Many hyperlinks are disabled.
Use anonymous login
to enable hyperlinks.
172 check-ins using file screenshots/zenburn.png version ec794cb118
| ||
14:14 | exempt .not(".line-numbers pre") from syntax highlighting Leaf check-in: 55998a2e19 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
14:29 | Generates sitemap.xml from wiki pages, doc files, technotes check-in: 94b31e1ce3 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
21:30 | Support technotes check-in: 18aea61ba2 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
01:21 | Enable wikitag saving (via new `fossil_exec()`) check-in: c09979b7a9 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:54 | trim wiki page name, remove more github remnants check-in: 01dcd6c9b8 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
22:14 | Add +hea:der, multi-url, FOSSIL_REPOSITORY= env support. Change more github-URLs to fossil/json api. check-in: 0b03fda8d7 user: mario tags: trunk | |
06:20 | standardize PMD type: further check-in: 7573908dd3 user: mario tags: trunk | |
06:19 | tag wiki pages (on initial artifactt) check-in: fe53bd85f9 user: mario tags: trunk | |
06:19 | add has_cap() and fossil_exec() check-in: f0a1108c8d user: mario tags: trunk | |
06:18 | enable saving check-in: 5f992c6e40 user: mario tags: trunk | |
06:17 | Initial version of webhook sending wrapper check-in: fd9421378c user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
21:12 | Add experimental hooks admin (not useful yet) check-in: 8d85a3869b user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:59 | support for #access: flag check-in: 0e67fdb36b user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:58 | restructure form field output check-in: 3fd7f87ed2 user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:58 | Add doc/trunk|tip/pages.md preparation check-in: 5f6f721040 user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:57 | submitter+sitemap added check-in: afc0986fac user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:56 | Support for real doc/trunk/file.txt browsing check-in: 9c6bfdeb8a user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
20:44 | Introduce project.json listing check-in: b03092cc52 user: mario tags: trunk | |
19:36 | Extend config: regexp to allow for nested {} check-in: d2b9fb96f7 user: mario tags: trunk | |
19:35 | support bool options check-in: 176ac285a8 user: mario tags: trunk | |
18:30 | Add references to builtin JSON api check-in: 318e9394db user: mario tags: trunk | |
17:52 | Add GitHub trees query check-in: cb3512ec8a user: mario tags: trunk | |
16:46 | Remove :memory: binding, fx_meta was acting up check-in: aeec556468 user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:54 | Move --htmt option to avoid file creation check-in: fd84e93da2 user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:49 | Make all use fossil_common.php functions check-in: 6ba0078117 user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:44 | Use fossil_common.php utility code check-in: 61e7245b85 user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:43 | Enable saving check-in: 105698b631 user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:43 | Move db() and some utility code into include script. (So extroot scripts are no longer standalone; still better than the exhaustive duplication.) check-in: d3026e7ff2 user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:07 | Change cat/type: check-in: 3259bf6c4e user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:06 | Drop button check-in: 462f63e8d6 user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:06 | Editing UI for additional `config` table entries. check-in: eff6e152ba user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
10:56 | CSS boxes for list display. check-in: db0fa4035e user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:51 | array query params check-in: 09cc5aa1a4 user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:09 | Strip file link generation. Fall back on /logo in case of missing IMG in pages (so it'll always be a twitter card). check-in: 124f5936ad user: mario tags: trunk | |
12:30 | combine sql_bynameci, use JOIN rather than deordered WHERE IN (β¦), compact cases check-in: 8cab256c8e user: mario tags: trunk | |
11:14 | Generate link meta for file pages (complements fx_meta), could still be shortened; maybe should include info/CHKIN pages too check-in: 0499e95f66 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
15:00 | Add th1-setup,details,csp-default to combined skin editor, wrap all fields in table (css inline-blocks didn't stack) check-in: add1810e37 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
