Collection of themes/skins for the Fossil SCM

βŒˆβŒ‹ βŽ‡ branch:  Fossil Skins Extra

Artifact [0141366ae6]

Artifact 0141366ae62a99209f534a7837f03fb684e8bb24:

  • Executable file features/fossil-stats-table.php — part of check-in [d17961d962] at 2020-11-13 21:06:08 on branch trunk — Changed *.py color (user: mario size: 14410)

#!/usr/bin/php -qC
 * type: cli
 * description: Create/update `fx_stats` table in fossil repositories
 * version: 0.9.1
 * depends: fossil:json, fossil:th1-setup
 * Loops through *.fossil repositories,
 *   opened as raw sqlite database,
 *   fetches checked-in files per fossil commandline.
 * Also creates a `fx_stats` table,
 *   counting files by programming language,
 *   approximating the amount of comments within.
 * Adds to `projects.json` file;
 *   gets a "json stat" dump from each *.fossil
 *   stores project-info, project-description
 *   in associative "name": { ... }, list.
 *   Together with `tickets` subarray.

// Configure repository locations (unless cmdline argument given)
$repos = array_slice($_SERVER["argv"], 1) or
$repos = glob("/www/fossil.d/*.fossil");

// Repository urls
define("PUBLIC_URL", "");

// Populate `fx_stats` source code language percentages
define("FX_STATS", 1);

// Approximate code comments and text files
define("FX_STATS_DOC", 1);

// Include binaries in statistic
define("FX_STATS_BIN", 0);

// Add social_count to stats table
define("FX_SML", 1);

// Get general info from each *.fossil repo
define("FOSSIL_JSON_LIST", 1);

// fossil binary
$fossilbin = "fossil";

// Collect projects.json info
$json_project_store = "/www/fossil.d/.repos.json";

// Loop over *.fossil files
$json_project_list = array();
foreach ($repos as $repo) {

   $fn = basename($repo, ".fossil");
   print "<li>$fn\n";

   if (FX_STATS) {
       mk_table($repo, $fn);

       $json_project_list[$fn] = fossil_json::stat($repo);
       $json_project_list[$fn]["tickets"] = fossil_json::{"timeline ticket"}($repo)["timeline"];


// save json_list
    file_put_contents($json_project_store, json_encode($json_project_list, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT|JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));

// Traverse content and store in `search` table
function mk_table($repo, $repo_fn) {
   global $fossilbin;

   #-- command for retrieval (get=>) and for later display (web=>)
   $R = escapeshellarg($repo);
   $stats = array(
      "lang" => array(),
      "total_size" => $total_size = 0,

   #-- open fossil.db
   $db = new PDO("sqlite:$repo");
   $db->sqliteCreateFunction("regexp", function($r, $s) { return preg_match("\1$r\1i", $s); }, 2);

   // settings
   $cfg = array_column($db->query("SELECT name,value FROM config")->fetchAll(), "value", "name");
   $ignore_glob = @($cfg["ignore-glob"]);  // just a single *.ext used here

   #-- setup table
   //$db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fx_search"); // obsolete

   #-- loop through files
   $sql = escapeshellarg("
      SELECT 'file' AS type,   name AS name,    uuid,    HEX(CONTENT(uuid)) AS content
         FROM (SELECT, bf.uuid, filename.fnid 
               FROM filename  JOIN mlink ON mlink.fnid=filename.fnid JOIN blob bf ON bf.rid=mlink.fid
                    JOIN event ON event.objid=mlink.mid
               WHERE (mlink.fnid NOT IN (SELECT fnid FROM mlink WHERE fid=0))
               GROUP BY
               ORDER BY event.mtime DESC
   // Just retrieve as CSV list from fossil directly, instead of using PDO handle and `fossil artifact` on each UUID
   $pipe = popen("fossil sqlite -R $R \".mode csv\" $sql", "rb");
   while ($row = fgetcsv($pipe, 0, ",", '"', '"')) {

