Browser and install GUI for cookiecutter templates

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  cookiedough

Update of "search"

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Artifact ID: 70539fcd610db4ed79599b7d073eace1b84700a580c601ca0a2231b35198403f
Page Name:search
Date: 2021-03-22 06:18:01
Original User: mario
Next abd97216c13261a898eb24e94cf18d246309bc36a92fea325eb5376be7fe886f

Click the search field top left. Due to the current implementation you might have to refocus on the actual input widget.

Any typing will trigger an update to the template list. (Might fix this in a later release.)

You might want to search for common keywords in the description, or even filenames.

* Allows to search multiple items at once: `pyproject.toml setup.cfg`
* You can also enter regexen here, `py\w+\.py` for example.
* The search will scan the readme, file list, _keywords,
  template variables, and template names.

To reset the search filter you currently have to backspace all input in the field.