15:18 | safeguard empty FOSSIL_USER check-in: 3fe53cc698 user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:14 | Add some more adminstrative links check-in: b4437b01f5 user: mario tags: trunk | |
13:11 | fix paths // for twitter:image:src check-in: e6f2bdd76e user: mario tags: trunk | |
10:02 | change tblname whitelist check-in: ade7daec5b user: mario tags: trunk | |
10:01 | fox errlevel handling check-in: 5f780148f7 user: mario tags: trunk | |
10:01 | add config props check-in: 006b1be81a user: mario tags: trunk | |
10:00 | extroot version of file dump handler; here just doing a redirect though check-in: 9adf5f84b6 user: mario tags: trunk | |
09:59 | file links non-functional, because $current_page doesn't resemble request_uri; needs a TH1 handler for mapping check-in: 7c70ebd476 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
23:58 | combined skin editor check-in: fde15e888b user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:28 | Fix syntax error check-in: a9885fc25f user: mario tags: trunk | |
21:44 | NEWS-file generation check-in: 69feea6f3b user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
07:51 | tryβcatch check-in: db3a915212 user: mario tags: trunk | |
07:30 | Utilize --nocgi for fossil wiki extraction, fixed some varnames/rx. check-in: 50b1405382 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
20:30 | Prepare meta tags for wiki pages check-in: e228e3b3dc user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
10:16 | Add survey tbl display tool. check-in: a08c7b5ce3 user: mario tags: trunk | |
09:31 | crude survey tool (storage backend only) check-in: 43bb630b42 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
03:02 | Fix change detection check-in: 62d3073b30 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
06:50 | shorthand $EDITOR for wiki pages check-in: 7dc5402ce6 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
07:22 | Basic error-to-ticket conversion backend. check-in: d3dbeea9f5 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
22:47 | Workaround for Content-Location: header, add h: and -cap: attrs, fix [scope] unwrapping, accept mime types, refold properties[] into strings, correct error type for invalid token. check-in: dd450f3109 user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:45 | charset= instead of encoding= check-in: d059f0486e user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:45 | Add caps and mtime columns, some doc fixes. check-in: 54a2eae9c2 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
04:34 | micropub: expanded properties declaration check-in: 2a5697b856 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
05:09 | Add more consistent type:/category: decoration. check-in: f65e362990 user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:08 | Restructure to use global type $map. check-in: 9d031a285f user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:08 | Prepare (pre-registered) autologin feature, and auto-create table on connection. check-in: 392da55840 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
15:49 | Working version for technote submissions, except that Location: header doesn't pass through fossil. Support HTTP_COOKIE as alias for _AUTHORIZATION. Remove proc_open for plain exec and echo| pipe. check-in: 7bc953e13d user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:47 | Comment fixes, literal scope names, usse HTTP_COOKIE as alias for _AUTHORIZATION check-in: ba680e6647 user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:45 | fix "Array" preset from changed definition check-in: b85d9fa044 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:23 | Use markdown error message for non-admin users. check-in: 5b4bfc7542 user: mario tags: trunk | |
18:22 | Rough outline of how to map requests onto fossil commands. check-in: 32f4421035 user: mario tags: trunk | |
11:52 | Update comments on user.* table. check-in: ab76ada131 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:44 | fix PMD extraction regex check-in: f6b70114ca user: mario tags: trunk | |
18:44 | Embedded version of phpLiteAdmin for cgi extroot usage. check-in: 67fa6971f4 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
22:51 | Enable upvar 1 for fx_stats query check-in: d933f24359 user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:51 | Enable code_verifier/challenge test, add `token` script to upgrade from auth code to access token check-in: bbc582b007 user: mario tags: trunk | |
16:54 | Add scope support, confirm page, and code_challenge fields (not verified yet) check-in: 20e5c47f73 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:39 | Move fields declaration atop. check-in: 53aa554cb8 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:39 | Extensions index script check-in: 005d5c7bf8 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