      #-- prepare entry attributes
      if (count($row) != 4) { continue; }
      list($type, $name, $uuid, $content) = $row;
      $content = hex2bin($content);
      echo "β†’ ", $name, " ", strlen($content), "\n";

      #-- statistics
      if (FX_STATS and $type == "file") {

          // ignore-glob (e.g. *.html)
          if (fnmatch($ignore_glob, $name)) {

          // add if matched language, not binary, etc.
          if ($lang = language_type($name, $content) or FX_STATS_BIN and $lang = "bin") {

              // strip comments from code
              if (FX_STATS_DOC && $type != "bin") {
                  $comments = extr_comments($content, $lang);
              else {
                  $comments = "";
              // add to language statistics
              @$stats["lang"][$lang] += strlen($content) - strlen($comments);
              @$stats["lang"]["comments"] += strlen($comments);
              $total_size += strlen($content);

   #-- `fx_stats` population
   $db->query("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS fx_stats (name TEXT, type TEXT, value TEXT)");
   $db->query("DELETE FROM fx_stats");
   $insert = $db->prepare("INSERT INTO fx_stats (name, type, value) VALUES (?,?,?)");

   // recalculate into floats
   if ($total_size) {
       foreach ($stats["lang"] as $lang => $bytes) {

           // add as prepared TH1 array var name `$lang(js)=0.37`
           $insert->execute(array( "lang($lang)", "lang", round($bytes/$total_size, 3) ));
           $insert->execute(array( "lang_color($lang)", "color", lang_color($lang) ));

   // normal TCL vars
   $insert->execute(array("total_size", "bytes", $total_size));
   $insert->execute(array("lang_list", "list", join(" ", array_keys(array_filter($stats["lang"]))) ));

    * Other stats
    * (these are mostly fixed versions of the TH1x queries.)
   $other = array(
      "social" => social_media_links_count($repo_fn, $db),
      "checkins" => "SELECT count(objid) FROM event WHERE type='ci' LIMIT 1",
      "files" => "SELECT count(name) FROM filename LIMIT 1",
      "tickets" => "SELECT count(status) FROM ticket LIMIT 1",
      "developers" => "SELECT count(DISTINCT user) FROM event LIMIT 1",
      "branches" => "SELECT count(DISTINCT value) FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=8",
      "tags" => "SELECT count(tagname) FROM tag WHERE tagname LIKE 'sym-%'",
      "forks" => "SELECT COUNT(name) FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'baseurl:*' OR name GLOB 'ckout:*'",
      "releases" => "SELECT count(tagname) FROM tag WHERE tagname REGEXP '^sym[-a-z0-9_.]+\d+\.\d+'",
      "name,text" => "SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='project-name'",
      "description,html" => "SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='project-description'",
   foreach ($other as $key=>$sql) {
       list($key, $typ, ) = explode(",", "$key,int");
       $db->query("INSERT INTO fx_stats (`name`, `type`, `value`) VALUES ('stats_$key', '$typ', ($sql))");
   // latest_version
   $qv = $db->query("SELECT tagname FROM tag WHERE tagname REGEXP '^sym[-a-z0-9_.]+\d+\.\d+' ORDER BY tagid DESC LIMIT 1");
   if ($qv->execute() and preg_match("/(\d+\.\d+.*)$/", $qv->fetch()["tagname"], $m)) {
       $db->prepare("INSERT INTO fx_stats (`name`, `type`, `value`) VALUES ('stats_latest_version', 'text', ?)")


