Collection of themes/skins for the Fossil SCM

⌈⌋ ⎇ branch:  Fossil Skins Extra

Artifact [c9ae90bed7]

Artifact c9ae90bed7e9ab0cc758ded8296ed485d5020d5f:

  • File features/basic.th1 — part of check-in [82270c3d74] at 2015-02-09 01:52:44 on branch trunk — Split up th1x into individual sections (basic control structures, str, sql functions, and github-specific ui:: functions). Rename changelog to hooks. (user: mario size: 1329)

#-- Pre-increment  [++ varname]
proc ++ {varname} {
   upvar 1 $varname i
   return [uplevel 1 "set {$varname} [expr 1+$i]"]

#-- ternary / if-shorthand (cond/then/else may be literals, or {[expressions]} themselves)
proc ?: {cond then else} {
   uplevel 1 "if {$cond} { return $then; } else { return $else; }"

#-- info exists shorthand
proc isset {varname} {
   return [uplevel 1 "info exists {$varname}"]

#-- string equality shorthand
proc eq {str1 str2} {
   return [expr {$str1 eq $str2}]

#-- while loop
proc while {condition code} {
   return [uplevel 1 "for {} {$condition} {} {$code}"]

#-- foreach VAR "abc xyz 123" { puts "($VAR) " }
proc foreach {varname list code} {
   upvar 1 $varname val
   for {set i 0}  {$i < [llength $list]}  {++ i} {
      set val [lindex $list $i]
      uplevel 1 "$code"

#-- A switch statement.
# switch "val" {
#        "cmp1" {code1}
#        "cmp2" {code2}
#        "cmp3" {code3}
#   {{default}} {codeN}
# }
proc switch {compare_value val_code_pairs} {
   set len [llength $val_code_pairs]
   # loop over compare values + code pairs
   for  {set n 0}  {$n < $len}  {++ n} {
      set cmp [lindex $val_code_pairs $n];
      if {[expr $cmp eq $compare_value || $cmp eq {{default}} ]} {
         return [uplevel 1 [lindex $val_code_pairs [++ n]]];