19:54 | Add message after saving check-in: 4aa3c6568f user: mario tags: trunk | |
19:53 | document fx_auth table, typo fixes check-in: 4c43468dff user: mario tags: trunk | |
16:42 | Introduce new updating interface for user.* table. check-in: 55ebe0ef23 user: mario tags: trunk | |
16:42 | Simplify db() wrapper, search all fields from user table for urls. Note new ext/user_config in start page. check-in: ddec055881 user: mario tags: trunk | |
07:05 | Expand `fx_auth` table, instead of using JSON blobs. Require homepage links in `user`.`info` column now. check-in: 0c36389471 user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:06 | introduce IndieAuth handler check-in: 60aa16b24d user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
21:06 | Split ui::vars out of github.header check-in: 79f6cc73b3 user: mario tags: trunk | |
20:08 | Simplify wikiedit buttons, fix setupskin footer links. check-in: eefeba6a02 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:24 | Integrate jQuery + code-prettifier into github template. (Patched out '$a' TH1 hiccup and script-inclusion from prettifier_loader) check-in: 118bad7553 user: mario tags: trunk | |
13:00 | Support for sitemap-* config links (download, docidx, license, contact, freshcode, etc.) check-in: 2d6ae36d61 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
21:06 | Reapply /wiki/$name for github box check-in: b782e815fe user: mario tags: trunk | |
21:06 | Changed *.py color check-in: d17961d962 user: mario tags: trunk | |
20:58 | Apply $baseurl to projectname title link check-in: c3f771e697 user: mario tags: trunk | |
20:58 | document proper `fossil config import skin.txt` cmd check-in: a2a7d3264d user: mario tags: trunk | |
20:48 | fix TH1 for GitHub showing old entries check-in: e6649a7411 user: mario tags: trunk | |
20:46 | Add sidebar link to /forum check-in: b5c4189b85 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
05:19 | Fix for /tree lacking parameters [926d2b80d8] check-in: 2cc887f0ca user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
13:22 | RTD template screenshot check-in: f5306c22e3 user: mario tags: trunk | |
13:18 | Trivial ReadTheDocs theme port; documentation/wiki-only template. Does not embed the massive CSS theme, but binds it externally from media.readthedocs,, check-in: 17217f14b5 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:48 | Generates a "common-repo.json" list from specified files in a fossil repository. (Used with a glob param like "/repo.json/REPO/files/*.py" to slice out interesting meta information.) check-in: 5066f4ec9f user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
12:37 | Fixed googlecode links to github raw CDN. check-in: 7cafda9321 user: mario tags: trunk | |
12:28 | Update json-prettifier URL to gitraw CDN. check-in: c102d240bc user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
06:17 | Repurpose `ignore-glob` to also exclude file type from statistics. check-in: 6a899c4640 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
20:45 | Use HEX() in query, and hex2bin() in PHP for safer CSV export and binary extraction. Add .erb file type alias. check-in: 6d24f6c61f user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
09:51 | Fix config length field (must include card prefix size). check-in: 892c5f4a68 user: mario tags: trunk | |
08:04 | Fix Github template 'main table tr' border. Add styles for new dropdown timeline submenu fields. check-in: 3c74754c68 user: mario tags: trunk | |
08:02 | ./. check-in: cc4238f53c user: mario tags: trunk | |
08:02 | Added skin.txt unpacking script. check-in: c1f715d164 user: mario tags: trunk | |
07:33 | Fix .submenu a:hover border wobbling. check-in: fd1ca021d9 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
22:27 | Allow output as plain config card, or as SQL statement list, or as skin:name config card for registration in the Admin menu. check-in: ff51166975 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
22:52 | Custom skin .txt/.cfg file build script. Combines .css/.header/.th1-setup files from subdirs into SQL config script. check-in: 3ee5fa242d user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:50 | Rebuild without linebreaks. check-in: 66368b4a30 user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:08 | Add tktDspValue/Title backgrounds, use [setting project-description] in lieu of fx_stats table. Add hooks.th1 per default. check-in: 54cd6bbb32 user: mario tags: trunk | |
21:41 | Switch from CONTENT() to TH1 [artifact $uuid] for cat/ webhook. Fix catch and continue/break handling, to avoid "Not Found" errors for existing hook page procs. check-in: 5df8180404 user: mario tags: trunk | |
