Browser and install GUI for cookiecutter templates

βŒˆβŒ‹ βŽ‡ branch:  cookiedough

Move *.page descriptions to online wiki as <meta> tag.
mario authored 1085 days ago last checkin c279d910d
πŸ“‚ help Move *.page descriptions to online wiki as &lt;meta&gt; tag.β€Ήβ€Ί 1085 days ago
πŸ“„ directoried repositories unpacked in uidataβ€Ήβ€Ί 1119 days ago
πŸ“„ Removed remnants of previous attempts of search input widget prettifiβ€Ήβ€Ί 1127 days ago
πŸ“„ config.patch Implement patch for cookiecutter/ (xdg paths)β€Ήβ€Ί 1127 days ago
πŸ“„ rescaled logo and buttonβ€Ήβ€Ί 1126 days ago
πŸ“„ Fix typo, again.β€Ήβ€Ί 1123 days ago
πŸ“„ uidata.json Updated database, now contains 4153 entries.β€Ήβ€Ί 1112 days ago
πŸ“„ Enable replay option, add verbose setting, use full pluginconf configβ€Ήβ€Ί 1125 days ago


cookiedough(1) is a GUI browser for cookiecutter templates. And can of course extract them. It comes with a database of around 2300 cookietemplates, grouped by category, and allows some rudimentary filtering. Very early alpha, but usable.

screenshot main window

Installation / Use

Just install it as normal pip package:

~$   pip3 install -U cookiedough

And start it from a terminal window:

~/projects$   cookiedough

Keep an eye on the terminal when rolling out a template. Not all prompts might be captured by monkeypatching.


There's some usage information in the man page, and in the →Help→Help.

Bugs / Caveats

  • The README colorization is fairly basic. (But more processsing would slow it down too much.)
  • It can crash when speed-scrolling through the templates. (Perhaps PSG vs Tk threads issue.)
  • Tkinter might also crash when encountering emojis. (Either install Symbola font and get rid of Noto Color Emoji. Or upgrade to tcl/tk 8.6.10, or go back to Ubuntu 18.04 where it miraculously worked.)

See also