Collection of themes/skins for the Fossil SCM

βŒˆβŒ‹ βŽ‡ branch:  Fossil Skins Extra

exempt .not(".line-numbers pre") from syntax highlighting
mario authored 796 days ago last checkin 55998a2e1
πŸ“„ auth standardize PMD type: furtherβ€Ήβ€Ί 1154 days ago
πŸ“„ cat support for #access: flagβ€Ήβ€Ί 1158 days ago
πŸ“„ changelog support for #access: flagβ€Ήβ€Ί 1158 days ago
πŸ“„ config restructure form field outputβ€Ήβ€Ί 1158 days ago
πŸ“„ crashreport standardize PMD type: furtherβ€Ήβ€Ί 1154 days ago
πŸ“„ fossil_common.php Enable wikitag saving (via new `fossil_exec()`)β€Ήβ€Ί 1150 days ago
πŸ“„ fx_meta Support technotesβ€Ήβ€Ί 1064 days ago
πŸ“„ hooks Add +hea:der, multi-url, FOSSIL_REPOSITORY= env support. Change more β€Ήβ€Ί 1153 days ago
πŸ“„ index standardize PMD type: furtherβ€Ήβ€Ί 1154 days ago
πŸ“„ micropub standardize PMD type: furtherβ€Ήβ€Ί 1154 days ago
πŸ“„ project.json submitter+sitemap addedβ€Ήβ€Ί 1158 days ago
πŸ“„ sitemap Generates sitemap.xml from wiki pages, doc files, technotesβ€Ήβ€Ί 1057 days ago
πŸ“„ skin support for #access: flagβ€Ήβ€Ί 1158 days ago
πŸ“„ sqliteadmin standardize PMD type: furtherβ€Ήβ€Ί 1154 days ago
πŸ“„ survey support for #access: flagβ€Ήβ€Ί 1158 days ago
πŸ“„ survey_sum standardize PMD type: furtherβ€Ήβ€Ί 1154 days ago
πŸ“„ token standardize PMD type: furtherβ€Ήβ€Ί 1154 days ago
πŸ“„ trees standardize PMD type: furtherβ€Ήβ€Ί 1154 days ago
πŸ“„ user_config support for #access: flagβ€Ήβ€Ί 1158 days ago
πŸ“„ wikitag Enable wikitag saving (via new `fossil_exec()`)β€Ήβ€Ί 1150 days ago


extroot: is a config directive for serving CGI extensions in Fossil.
The repo script could contain for example:

repository: /fossil.d/sqlite.fossil
#directory: /fossil.d/
errorlog: /www/logs/fossil.errors.txt
cgi-debug: /www/logs/fossil.cgi.debug.log
extroot: /fossil.d/extroot

And the extroot/ dir would contain executable/CGI scripts, which then become accesssible as
See for a live view. (Note that all examples here rely on php-cgi; thus probably won't work easily with chroot-jailed fossil setups.)

Note: fossil_common.php is now a required dependency for most scripts.

auth / token

Is a basic IndieAuth authorization_endpoint. Which permits using fossil accounts for federated logins. It requires adding homepage urls either in info column, or per ext/user_config in new homepage field. And then augmenting your personal homepage with:

<link rel=authorization_endpoint href="">
<link rel=token_endpoint href="">

Thenceforth you can use one account for logging into various services (via e.g. or The protocol is based on OAuth 2.0, but more convenient; it's also the spiritual successor to OpenID.


Both auth/token are also intended to be used with the publishing API. Which is actually intended for blogging, but here used to submit wiki pages or technotes from an external editor/app. It should be bound on a user homepage or in the repo with:

<link rel=micropub href="">

The implementation is a bind long-winded, because it prepares for a more general micropub editor.


Allows logged in users to edit or new user.homepage field. (Both are scanned by auth extension for urls.)


Simply lists existing CGI scripts.


Is a cgi-prefixed version of phpLiteAdmin, only accessible to admin users (s capability). Which allows some simpler table browsing than /admin_sql. Primarily useful for data tables. Unfortunately you can't limit browsing or queries to elected tables - would be a more useful tool if it could be made accessible to any developer.


Basic backend to store application errors/exceptions as tickets. (When submitted as JSON blob per POST request.)


Combines editing of header/footer/css/js/th1-setup for current skin. (Sidesteps draftX publishing, and keeps ample backups instead.)


Generates <meta> twitter card fields for wiki pages. (Was supposed to also embed raw/ <link>s for file browsing, but that's probably better done in a th1 function.)


Is an ext/ version of the /cat/filename.txt shorthand.


Allows to set additional project options (utilizes plugin meta data from all scripts).


Emulates GitHub’s trees API.


Extroot-version of the NEWS-file generator.