color="#2980b9", font="Sans 12 bold") ],
[ sg.T(__meta__["version"], text_color="#65a3c8", pad=[(20,0),(0,5)], background_color="#2980b9") ],
sg.Image(data=icons.bb1, pad=[(20,0),(0,0)], key="bb1"),
sg.Input(" ", key="search", font="Sans 12", size=(26,1), pad=(0,0), background_color="#fefefe", enable_events=conf["search_keypress"], border_width=0, visible=True),
sg.Image(data=icons.bb2, pad=(0,0), key="bb2"),
repos.tree(), headings=["f"], col0_width=23, col_widths=[3], max_col_width=20, auto_size_columns=False,
show_expanded=False, background_color="#353232", num_rows=30, pad=((5,0),(10,0)), justification="left",
header_background_color="#353232", header_text_color="#333", selected_row_colors=("#2e2a2a","#a4a4a4"),
enable_events=True, key="template"
# content pane: white
sg.Column(size=(760,725), background_color="#fafafa", pad=((30,5),(10,5)), layout=[
sg.Column(background_color="#fafafa", size=(550,90), layout=[
[sg.T("cookiedough", k="name", font="Sans 20 bold", size=(80,1), pad=(0,3), text_color="#404040", background_color="#fafafa")],
[sg.T(__meta__["description"], k="description", size=(80,1), text_color="#404040", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
[sg.T(__meta__["url"], k="url", enable_events=True, size=(80,1), text_color="#196099", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
sg.Column(background_color="#fafafa", layout=[
[sg.B("Roll out", image_data=icons.logo, button_color="#bbb", border_width=3, k="install", size=(10,2), pad=(1,2))],
sg.Column(background_color="#fafafa", size=(155,230), layout=[
[sg.T("stars", text_color="#c3c4c5", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
[sg.T("0 ", key="stars", text_color="#606060", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
[sg.T("forks", text_color="#c3c4c5", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
[sg.T("0 ", key="forks", text_color="#606060", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
[sg.T("wiki", text_color="#c3c4c5", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
[sg.T("- ", key="has_wiki", text_color="#606060", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
[sg.T("updated", text_color="#c3c4c5", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
[sg.T("2021-03-20", key="updated_at", text_color="#606060", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
[sg.T("license", text_color="#c3c4c5", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
[sg.T("MITL ", key="license", text_color="#606060", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
sg.Column(background_color="#fafafa", size=(190,230), layout=[
[sg.T("size", text_color="#c3c4c5", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
[sg.T("0 ", key="size", text_color="#606060", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
[sg.T("vars", text_color="#c3c4c5", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
[sg.Listbox(key="vars", font="monospace", size=(15,8), values=["slug", "version"], background_color="#f9f9f9")],
sg.Column(background_color="#fafafa", layout=[
[sg.T("structure", text_color="#c3c4c5", background_color="#fafafa", pad=(0,0))],
[sg.Listbox(key="dir", font="monospace", background_color="#eeffcc", size=(30,10), values="""└── cookiedough\n ├── cookiecutter\n │  └── {{template_vars}}\n └── mainwindow""".split("\n"))],
__meta__["doc"], key="readme", size=(75,17), pad=((5,10),(30,10)), border_width=0,
text_color="#404040", background_color="#fafafa", font="Lato"
[sg.T(" "*170, key="status", visible=conf["debug"])]
#-- GUI event loop and handlers
class gui_event_handler:
# prepare window
def __init__(self):
#-- build
gui_event_handler.mainwindow = self
#log.init.info("build window")
self.w = sg.Window(
title=f"cookiedough", layout=layout, font="Sans 12",
size=(1080,725), margins=(0,0), resizable=False, use_custom_titlebar=False,
background_color="#fafafa", icon=icons.icon#, ttk_theme="yaru"
self.win_map = {}
# alias functions
self.status = self.w["status"].update
# widget patching per tk
self.w["menu"].Widget.configure(borderwidth=0, type="menubar")
self.w["template"].Widget.configure(show="tree") # borderwidth=0
self.w["search"].Widget.bind("<Return>", self.search_enter)
# add to *win_map{} event loop
def win_register(self, win, cb=None):
if not cb:
def cb(event, data):
self.win_map[win] = cb
# demultiplex PySimpleGUI events across multiple windows
def main(self):
self.win_register(self.w, self.event)
while True:
win_ls = [win for win in self.win_map.keys()]
# unlink closed windows
for win in win_ls:
if win.TKrootDestroyed:
#log.event.debug("destroyed", win)
del self.win_map[win]
# all gone
if len(win_ls) == 0:
# if we're just running the main window, then a normal .read() does suffice
elif len(win_ls) == 1 and win_ls==[self.w]:
# poll all windows - sg.read_all_windows() doesn't quite work
#win_ls = self.win_map.iteritems()
for win in win_ls:
event, data = win.read(timeout=20)
if event and event != "__TIMEOUT__" and self.win_map.get(win):
