# output <link> for "file" pages
proc file_link {} {
upvar 1 current_page current_page
set name [getParameter name]
set ci [getParameter ci]%
set sql_bynameci {
SELECT b_artifact.uuid AS uuid
FROM blob b_checkin LEFT JOIN mlink ON mid=b_checkin.rid
LEFT JOIN filename on mlink.fnid=filename.fnid
LEFT JOIN blob b_artifact ON mlink.fid=b_artifact.rid
WHERE b_checkin.uuid LIKE $ci AND name = $name
ORDER BY b_artifact.rid DESC
#html "<!-- FL($current_page,name=$name,ci=$ci) -->\n"
if {[regexp "^doc/(tip|trunk)/.+" $current_page]} {
# doc/tip/file.txt (same for doc/ access and file?name=fn.txt browsing)
set sql "$sql_bynameci LIMIT 1"
if {[regexp "^(tip/)" $name]} { set name [string range $name 4 200] }
if {[regexp "^(trunk/)" $name]} { set name [string range $name 6 200] }
} elseif {"$current_page" eq "finfo"} {
if {"$ci" ne "%"} {
# finfo?name=file.txt&ci=1234f
set sql $sql_bynameci
} else {
# finfo?name=file.txt
set sql "$sql_bynameci LIMIT 1"
} elseif {[regexp "^doc/\\w+/.+" $current_page]} {
if {"$ci" ne "%"} {
# doc/1234f/file.txt
set sql $sql_bynameci
} else {
# /info/1234f # should assert that it refers to a file blob?
set name "$name%"
set sql {SELECT uuid FROM blob where uuid LIKE $name}
} else {
#html "<!--nocasematch-->"
if {[info exists sql]} {
#html "<!-- = $sql -->"
set top [globalState top]
query $sql {
html "<link rel=\"alternative vcs raw\" href=\"$top/raw/$uuid\">"