01:52 | Split up th1x into individual sections (basic control structures, str, sql functions, and github-specific ui:: functions). Rename changelog to hooks. check-in: 82270c3d74 user: mario tags: trunk | |
00:44 | TH1-hooks for /changelog, /cat (doesn't work), and /uri-list. check-in: f87b2e4f1d user: mario tags: trunk | |
00:44 | Removed SQL interpolation, because query{} already supported literal \$var parameter binding all along. check-in: 45f15b0016 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
23:14 | Fix $url and $total_size defaults. check-in: 0817c9b2f7 user: mario tags: trunk | |
23:05 | Utilize new stats_* fields for social count, forks, and project description. check-in: 821b40a22f user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:43 | Alias project-description and -name into fx_stats. check-in: b1d024596b user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:39 | Now query `fossil sqlite` cmdline directly for files and content(), piped into PHP as CSV list (doesn't work for binary content though). check-in: 9b33d8c89e user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:24 | Add static stats_* list to fx_stats table, introduce social-links callback and `project-homepage` config entry in fossil db. check-in: 7cf7c73cbf user: mario tags: trunk | |
03:08 | Remove local example paths. check-in: cddcffb31f user: mario tags: trunk | |
03:07 | Add PUBLIC_URL and social-links-ajax request to add `social_count` to stats table. check-in: fc2b629389 user: mario tags: trunk | |
02:18 | Remove ui::search_terms and ui::search_on_wiki check-in: 03d7c5b844 user: mario tags: trunk | |
02:17 | Removed `fx_search` building code. Now just populates fx_stats. check-in: bd850320ac user: mario tags: trunk | |
01:36 | Updated font-sized and spacing, top-menu background gray. Removed custom TH1 search in favour of Fossil-1.31sΒ΄ built-in /search page. check-in: 64251773f2 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
23:00 | "San Francisco Modern" theme (from skins/etinenne1/) check-in: 492c77ba8e user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:56 | New theme from 1.30+ from http://eagle.to/ check-in: f9e4567420 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
14:07 | Bootstrap screenshot. check-in: 50cb416098 user: mario tags: trunk | |
14:00 | Bootstrap theme from https://flintcode.com/repo/skin/home check-in: 1163bd8995 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
06:29 | Gitub file box: only probe for deleted files from "trunk". check-in: 78ca2743a3 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:35 | Skip deleted files when scanning. check-in: fc89927fee user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
01:24 | Fix stats_releases REGEXP. check-in: 12df6dcd39 user: mario tags: trunk | |
01:01 | Remove deleted files from ui::recent_files check-in: df7664fcb6 user: mario tags: trunk | |
00:58 | GitHub [β branch] button now supports JSON API for switching to other timelines. (Toby: Wait... there are other timelines?) check-in: 964ca6a558 user: mario tags: trunk, github-1.0 | |
| ||
16:33 | (no comment) check-in: 547897f448 user: mario tags: trunk | |
16:29 | Plain Wedding theme by Peter Krantz. check-in: cf751e535f user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:03 | Introduce subquery in ui::recent_files to omit deleted files from GitHub filebox `(mlink.fnid NOT IN (SELECT fnid FROM mlink WHERE fid=0))`, and use sql::dir_exists rather than ::page_exists in the header. check-in: 468569b365 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
23:42 | Fixed sql::allowed dash once more ^^ and change GitHub top-level links to Wiki and Blog (=timeline/events). check-in: fd04448a06 user: mario tags: trunk | |
23:37 | Renamed database functions to sql:: prefix, fixed sql::allowed regex (dash escaped), ui::recent_files now accepts subdirectories and delimits paths into directory and file base names itself. Some magic to redirect dirs onto tree/ or wiki/ (if according page exists) to have the GitHub file box appear more frequently. check-in: 7804d3e465 user: mario tags: trunk | |
19:36 | GitHub-style file box now appears for subdirectories too, if there exists an accompanying Wiki page by that name. check-in: 35a85b85f3 user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:54 | Fixed filebox query, returns uuid for checkins and latest file artifact now. (Thanks to Stephan!) check-in: e2a823bde4 user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:53 | Fix for github language bar height, moved social-media-links into th1x, main content <table> styling, use Source Sans Pro for code/pre blocks. check-in: 8b7f68498c user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:49 | Added categorization for man pages. check-in: c5062a5f96 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
