Browser and install GUI for cookiecutter templates

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  cookiedough

Artifact [dd0eeb6d4b]

Artifact dd0eeb6d4b5ec1c62ef3fcb60d0bb40fca34e1d0e0404961d7d72db7654a9c7a:

  • File manpage/cookiedough.1 — part of check-in [425ba2342d] at 2021-03-22 18:10:03 on branch trunk — Fixed doc references to old search behaviour (user: mario size: 2504)

.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.5
.TH "cookiedough" "1" "" "cookiedough/cookiecutter" "Version 0.1.x"
\f[B]cookiedough\f[R] \[em] GUI browser for cookiecutter templates
\f[B]cookiedough\f[R] [\f[I]\-\-debug\f[R]]
Shows available project templates for \f[B]cookiecutter\f[R](1) in a GUI
Allows to inspect documentation and some contents, and then of course
unpack the template.
.SS Browsing
.IP \[bu] 2
Expand one of the categories in the left pane to see available
.IP \[bu] 2
Click to see expanded details on right pane.
.SS Search
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The search field is located top left, and allows to filter templates.
.IP \[bu] 2
Meanwhile any update happens once you hit ENTER while the search box is
(Old mode / instant search is configurable, but slow.)
.IP \[bu] 2
You might want to search for common keywords in the description, or even
filenames (\f[C]pyproject.toml setup.cfg\f[R] etc.) to find matching
.SS Install
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Push the [Roll out] button top right.
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Input any of the default placeholder variables, or update existing
sample strings.
You usually want to leave any \f[C]{{expression...}}\f[R] as is.
.IP \[bu] 2
Verify the current working directory, then proceed.
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Yes/No prompts or additional inputs might come up if the template list
was outdated.
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\f[B]WATCH OUT\f[R] for any prompts in the terminal window you started
cookiedough from.
Not all click prompts might get captured.
And obviously any error messages would gravitate there.
.SS Alternatives
.IP \[bu] 2
Apart from opening the URL for a cookietemplate, there is also the
\[->]Template\[->]Copy repo URL option.
Which allows to combine CD and CLI usage.
.SS Settings
.IP \[bu] 2
Use \[->]File\[->]Settings to modify some cookiedough UI behaviours.
.IP \[bu] 2
Some changes might require a restart.
.B \f[B]\[ti]/.config/cookiedough/\f[R]
Application config files, specifically \f[I]settings.json\f[R].
Future versions
might also pack some \f[B]cookiecutter\f[R](1) yaml config file in here.
(Whereas the cache would go into \f[I]\[ti]/.cache/\&...\f[R]).
base dir location for app config storage
might or might not be used by update functionality
\f[B]cookiecutter\f[R](1), \f[B]python3\f[R](1)