* type: template
* title: Submit form import sidebar
* description: Import function sidebar section.
* Local stylesheet addition for making it slightly less prominent
* until hovered over.
.submit-import.trimmed { display: none; }
<form action="/submit" method=POST enctype="multipart/form-data" class="submit-import trimmed">
Automatically fill in basic project description
<select name=import_via style="font-size: 125%"><option title="releases.json, common.js, package.json, bower.json, composer.json">JSON<option title="Description of a Project XML">DOAP<option title="Python Package Info">PKG-INFO<option title="Freecode.com project listing">freecode<option title="Sourceforge.net project homepage">sourceforge</select>
<small>Which file format or service to use for importing.</small>
with Name
<input type=text name=import_name placeholder=project-id maxlength=33 pattern="^[\w-_.]+$">
<small>Prior project name on freecode or sourceforge.</small>
or File Upload
<input type=file name=import_file size=5 placeholder="releases.json">
<small>Upload a project.json or .doap or PKG-INFO summary.</small>
<input type=submit value="Import and Edit">
But please don't perform mass-imports.
When copying from freecode/sourceforge try to bring the description
up to date. Edits ensure their reusability under the CC-BY-SA license.