self.win_map[win](event, data)
elif event == sg.WIN_CLOSED:
# mainwindow event dispatcher
def event(self, raw_event, data):
if not raw_event:
# prepare common properties
data = data or {}
event = self._case(data.get("menu") or raw_event)
event = gui_event_handler.map.get(event, event)
if event.startswith("menu_"): raw_event = data[event] # raw Évéńt name for MenuButtons
# dispatch
if event and hasattr(self, event):
getattr(self, event)(data)
# plugins
elif mod := None: #self._plugin_has(raw_event)
mod.show(name=event, raw_event=raw_event, data=data, mainwindow=self, main=self)
self.status(f"UNKNOWN EVENT: {event} / {data}")
# find first plugin which has `has` and claims responsibility for raw_event (mixed-case menu entries)
def _plugin_has(self, raw_event):
for mod in self.plugins:
if hasattr(mod, "has") and mod.has(raw_event):
return mod
# alias/keyboard map
map = {
sg.WIN_CLOSED: "exit",
"none": "exit", # happens when mainwindow still in destruction process
# tree entry selected, update content widgets
def template(self, data):
name = data["template"][0]
d = repos.ls.get(name)
if not d:
# simple copies
for field in "name","description","url","size","stars","has_wiki","forks","updated_at","license":
# expando
self.w["vars"].update(values=[v["name"] for v in d["config"]])
# readme
if conf["colorize"]:
self.colorize_readme(d["readme"].split("\n"), self.w["readme"].print)
# crude markdown detection and fg/bg colors
def colorize_readme(self, lines, print):
ln = len(lines)-2
col = "#404040"
line_iter = iter(lines)
for i,line in enumerate(line_iter):
if (i<ln) and re.match("^===+|^~~~+|^---+", lines[i+1]):
print(line, text_color="#210", background_color="#ddd")
try: next(line_iter)
except: return
elif line.startswith("#"):
print(re.sub("^#+\s*", "", line), text_color="#001", background_color="#cbb")
elif re.match("^\s*```.*", line):
while (line := next(line_iter)) and not re.match("^\s*```.*", line):
print(line, background_color="#eeffcc")
continue # on StopIteration
# search
def search(self, data):
keywords = re.findall("\S+", data["search"])
ls = repos.search(keywords)
pass # probably an invalid regex
# tk event: enter pressed in search box
def search_enter(self, tk_event):
data = { "search": self.w["search"].get() }
tree = self.w["template"].Widget
for id in tree.get_children(""):
tree.item(id, open=True)
# Template: Install (actually do something...)
def install(self, data):
repo = repos.ls[data["template"][0]]
sg.popup("No valid template selection" + format_exc())
rollout.task(repo, main=self)
# Template: URL / or URL click
def url(self, data):
url = self.w["url"].TKStringVar.get()
os.system("xdg-open %r &" % url)
# Template: Copy repo url
def copy_repo_url(self, data):
repo = repos.ls[data["template"][0]]["repo"]
# Template: Update
def update(self, data):
sg.popup("Not implemented. If you do want to contribute, send a mail. There's a few dev/ scripts that would allow some automation.")
# Template: Report
def report(self, data):
sg.popup("Not implemented. This kinda hinges on a database for submissions (would be possible in fossil/sqlite repository).")
# Template: Details
def details(self, data):
text = json.dumps(repos.ls[data["template"][0]], indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
sg.Window(layout=[[sg.Multiline(text, size=(90,40), font="monospace 12")]], title="Meta")
# Template: Dev: Stats
def stats(self, data):
import cookiedough.scan
# File: Exit
def exit(self, data):
# File: CWD
def working_directory(self, data):
if dir := sg.popup_get_folder("Change current working directory", "os.chdir()", os.getcwd()):
# File: Settings - remapped to pluginconf window
def settings(self, data):
files = [f"{__dir__}/*.py"]
save = pluginconf.gui.window(conf, conf["plugins"], files=files, theme="Default1")
if save:
os.makedirs(re.sub("[\w.]+$", "", conf["conf_file"]), 0o755, True)
json.dump(conf, open(conf['conf_file'], "w", encoding="utf8"), indent=4)
# File: Cookiecutter: config
def cookiecutter_config(self, data):
ccc = rollout.CookieCutterConfig()
os.system(f"{conf['editor']} {ccc.fn} &")
# File: Cookiecutter: defaults
def defaults(self, data):
# File: Cookiecutter: patch
def patch_for_xdg_compliance(self, data):
if sg.popup_yes_no("Modify `cookiecutter/config.py` directly to use only new `~/.config/cookiecutter/` directory?") != "Yes":
ccc = rollout.CookieCutterConfig()
# Help: About
def about(self, data):
m = __meta__
sg.popup(f"{m['title']} {m['version']}\n{m['description']}\n\n{m['doc']}\n")
# Help: Wiki
def wiki(self, uu):
os.system(f"xdg-open '{__meta__['url']}' &")
# Help: Help
def help(self, uu):
from cookiedough import help
# set mouse pointer ("watch" for planned hangups)
def _cursor(self, s="arrow"):
# remove non-alphanumeric characters (for event buttons / tab titles / etc.)
def _case(self, s):
return re.sub("\(?\w+\)|\W+|_0x\w+$", "_", str(s)).strip("_").lower()
#-- main
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":