// determine programming language from file extension, or shebang
function language_type($name, $content) {

    // check if binary
    if (preg_match_all("/[\\x00-\\x06\\x0E-\\x1F]+/", $content, $m)
       and $bin = strlen(join($m[0]))
       and $bin >= strlen($content)/32
       or strpos($name, "filesystem_list"))
        return NULL;
    // file extension
    if ($ext = pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) {
        $lang = $ext;
    // shebang
    elseif (preg_match("~^#!\s*[\w./-]+/(?:env\s+)?(?<int>\w+)~", $content, $m)) {
        $lang = $m["int"];
    // else declare it documentation of sorts
    else {
        $lang = "text";
    // aliases
    $map = array(
        "c++" => "cpp",     "cxx" => "cpp",      "h++" => "cpp",     "hxx" => "cpp",     "hpp" => "cpp",     "hh" => "cpp",
        "cc" => "c",        "h" => "c",
        "tclsh" => "tcl",   "wish" => "tcl",     "th1" => "tcl",
        "python" => "py",   "python3" => "py",
        "erb" => "rb",
        "bash" => "sh",     "dash" => "sh",      "csh" => "sh",     "ksh" => "sh",
        "j" => "java",      "jsp" => "java",
        "perl" => "pl",     "pm" => "pl",
        "svg" => "xml",
        "htm" => "html",    "shtml" => "html",   "xhtml" => "html",
        "phtml" => "php",   "php4" => "php",     "php5" => "php",   "inc" => "php",
        "txt" => "text",    "asc" => "text",     "pot" => "text",
        "1" => "man",       "groff" => "man",    "troff" => "man",
    if (isset($map[$lang])) {
       $lang = $map[$lang];
    return $lang;

// extract commments according to language
function extr_comments($content, $lang) {

    # regex comment types
    ${"/*"} = "\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/";        #  /* ... */                 (*)
    ${"//"} = "(^|;)\s*//.*?$";          #  // ...                    (*)
    ${"#"}  = "(^|;)\s*\#.*?$";          #  # ...                     (*)
    ${";"}  = "^\s*;.*?$";               #  ; ...                     (ini)
    ${"--"} = "^\s*--.*?$";              #  -- ...                    (SQL)
    ${"RM"} = "^\s*REM\s+.+?$/";         #  REM ...#                  (Basic)
    ${"TQ"} = '"""[\s\S]"""';            #  """ ... """               (Python)
    ${"{*"} = "\{\*[\s\S]*?\*\}";        #  {* ... *}                 (Pascal)
    ${"(*"} = "\(\*[\s\S]*?\*\)";        #  (* ... *)                 (Delphi)
    ${"<#"} = "<\#[\s\S]*?\#>";          #  <# ... #>                 (Shell/AWK)
    ${"/+"} = "\/\+([\s\S]|(?1))\+\/";   #  /+ ... +/                 (D; nested)
    ${"<!"} = "<!--[\s\S]-->";           #  <!-- .. -->               (HTML)
    ${"=b"} = "^=begin[\s\S]*?^=(cut|end)/";  # =begin ... =end       (Perl/Ruby)
    ${"{-"} = "\{-([\s\S]|(?1))*?-\}";   #  {- ... -}                 (Haskell; nested)
    ${"#|"} = "\#\|[\s\S]*?\|\#/";       #  #| ... |#                 (Lisp/Scheme)
    ${".\\"} ="^\.\\\\\"/";              #  .\"                       (man/troff)

    # languages
    $langrx = array(
       "*"   => "~( ${'/*'} | ${'//'} | ${'#'} )~mx",
       "php" => "~( ${'/*'} | ${'//'} | ${'#'} )~mx",
       "py"  => "~( ${'#'}  | ${'TQ'}          )~mx",
       "pl"  => "~( ${'=b'} | ${'#'}           )~mx",
       "sh"  => "~( ${'#'}  | ${'<#'}          )~mx",
       "c"   => "~( ${'/*'} | ${'//'}          )~mx",
       "cpp" => "~( ${'/*'} | ${'//'}          )~mx",
       "html"=> "~( ${'<!'}                    )~mx",
       "xml" => "~( ${'<!'}                    )~mx",
       "css" => "~( ${'/*'} | ${'//'}          )~mx",
       "js"  => "~( ${'/*'} | ${'//'}          )~mx",
       "tcl" => "~( ${'/*'} | ${'//'} | ${'#'} )~mx",
       "pas" => "~( ${'(*'} | ${'{*'}          )~mx",
       "d"   => "~( ${'/+'}                    )~mx",
       "ini" => "~( ${';'}                     )~mx",
       "java"=> "~( ${'/*'} | ${'//'}          )~mx",
       "bas" => "~( ${'RM'}                    )~mx",
       "man" => "~( ${'.\\'}                   )~mx",
    # match
    if (empty($langrx[$lang])) {
        $lang = "*";
    return preg_match_all($langrx[$lang], $content, $match) ? join("", $match[1]) : "";