22:33 | GitHub: Optionalize #recent-files and #project-stats now also in TH1 code. check-in: 3741f13469 user: mario tags: trunk | |
22:10 | Add divs to make GitHub template non-expandy in Firefox. check-in: 4086c9cd5a user: mario tags: trunk | |
20:53 | Rewritten to utilize commandline fossil instead of retrieving and unpacking files over running web instance. (Not much faster.) check-in: c307d1b925 user: mario tags: trunk | |
18:46 | GitHub filebox now directly links to file artifacts. check-in: 164b689ad2 user: mario tags: trunk | |
15:03 | Stackoverflow-skin with updated TH1X, slim #language-bar positioning check-in: add39a01c8 user: mario tags: trunk | |
05:55 | GitHub theme with Unicode symbols and CSS fallback fonts; $current_page is now analyzed to influence stylesheet application. check-in: 6cee14e659 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
23:44 | Github-style template (not an exact duplicate, but similar enough to please the "Oh why don't you use Github!=?!" userbase). check-in: 463312e7c3 user: mario tags: trunk | |
23:36 | Disable _JSON_LIST generation per default check-in: 8f40616271 user: mario tags: trunk | |
23:34 | Add ui::last_commit, ui::recent_files, fix while{} function, and makes ui::stats populate plain string vars now instead. check-in: a1fc36a666 user: mario tags: trunk | |
23:32 | GitHub-style template, implements language-bar using `fx_stats` table, includes th1x.tcl, requires fossil-search-table.php being run beforehand. check-in: 5608fdba7e user: mario tags: trunk, statherian | |
| ||
01:31 | http://chiselapp.com/user/elucidata/repository/html5-skin/ check-in: d8d5e798d2 user: mario tags: trunk | |
01:04 | (no comment) check-in: 27b1e0f1ef user: mario tags: trunk | |
00:54 | GoogleCode style template (by Dmitry Chestnykh) check-in: d98b5bad2f user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
23:55 | Add basic url escaping for json requests back in, but don't escape path separators for file retrieval. Also fix crc32-RGB colors. check-in: 5df7308d06 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
23:21 | Just noticed you don't need [expr {...}] wrapping in builtin condition constructs. check-in: 609271e2c1 user: mario tags: trunk | |
23:20 | Fix variable name mismatch, urlencode() removed, so still issues with json/wiki/get/ result urls, and introduce project-stats.json output for repo listings. check-in: ee8ba8b9e8 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
04:42 | Hacked in colorized language proportion top bar. Added google-code-prettify and jQuery per default. check-in: db1227e36f user: mario tags: trunk | |
04:12 | Built-in lang_color() codes, and gradient for comment block; but still resort to crc32() for unknown language tags. check-in: cfffcbaa10 user: mario tags: trunk | |
02:34 | ui::lang_stats/fossil-search-update fix CSS properties and syntax check-in: 6db319ca67 user: mario tags: trunk | |
01:06 | Added display code ui::lang_stats for a sized-colorblock-per-language bar check-in: fc7ca56f06 user: mario tags: trunk | |
01:05 | Add automatic color codes for language tags to `fx_stats` check-in: 62533c551a user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
18:46 | Add `eq` function, `ui::stats` for new fx_stats table, ui::file_exists function, and better overview comments check-in: ebebd4da5e user: mario tags: trunk | |
18:45 | Fix variable handling, empty string probing, remove binary data from fx_stats lang_list. check-in: aee5eae93b user: mario tags: trunk | |
18:19 | Count source code languages and comment proportions for new `fx_stats` table. check-in: 73abacc011 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
17:58 | TH1 search display function now uses `fx_table` name. (No more fossil patch). Separate content scanning / search update script (PHP) now reads in tickets and checkin comments as well. check-in: f604db83b7 user: mario tags: trunk | |
17:56 | Updated to use `fx_search` table name instead. check-in: 2a6d5bb837 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
21:40 | Updated version, including the userland search (th1x.tcl functions). check-in: 00480a9e05 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
02:40 | bluesource theme based upon newssource from freehtml5templates check-in: a97b599852 user: mario tags: trunk | |
01:18 | default them with html5 structure tags check-in: c4f69bb806 user: mario tags: trunk | |
| ||
19:27 | saving mismatch for WST-1 theme check-in: 242b562940 user: mario tags: trunk | |
19:17 | screenshots for display check-in: efc5883133 user: mario tags: trunk | |