// gets default color scheme for language (this should actually go in a stylesheet, but these are the expected defaults)
function lang_color($name)
    // excerpt from
   $col = array(
      'comments' => "777; background:linear-gradient(165deg,#999,#bbb,#fc5,#ddd,#aaa);", // special lang(comments) property of fx_stats 
      'bin' => "7c8; background:linear-gradient(177deg,#5b6,#6c7,#c87,#68e,#57d);", // binaries, if enabled
      #'py' => "326b9a; background:repeating-linear-gradient(145deg,#3581ba,#3581ba,#ffe05e,#ae8d00 25%);", // blue/yellow
      'text' => "c0c8cf",
      '' => "f15501", // bin
      "java" => "b07219",  "scala" => "7dd3b0",  "pas" => "b0ce4e",  "pl" => "0298c3",
      "lua" => "fa1fa1",   "r" => "198ce7",      "nu" => "c9df40",   "clj" => "db5855",
      "sh" => "5861ce",    "asm" => "a67219",    "pir" => "f3ca0a",  "lisp" => "3fb68b",
      "dart" => "cccccc",  "cs" => "244776",     "hs" => "29b544",   "ruby" => "701516",
      "c" => "555",        "js" => "f15501",     "d" => "fcd46d",    "cpp" => "f34b7d",
      "objc" => "f15501",  "rust" => "dea584",   "tcl" => "e4cc98",
      "go" => "8d04eb",    "bas" => "945db7",    "php" => "6e03c1",  "ss" => "1e4aec",
      "vala" => "3581ba",  "c#" => "bb92af",     "py" => "3581ba",

   // if no predefined name, fall back on crc32() of language name
   return isset($col[$name])
        ? $col[$name]
        : substr(str_pad(dechex(crc32($name)), 6, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT), 0, 6);

 * Fetch general repo information for combined list
 *  Β· fossil_json::stat($repo)
 *  · fossil_json::report␣list($repo)
class fossil_json {
    // fetch json blob
    static function __callStatic($func, $args) {
        $repo = escapeshellarg($args[0]);
        return json_decode(`/usr/local/bin/fossil json $func -R $repo`, TRUE)["payload"];

// converts just spaces, # and ? - leaves paths alone
function basic_urlencode($s) {
    return strtr($s, array(" "=>"+", "+"=>"%2B", "#"=>"%23", "?"=>"%3F"));

// replace '$varname' references in string with values from array, and escape its value
function interpolate_var($string, $row, $escape) {
    return preg_replace_callback(
        function ($match) use ($row, $escape) {
            return $escape($row[$match[1]]);

// retrieve G+/FB/Tw/Rd/etc. backlink count
function social_media_links_count($repo_fn, $db) {
   ini_set("user_agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (fossil-stats-table/0.9; U; PHP)");

   $url = repo_homepage($repo_fn, $db);
   print "Fetch social media backlink count for $url\n";

   return intval(

// use PUBLIC_URL or config `homepage` from DB, set via `INSERT INTO config VALUES ('homepage','',now());`
function repo_homepage($id, $db) {
    if ($r = $db->query("SELECT value FROM config WHERE name IN ('homepage', 'project-homepage')")
    and $url = $r->fetchColumn(0))
        return $url;
    else {
        return urlencode(sprintf(PUBLIC_URL, $id));